They come to our country, live here for years, and yet never integrate. They are just like the muslims, they stick to their own communities and never integrate. I've met some with British citizenship that could barely speak English.
Polish 'people' problem
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Morda zdrajco.
My girlfriend is Polish and she speaks great English, she has fully integrated and she is very good looking.
Your problem is that you're most likely one (or all) of the following;
I agree SOME Polish immigrants never integrate but more do than don't.
>had to get a cheap polish whore because he was too low status to get a western woman
The same arguments could be made for muslims and are just as valid.
How exactly is he, Autistic, unemployed and uneducated? He's fucking right. Poles are niggers.
You claim the Poles are 'niggers' yet your arguments are weak with no evidential basis.
You are using nigger-tier arguments to boost your claim when in fact you are quite wrong.
Why would they integrate when everyone hates them before they know them
Why don't you take eastern euro immigrants, when will Finland get ethnically enriched?
Second generation will be fully integrated. And at least they are white and don't irritate your eyes with brown skin, turbans or hijabs.
You're fooling nobody, mateusz. kek, get the fuck out of Germany you subhuman polish cunt.
>check file's name Ahmed
I worked in a warehouse during the summer before starting uni. 90% were polish and only spoke in polish, despite the language policy being strictly English and speaking a foreign language would get you fired. They all lived in the same areas pretty much or all lived in the same crowded flat or house, shared between 5 or 6 of them. I also fucked around with a Polish slut for about 6 months. Same story, only Polish friends, most didn't speak proper English, and had no intention of doing.
You're a pussywhipped cuck and blinded to the truth because you need your tart to put out.
>western woman
oh yes, those respectable britsih women
>having no facts
>being this salty
polish dude here currently doing my phd in computer science and work for german aerospace center
what do you do?
Poles are the niggers of Europe. Turks are better than you.
>things that never happened
I'd have no issue with poles if they integrated, better them than some shitskins.
Excuse me but I'm an Englishman through and through and my Polish girlfriend only has English friends.
You are taking your personal story as the evidence of 100% of Polish people within the United Kingdom.
You are factually incorrect.
Most Poles integrate.
Most Poles speak English.
I'm also politically extreme right-wing so you cannot call me a "pussywhipped cuck".
You have just had a shit ordeal and want to blame 100% for the 1%.
Pretty much the same over here. I don't understand it though, I've met a few decent poles with white characteristics but they've all been natives that come here as tourists.
Are polish immigrants subhuman filth or are they all subhuman filth and I've met the few with kraut blood in them?
You do realise that nearly every polish woman I see is a coal burner right? kek, its fucking hilarious.
Western women includes UK, Denmark, Norway, France, etc, you complete bell end.
I know polish people I used to work with 6 years ago who STILL can't speak any English.
Who can blame them for not bothering when there is no social pressure for them to integrate and learn the host language.
Polish people are not the problem.
>bow down to the mighty eagle
My personally story is based from working in an enormous warehouse with at least 500 employees. Most Polish. So I'm not talking out of my ass or making inferences out of nowhere. That is enough people to make a decent inference. And what I'm saying is corroborated by most people that have interacted with them.
All Poles I've met and worked with where sound people, hard workers and very open. Maybe it's just you?
Your country ceased to exist for hundreds of years. In that time you were raped by Germans and then by Russians. You're like the most pathetic race of people in Europe. You don't even deserve a country
That isn't enough people. 500 out of 900,000 is not enough people to make a 'decent inference' regarding the behaviour of ethnic Poles within the United Kingdom.
>You don't even deserve a country
What do you mean by we don't deserve to own UK?
I use Mr Sheen, it's great
And by the fucking way, the polish women I fucked around with lived in a city on the other side of the country from the warehouse. Yet I had the same experience in both major cities.
>hundreds of years
Bribong once again proves he doesnt know history.
>6ft vs 5ft 11
That makes zero sense. You see lads, this is what I'm talking about. Subhuman poles with their nigger tier IQs are incapable of speaking the English language.
>checks flag
> Gets confronted with facts, still stays mad.
>Implying your shit history is worth knowing
You're a meme country.
I have no idea what poles do in britain, but I can tell you, that the people who abandon their country for economic reasons, are usually cancer. I wouldn't be surprised if the polish majority there is eastern "polish", aka russian gopnik
He was obviously referring to anglos
"British criminals".
Most are shitskins or other foreigners with citizenship, from being born here or applying for it.
They're pure scum
I know plenty of Polish people and none match this description that you state whatsoever.
Most polls use less than 500 people, learn basic stats you retard.
>"British criminals".
Have you ever been to Liverpool?
At least they are white and not muslim.
You're using an outlier to back your argument, I'm using the norm to back mine.
>implying your histor its worth knowing
It doesnt matter what you think of us,but you should learn about things you want to talk about before speaking about tchem if you dont want to look like a retard.
You trust polls?
I'm from Manchester originally, I'm well aware of the existence of the degenerate inbred white under class.
No. Statistics prove otherwise. Your experience is one backed up by those who only wish to see the negative side of immigration.
What you witness is the, at most, 15% of the ethnic Polish population within the United Kingdom.
