Fighting antifa

watch this, look at how these russian dudes fight, they flattened the england fans while being outnumbered 10 to 1 because they went in head-first and stuck together. they train as a team and go to the gym regularly.

most antifas are skinny numales who don't even lift, it doesn't take much to knock them down, they rely on pepper spray and bits of wood to pull cheap shots on unsuspecting victims.

what we need is an organisation, like an army of hardened dudes with divisions in every city there to counter antifa riots and chimpouts when they happen. because this shit is going to get more common as the trump admin continues doing it's thing and the deportations ramp up.

you don't even have to be a big guy, numbers and tactics will win most of the fight. we need to make sure antifa meets sheer brutal opposition that will not tolerate their antics.

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You know why they flattened the english?
The english stopped being hooligans and turned into fat old drunk slobs.
Russians and eastern types use hooligan fights as sport and fitness.
Thats the real difference, I cant see russian hools flattening poles, balkan types or greeks like this. ever.

Englands days are over, on and off the pitch.

Timestamp to the good stuff? It's 58 minutes long.

We should convince hooligans into hating what we hate, we'd get huge numbers

lol england is filled with a bunch of pussies AHAHAHHAHAHA

4:58 chair to the head.

true but i'll add that most of the people they attacked that day were middle aged men having a drink in the sun

it's their tactics i'm interested in
mostly at the start
another good idea

you only need about 30 or so guys to make an impact, stick together and move forward quickly, make sure no antifa left behind is still on his feet

If you brit bongs can riot over a fucking soccer match I'm sure you riot to kick some commie antifa heads in.

Hooligans are aggressive and easy to get into big groups, imagine a bunch of hooligans charging into the antifa shitheads

exactly, you'd barely have to do anything, just the sight of 50 men coming their direction will send most of them packing, any leftovers get knocked down. then we record it and post webms of it here

but i'll stress that it should only happen against rioters, attacking peaceful protesters will make us worse than them

Russian here. Didn't watch the full video so don't know if they mention it but at some point in the late 90 early 2000s it was confirmed that racist and hooligan orgs like these were funded and in some cases organised by kremlin agents.

now they seem to be getting rid of them in the run up to the world cup

They did well against unorganised holidaymakers.
It helps when your State does not confiscate the passports of thousands of your better fighters

I hope

>you don't even have to be a big guy

Too late for that.


I think Vanguard of Liberty was working on that, but I'm not sure if that worked out or if it still a thing.


Pretty sure that is how Ultras works in Europe. Most of them are nationalist. They hate Antifa and Communist as much as anyone else does.

also fuck germanistan.

>imagine a bunch of hooligans charging into the antifa shitheads

looks about right, now imagine that x10

You might need to take a moment of honest self reflection of you're trying to organize an ad hoc militia on an anonymous paper folding forum to fight against a group of people you label as anti fascist.

>now imagine that x10
antifags would simply run away in that situation

I hope every nigger you send them comes back in a bodybag along with every libcuck faggot.

Sometimes I dream of running a tourist service to bring in Russians to murder your mudshits for fun.

What's the worst that could happen to them, a ten year prison sentence with probation? Community service?

just throwing some ideas around, there needs to be some sort of resistance to antifa when they get violent


>some sort of resistance to antifa when they get violent
It's called police. Let the law handle it. Don't answer violence with more violence.

>t. ShareBlue
I hope those 0.02 shekels are worth it, cuck

Would you join the neo pagan straight edge neonazi bodybuilder hooligans of russia?

I wouldn't, but I often watch this video to motivate me for sports

>they flattened the england fans while being outnumbered 10 to 1 because they went in head-first and stuck together.
Maybe they where the only ones that wanted to fight.

The police never handle it the way they're supposed to. They're still told what to do by the chief of police who is more often than not in bed with leftist politicians.

Well obviously.
England "hools" are mostly just your typical bydlo who drink and cant behave (like britons abroad in general)

>Vanguard of Liberty

You mean that gay shit on Twitter that they were shilling about here?

Stupid idea. One of the reasons why we're winning is because antifa makes us look like the good guys every time they beat someone up.

The left is attacking with violence it makes them look unhinged. The right attacks with words which gets is more support.

Most people didn't know who Richard Spencer was until he got punched, whem he was punched millions heard his name and read his materiel.

And the media's reaction to it saying it's ok to punch people delegitimised them even further while pushing us even further to the top.

