this is getting out of hand.
Why do euros hate each other so much?
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It's natural for people to hate eachother, specially if they're geographically distant.
Shut up Spen
this is exactly what i am talking about
I'll fuck you up you stupid algerian immigrant
Say that to my face stupid moor
they've been like this since long before the USA was created just let them be.
Because we were the most powerful continent and killed each other for thousands of years? It will takes times before we really start to unite.
Unite under a caliphate?
Give it a hundred years.
If european coutries were shoes we would be glorious high heels and you would be flip-flops
I wonder if (((someone))) has something to do with it.
flip-flops are comfy while high heels are pretentious and degenerate, I'm ok with that
we profit from this
keep fighting my european brothers ;)
Continental banter.
Frogs like to walk like a woman?
Makes sense considering how you've spread your pussy to Germany in the past.
Why do they only talk about hate between countries? There is hate inside countries too
For instance I hate you stupid andaluz, get a job stop living from welfare and working a month a year with those juicy subsidies
Same shit to you, fucker.
How does it feel that you're also a failure to your nation you huge fucking disappointment?
t. Navarran
Hi, I'm Portuguese :)
Look it's Spain retarded brother
Holy shit look at this retard. Holy shit.
because europeans have history.
America is the best nation on Earth. You Yuropoors hate each other to vent out your impotent rage for not being like America.
>implying we're not your only real friend in this world
Oi, you little cunt. You leave Portugal alone.
>jealous of not being 56%
Fucking faggot kekekek
This is how Europe became the powerhouse it was. The destruction of this is how Europe started to decline after WW2
The French and British have been murdering eachother regularly for about a thousand years m8. They couldn't even keep from trying to shank eachother on the sly in WWII for a bit.
French people don't shower. The British don't brush their teeth.
Both are trash degenerates that leach of the innovation of the U.S. Who cares.
Why don't you have universal health care mate?? What kind of country do you live in?
I live in the one that spends all of their money on leading r&d in the medical field and let your cuntries leach off of our discoveries leading to your shit cuntries having cheaper healthcare costs while we pay for the innovation.
All of Europe is communist trash.
Do you know why Americans are fat? Because we have so much money we can afford to be. Have fun eating your dry bland food and being a 140lb cuck that wears tap-out shirts.
Are you talking about Italy?
Ta gueul france
>implying it isn't just a samefag that made both threads
i fucking hate spain
Lol the polack is rigth
It's a thing called 'culture'/
>During the late 16th century England found itself fighting against Spain which at this time was in personal union with Portugal
>A further marriage between the Portuguese and English royal families occurred with the Marriage Treaty in 1662 when Charles II of England married Catherine of Braganza, daughter of King John IV of Portugal.
Who's the moor rapebaby now huh?
>Spain mongrels
People in glass houses shouldn't be so quick to throw stones my (((white))) friend. You are aware there is actually little race mixing in America, and its more at 63 percent.
See you in the next civil war. Can't wait to take walks with you.
Border friction and constantly wanting a river.
We already burried you in our minds burger, you are at the point of no return.
RIP burgers, it was almost a pleasure to know your obnoxious and fat faces.
You, my friend! You!
>The Spanish occupation by the Moors began in 711 AD when an African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invaded the Iberian peninsula 'Andalus' (Spain under the Visigoths).
just let me live in my fantasy land
Yet we expelled an dkilled them all, except for moortugal that continued a caliphate until they moored you
At least we don't have Sharia Law Zones
our hatred for eachother keeps us thriving
Often they don't. But there are some grievances spanning generations US colonists disassociated themselves with and their offspring never experienced or felt any connection to. Wars, invasions, mistreatment combined with push for progressiona nd better living is what fueled development of european powers but also created lots of blood and pain.
Similar on board where most anns who aren't shitposting are mostly going by stereotypes reinforced by events and greivances stemming from dreadful history. To be honest, you country, while not experiencing similar in the same way, has a "babby's first" version of it with people from different states giving each other shit at times.
Oh no. France has buried us in their tiny minds! Will America ever recover?
Why do you nd all your white friends talk shit about eachother when they leave the room?
That is why
That is why euro has fought eachother so much,
but yeah, we aren't gonna get shit done until we stop hatinng eachother
I love you all (white) bros. Even the americans fatasses.
>Even having friends
You know, you like them but they dont care for Spain. Italy never truely cared for Spain
Yes, however the culimation of this was the World Wars and the distruction of European countries as relevant geopolitical actors. It WW1 never should've happened
Why do Americans call us Yuropoors when we are often far wealthier in terms of finances, education and health? Thats before we even begin to touch on culture, history and heritage.