Same mate
There's a bunch of Polish bastards that live by me and they do nothing but drink all day and shout at teenagers
if something doesn't get done about them I'm going to start taking care of it myself
>I'm fine with Britain becoming non-British as long as the colonizers aren't mudslims
I don't mind the Poles, the working ones anyway. Especially if they are Christian. It's the Muslim rape gangs that are the non-integrating problem. And the news channels won't even mention them, won't even call them Muslim's, protecting criminals because of political correctness. Un-fucking-real.
They are a Trojan horse, and they are Legion.
I get mad nationalistic after a pint or two of ale. I see where nige gets his mojo from.
Just google Shirebrook.
Since they moved 10,000 Polish into an ex mining town with a population of about 5000 ...we've had zero hour contract jobs, aborted fetuses left in public toilets.
Crime and Murder (Shirebrook last previous murder was back in the 1800's).
All the white folk here now have to keep their big black curtains drawn all day like it's the 1940's.
>taking care of anything
Cmon mate, stop talking out of ya ass. You ain't doing shit bout it, you're here just to vent your inability to act, just like most of posters on 4chinkz.
>the working ones anyway
You mean the ones who turn up to work but do nothing all day?
>Poles integrate
Fuck off you treacherous cunt.
They are incredibly clique. Gave fellow poles the best jobs and promotions in the warehouse. I've never met such horrible people before or since. They thought they were better than everyone because they were earning 1 quid more than everyone as team leaders. Hilarious.
The decent lads that I met were Lithuanians, Latvians, and Hungarians.
We don't drink during the day or weekdays, paddy
I know a Moldavian lad. He's pretty sound.
You've provided one example, okay.
Three places (two cities) in Yorkshire (North and West) that have high Polish populations. Average crime rates, low wages (as always in the North) and have good integration levels.
>Just google Shirebrook.
Googled: "Shirebrook fetus"
No results.
Shhhh my little troll, have a sip of milk and off with your teddy for a nap.
I work for my father.
>You ain't doing shit bout it
Fucking slavshit you better tell your mates to run when they see a car pull up next to them because I WILL throw a brick at their heads
What a pathetic attempt at shutting someone down. I didn't expect much from a subhuman pole
Fuck off Pole
Bloody hell, a fucking brick! Quick lads, grab em shanks we got a bender to sort out.
So much salt in a single thread
In my books there shouldn't be any harm in european people moving to european nations. That shit has happened since forever. Are you sure OP that your 500 isn't just underclass who will act stupid no matter where they go?
can comfirm. my mom's lived in the united states for more than half her life. still barely speaks english, only when she has to. ONLY makes friends with pollacks, ONLY shops at polish stores, ONLY reads polish newspapers
and then she asks me to send her text messages cause she cant into english grammar, and gets mad at me when i ask why hasnt she made an effort into learning the LANGUAGE OF THE COUNTRY SHE'S LIVED LONGER IN THAN HER BIRTHPLACE
also most polish people ive known are complete dogshit degenerate tier. only into things like clubbing and spiking their hair. thank god im part german so i have a hard on for subjects like math and physics
>Shirebrook fetus
Maybe try using your head and realise that the word 'fetus' may be a bit loaded for shitty western media?
I'm not going to go around pretending it's baby just because you and they are retarded.
>le europe is one big happy family
No. Everyone apart from Britain, France, Italy and Spain are all niggers.
>Douglas Carswell supports this
People seems to not see a difference between pleb and a foreigner.
Pleb will always be shit no matter what.
Brit pleb causes same trouble to brits as Pole pleb.
You just never care about native pleb.
No human would ever integrate to the british """culture""".
>mfw you get deported
>British """PEOPLE"""
>some blacks like leblackscienceman are smart so lets just bring in thousands of niggerians
My experience of Slavs is totally different, they seem based, and intelligent, and we're not perfect anyway, for example our women would be much better if they dropped the 'feminism' bullshit too.
>country being overrun by shitskin muslim savages and indians
>get upset about poles
Pretty cucked desu
Picking a socially acceptable target rather than the real enemy.
>"""BRITISH """PEOPLE""""""
>mfw "your" country was built by brits
slavs are literally white niggers
With that logic Brits are niggers.
Your pleb is one of the worst. Poles don't stab each other, beating is with fists, only pussies uses knives.
>Wasting quints bigging up toilet niggers
You better shut your bitch ass up, Chang.
I don't want any savages coming to Britain. None. Why dont they stay in their own shithole. They're obviously getting enough gibs from Germany.
>N-Not all!
Come to London and I'll show you how they are.
>Problem A exists so problem B isn't real
bet you're a wog
T.polish diaspora
>Poles are disgusting subhuma-
Yeah okay we are 1000% m8 so just leave us alone and go back to your own fucking country okay?
Remove pajeet and abdul first
Then worry about Lech and Piotr
He was lucky that Poles had beef with him. If he was to be attacked by four Brits the stab wounds would kill him.
I Liverpool everyone knows someone that was knifed.
I want to breed a cutie from Poland
Removing both at the same time>what you want to do
What are you talking about, Polish woman love to integrate with British cock.
Polish woman easily one of the most cock hungry types about.
>its another brits are crying about poles edition
well the Germana like us but why not you?
i for one am thankful uk took in our worst
it's common knowledge that polish neighbourhoods became much safer once most bydlo ran to uk
I didn't say I have a problem with Brits being niggers, you did. It is YOUR logic I follow, so YOU should leave if that bothers you so much you have to cry online.