Even normies don't like antifa, they make us look sympathetic, antifa makes people listen to us.

We're winning. So there's no need to lose by beating them at their own game.


>Identitarian movement stickers
Cant believe they made it to Russia with this design

This, and especially in big leftcuck cities where these riots happen.

yeah you're probably right, still it's nice to think about

if they have fighters trying to beat up people just buy a gun and shoot in the limbs, head or the chest for safe escape from distance

Fuck thats where I live, didnt even know this happened


This is currently the truth, however as more and more people become united against the liberal disease, harsher forms of retribution will become customary and acceptable.

The funniest thing is that they wont make it past the group stage.

He has a point tho.

"Western" men are too busy being pretty and well groomed.

Why are you posting a picture of based PPDM Father Frost to this? Unrelated pic.

What's up with that reporter in the documentary? He calls that sort of fighting brutal and the guys fighting desensitized? It was barely worse than standard fisticuffs. They obviously weren't out to kill each other.

Frankly, I've seen more brutal fights in elementary school.

And then that Dennis dude. Called him remorseless when the guy said that he hopes that the guy he kicked in the head did eventually get up.

I'm by no means a tough, mannish man and not a fan of hooliganism, but this reporter is some sort of an ultra-pansy.

>days are over, on and off the pitch

england had their day on the pitch? i dont believe it.


Yeah. 51 years ago. And it was more of a "day" rather than days plural.

I wish we could pick a sport we're actually good at as a national sport like cricket or rugby. Or go the American route; invent our own sports that no one else plays and call ourselves world champions.


Isn't rugby that already? Who else is playing it aside from other Anglos and some crazy Serbs?

Also this

We only need to stand our ground, the public is already moving on our side

hd version of the documentary?

France, Italy, Japan, Argentina.. A few places in Europe I think Romania was in the 2015 World Cup.

... But fair enough point taken lol. Even then we still get our arses kicked by our colonies.

That's what skinheads did in Russia. Recently I read an article by a marxist about how skins infiltrated football hooligan subculture

>if you kill your enemies, they win!

this passive attitude is why we're being replaced. grow testicles

>unironically maiming each other over recreative activity you don't even participate in

Support this guy Sup Forums, Great if he becomes top comment.

You're not wrong, lad.

But what OP here is suggesting is something of a "response team" to antifa faggotry, if you will.

I can't imagine people would hold a dim light to a small group of ultras swiftly knocking down a group of libs having a chimpout.

>ruskies train all year round to beat on middle-aged drunk men

Not impressed tbqh m8, football violence is retarded as it is without turning it into some sort of death cult.

Beard? Get back to the Skadovsk!

Using your words when it comes to the realm of politics isn't passivity. If you respond to political violence with political violence you both lose if your goal is for people to take your politics seriously.

You know how it would get spun. If you have trained response teams you'll get likened to Hitler's brown shirts.

And then you'll be good for one fight before you all end up in the clink.

Who cares. I am young and I want blood.

Might makes right! 14/88 JOSUE LIBERTAD !!


What timestamp OP? I ain't watching monkeys seeking a ball

It wouldn't really be hard to escape and evade in that sort of situation. What's more, if you wear all black, you'd quite easily blend in that sea of Antifag.

Holy shit, who gave those shirts to the special education kids? What a prank!

iiirc english hooligan firms are banned from travelling. they beat up random fans, including people there with their kids.

bump when you finish>>

Stfu scum go jack off to some porn and enjoy it while you can because the day is coming and vermins like you would be the first ones going down! ARE YOU SCARED? NO???? YOU WILL BE SOON ENOUGHT DON'T WORRY

starting a "soccer fan club" in the states would be a great way to fly under the radar and still prep for antifa without creating too much attention.

I couldn't watch the whole thing and listen to this fag clutching his pearls. What I did see makes me supportive of the russians

Haha, lol


they'd beat every burger to death, just because you say soccer

>britbongers show up
>make a fucking mess
>sawtoothed cackling and smashing bottles
>russian hools try to clean up the glass with the britbonger's faces

I see nothing wrong here?