Isn't there any state in the US that you wish you could hate to death or at least start a war with?
Europe is the only continent which has named itself. Constant competition and strife has paved the way to progress. America has had its grudges, but on another scale like the Soviet union.
At least we have Gibraltar.
>America is meme'ing LePen into office to save France
>FrenchBro insults us
Okay, we'll just let mohammad take over then.
>pic related
Pretty easy to fix it desu
>oh shit maybe he's right, maybe we're the poor
>checks flag
>its ireland
Hello, greatest ally.
It's just tradition.
That explains why it is full of mosques. I remember that time Franco cut every relationship with Gibraltar and it became a shithole. It was pretty funny.
But the average worker in Ireland earns significantly more than the average worker in the USA. That before you take into account the many additional social benefits received here such as mostly free healthcare and education.
In comparisons to Western Europeans, Americans are quite poor. Sorry if it offends but its true.
This post carries the full authority of the United States Military. Democracy incoming to this thread via drone strikes of freedom in 5...4....3...2...1...
Oh okay NOW i believe you.
This. Europeans spent thousands of years fucking each other up in constant wars across the continent. Once we got bored of that we ventured out into the wider world and fucked everybody else up, conquering every bit of land we found and slaughtering the natives. Every single country on Earth has at one time been under the control of a European country. The only reason our influence has degraded is because of kikery of the highest order that caused WW1 and WW2, decimating our numbers and destroying our infrastructure. If not for the international Jew and his tricks, the British Empire might still exist and the world would be in a significantly better place than it currently is.
t. Ching chong
You've done a better job at that, I think.
>Americans can't even get doubles
Thats a good burger.
I'll do it 4u
>be English
>post about how you are so proud of your country and culture, in English
>be French
>post about how you are so proud of your country and culture, in English
I think we know who's the cuck and who's not.
Because we have more culture per square mile than burgers have in their entire country. White culture clashes, not like the ghetto terror you burgers have.
>im sad that were importing violent cultures by the shiploads
I have to point out that the matter of using the language is for the sake of convenience. Since it's what anons using this board agreed to communicate through - they do so to share their opinions. Similar with me - while I know my country has issues, I also am proud of certain things but I communicate with you in English simply because typing to you in Polish would only unnecessarily confuse things and make it harder (or impossible without outside help of translators etc) for others to understand my message.
It's only logical that French user used the language that will allow him to talk with other around the world rather than his native one. I'd bet you a fiver, even when I don't know that user, that when he discusses things with people knowing French, he speaks in French.
Then why are you getting culturally enriched if you have so much culture?
because we have always been multiculti. You can't help but hate the other.
because white altruism grew into a suicidal cancer called leftism.
And don't imply that the usa is just fine and dandy on that regard
>Why do euros hate each other
1945 meme magic still working its effect
I wouldn't dream of it toothpaste.
Euros have always hated each other. It's the number one proof that the "white race" is a complete fiction.
It's more or less the same as 'murrican attitudes towards spics and canucks, left to marinade few hundred years extra give or take depending on the ethnicity and nation in question.
this made me laugh desu
Imagine living next to Canada in it's current form for 2000 years.
Now you understand.
From same reason why you have mexicans. Western europe is full of shitskins and cucks. Eastern europe is full of gypsies.
Czechia is the best country in the world. But fuck off, we re full
Also we can use guns.
God the horror. I am sorry Eurofriends, I had no idea
DIVIde and concquer fags.
They are ages old arguments where everyone's forgotten why they even hate each other anymore.
As you are an american i can understand how you don't know much about history before america.
vitun ryssät ja svedut perkele
Adversity, competitivity, wars, and experience in hard times made us superiors.
Look what continent colonized the world, created nations, and spread its model to all others.
Then you'll understand.
Because of the Jews
Most people here really only hate the French language.
she's a big girl
For you
A healthy competitive drive is the reason tiny Belgium was able to brutally enslave and live off of the niggers in the Congo, despite both having a comparable amount of time to develop - the Congolese even more than the Belgians.
niggers are high est,
europeans are high test.
>In 1896, Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist living in Austria-Hungary, published Der Judenstaat ("The Jews' State" or "The State of the Jews"), in which he asserted that the only solution to the "Jewish Question" in Europe, including growing antisemitism, was the establishment of a state for the Jews.
Motherfuckers. They planned the whole thing fifty years before it happened.
Was making me uneasy part of your plan?
I liked Canadians until seeing leafs post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. And I liked Mexico before they flooded into my country by the millions.
Euros can't usually go a few years without shooting eachother
Of course.