How can a page so big be this deluded from reality? Just reading these headlines makes me lose a little hope in our cause, how can normies believe everything is fine as the world collapses around them?
Reddit Cancer
because they are too stupid to realize that the rapidly bubbling pot isnt a hot tub
Stay there.
Because they live sheltered lifestyles.
99% of these people only know the world through the leftist media and their only contact with migrants is with the guy at the local kebab shop.
Meanwhile they live confortably in their parents house without any problem.
Because they banned and are censoring a lot of content that disagrees with them.
That as well.
Any sort of comment showing data and statistics is removed and the user banned with the excuse that they are promoting islamophobia.
It's been subverted by CTR now Shareblue/CREW. during the Primaries it was pretty shit then sometime back in July when their budget was increased by 6mil from 1mil within 24 hours the politics sub was taken over. it was like night and day. Now with Shareblue announced to have a 40mil budget for shills back a few weeks ago pretty much all default subs have been subverted.
I'm sure other anons have saved their playbook of sockpuppeting anti-trump new subs every week + buying of old accounts.
Try explaining color to a blind man.
>Reddit supporting white people because they hate Trump
>Sup Forums hating white people because they love Trump
Sup Forums is all about the working class white, not the SWPL tier libshit faggot that inhabits reddit.
The rednecks? Actually that does explain a lot of things.
Wow sven, Thats a lot of contempt you are showing for your lower class, i thought your country was all about socialism, not elitist snobbery.
That was before anonymous message boards gave idiotic rednecks the ability to speak with me with some delusion of authority
he said while ahmed fucks his sister in his bed
rednecks are always smarter than city folks, not in the ' college educated liberal' way but in the 'real life experience' way. you know, actual intelligence.
So you have always hated the working class, you just liked pretending you did because you could be separated from them. Got it.
Well you have to remind yourself that redditors are not "normies" in the traditional sense they are the type of failed normies everyone fucking hates because of how annoying and pretentious people I've ever met always butting in and chipping into topics they are patricians with diverse and sophiscated taste fuck those faggots.
>rednecks are always smarter than city folks
I lived among them for 5 years, I think I know a little more than you do.
>kim dotcom still hasn't been v&?
what the fuck is going on?
Some user in another thread asked how to stop reddit cancer and the shareblue/CTR propaganda.
Thread got deleted befor I could post.
Her is my answer.
If you want to harm Shariablue/CTR and their propaganda machine you should exaggerate their methods and tactics. Push extreme leftist bullshit and fake Anti-Trump stories. Identity politics that everybody is fed up with.
Destroy the 'user-friedly' experience. Normal users should be fed up with their propaganda and force Reddit/Twitter/Facebook to act. Their bubbles are going to pop!
You are destroying their reach. Users will unsubscribe, block their shit, filter out their propaganda and so on.
Their message is going to be received as prejudiced. Our bullshit is going to be associated with their message. It is going to be downvoted, ignored and maybe even attacked.
You are hurting them big time because every dollar they spend on a story is going get lost in the shuffle of bullshit. They are going to waste money big time and nobody is going to donate more money on something that has no effect.
Tell me sven, are you in favor of the replacement of your ethnic lower class their equivalent of the third world? Would you imagine that they would be better than the people you already show such disdain to?
Agree and amplify
But i disagree on one thing, theyll still shovel money into these fruitless things. Its an attempt at 1984 only run by retards
This, you get banned very easily on there. Also if you get negative karma which you will for being non-cucked, you can only post once every 10 minutes.
Gotta out Jew the Jew. Really isn't that hard.
Well, let them burn more money.
My bad to assume they would learn and invest their money on other things.
>How can a page so big be this deluded from reality?
Narrative and context control.
Reddit got some hate speech laws of the retarded "hurts my fillings therefore hate" caliber, is a center for disgruntled SJW willing to willify and misrepresent, works as a hub for well-meaning but largely ignorant masses.
Reasonable but it's also important to know how and where. For example, while acting like antifa and going with violence the way they did could work, it'd be also undermining the very stance that led most of reasonable people to oppose such movements.
While in theory "eye for eye" seems more practical, maintaining certain moral superiority provides benefits on its own once acts of both sides are summed up and compared.
I do agree however that people should be able to exaggerate stuff but more importantly - people should be able to point out bullshit and explain how that is a bullshit.
Sometimes I wonder if Sup Forums shouldn't actually make regular ventures to reddit. Hellhole as it is, it's one where many reasonable, but manipulated and gullible people reside who aren't redpilled simply because red pill was never offered to them without a few walls of warnings and demonizing on the way. For the same reason I consider making a twitter account.
This could even be a thread on its own. Anons like to discuss and whine but only the best actually do something, organize themselves, work to make things even a tiny bit better outside of the board. This is something we need much more, especially given how naive, but fired up SJW can be when people pull their feelings by the strings and more intelligent people, even if in majority, don't oppose them, being all passive.
Reddit used to be a little left. But it is totally around the bend, now. Used to go to r/worldpolitics and other boards and drop redpills but the whole site is so cancerous I haven't even done that in quite a while. The front page is always just loaded with anti-Trump shit, and (((mods))) delete everything they don't like.
Its run by ctr and literal retards
Where's the fake news?
But the fox news report he cited has been debunked.
Stupid fucking faggots Sup Forumslacks, emphasis on lacks.
>le everything is great in sweden
The one about Montenegro is actually true. Montenegro is the last country in Europe with access to the Mediterranean sea that isn't in NATO and for the past decade has been HEAVILY invested in by Russia (to keep them out of NATO). One Serb and two Russians were arrested after inciting riots and trying to storm the parliament because of the Montenegrin NATO application.
If we do, it shouldn't be more obvious shilling like t_d, it should be spamming reddit with stupid and obnoxious anti-trump propaganda and subreddits so that more moderates are pushed away from the left.
you cant debunk immigrants raping people and going to join ISIS
The alternative facts still prove it.
echo-chamber, confirmation bias.
we are not free from this either, we just have 'no filter' of what could be in the 'realm of reality' because we realize that reality is absurd and normality is just a sheltered version of reality. one that keeps people in check and is designed to numb them until it's too late.
One giant echo chamber of shit...