Wat zyde gy tot my, gy kleine duyvelspecht? Ik beveel ge er kennis van te neemen dat ik met lof ende goedkeuring een kaapersbrief heb gehad van Willem van Oranje ende betrokken ben geweest by talryke geheyme offensieven tegen Alva en de zyne, en zelfstandig meer dan drie honderden Spanjolen heb omgelegd. Ik ben gehard by den Katergeuzen en ben den beste schutter onder den Nederlandsche vlag. Ge bent niet meer dan myn zoveelste doelwit. Ik zal u uyt myne gewest verwyderen met een nauwkeurigheid die de wereld nog nimmer aangechouwen had. Let op myn verdomde woorden! Gy denkt dat ge deze leuhgenpraat aan my kan verkoopen per postduyf? Gy had tweemaal moeten denken, cattengehspuys! In dezen tyd dat ik deze missive opstel, stuur ik opdracht naar myn geheymen samenstel van verspieders ende vloerduyven, verspreid door den Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden en wordt dezen postduyf gevolgd, dus ge kunt zich maar beter voorbereiden op den storm, rabaut. Den storm die het bedroevenden klyne ding dat gy uw leven noemt weg zal vaagen. Gy bent dood, kind. Ik kan overal, ten alle tyden zyn ende ik kan ge op zeven honderden wyzen doden, ende dat is slechts met myne bloten handen. Niet alleen zyt ik veelomvattend geoefend in den ongewapenden krygskunst, maar alsmede heb ik het voltallige arsenaal der watergeuzen ter myner beschikking ende ik zal dat benutten om uwer lamlendigen achtereinde van het vastenland te vagen, gy klynen schobbejak. Als gy had geweten wat voor eene goddelooze vergelding uw 'geestige' missive teweeg zou brengen, had ge misschien op uwen tong gebeten. Maar dat kon ge niet. Gy deed het niet ende nu zult ge de tol betalen, gy verdomde smeerkanis. Ik zal furie over u schyten en gy zult er in verzuypen. Ge zyt dood, hoerenzeune.

if possible anymore, you need to lower your IQ down to about 5.

Basically this

i mean raise it


>wow savage behavior so based


This fucking commie documentary. Fuck this memeshit.

>English cucks start rioting and destroying foreign property
>Russian civilians come into aid and knock everyone unconscious
And then this is anti Russian propaganda.

Trash and fake fucking news.

Que carallo dixeches da miña Jalisia ti, media merda? Direiche que gradueime con honores nos mariscadores de Rianxiño, e teño estado relacionado con multiples asaltos secretos contra os putos ilejales jodendo pulpos polas pedras, e teño mais de 300 pauasos confirmados neses fillos de puta. Estou entrenado en manejo de fousiño e son o máximo exemplar de todos os forestadores do Barbanza. Ti para min non eres mais que outro toxo. Arrancareiche de raís cunha precisión que aínda nunca se veu nesta comarca, que che quede claro. Ti pensas que ser un comemerdas en Internet che vai saír jratis? Pensato ben cabrón. Ahora mesmo estoulle pedindo a contraseña de wifi ó camarero, e penso avisar a meu tío Fransisco pra que traia o todoterreno. Así que preparata pra a tormenta, fulano. A tormenta de ostias que che vai deixar a cara coma a suela dun sapato. Estás morto, neno. Podo estar en todos lados, a calquer hora a partir de que volvamos do mar, e podo escarallarche vivo en mais de setesentas maneiras. E eso e só usando o sacho que levo no maletero. Non solo eso, teño á miña disposisión todos os tipos da cofradía que están aquí a tomar o vermú, e penso avisalos a todos pra que che abran a cabesa. Se ten solo soubeses o que fasías cando merdaposteaches sobre Jalisia, ó mellor habías estar calado. Pero non o podías saber, non o fixeches, e ahora vas pajar o pato. Me cajo en dios que non che vai conoser nin túa nai. Estás morto, rapás.

The anglos will kneel before their slavic overlords.

>It's called police. Let the law handle it.

Agreed. Attending riots is a good way to earn serious jail time regardless of which side you are on.

>Don't answer violence with more violence.

However, self-defense by armed lethal force is an American civil right. While you should go looking for trouble, it might find you, and you should be ready to end the threat.


They all need to work out a lot more.
I'm guessing you're the one with the shades on? Edgy kiddo.

I bench 100 kg

How about cardiovascular?

implying being one of trumps brown shirts is a bad thing. democracy is at stake bitch, we need to make these skinny jean wearin antifa faggots quake in their boots at the mere thought of silencing someones free speech


England Rugby team is world class... wtf are you talking about.

the law can't or won't do their jobs for political reasons. when the law stops defending the people it is the duty of the people to defend the people

>100 kg bench
Is that supposed to be impressive?