Wtf I HATE drumpf now

wtf I HATE drumpf now

How could he do this.....

yes, trump want to kill puppies and kitties also

fucking nazi.........
this is holocaust 2.0.......

wtf I HATE the Jäger program now.

Sorry, Pedro. You break laws, you get punished

ICE? i thought the normal procedure was burning them


I agree, the more humane thing would be to not separate families.

Kick them all out. And do away with jus soli, or at least do like we do in France, that one parent need to be a French citizen, and only grant full citizenship at adulthood.


we need to keep families together
the kids should be with their parents too

That's a pretty fucking awesome robot arm.

Horsey is a cuck, but I do appreciate his drawing skills.

honestly this, just deport them all.
We don't need more shit fucks but they're going to die here anyways because we have no welfare programs, maybe for natives because MUH INDIGENOUS CULTURE but aside from that no




I'd rather the giant robot known as ICE would grab the whole family and crush them all in front of the rest of the illegals and their anchor babies

It would have been much nicer to let her keep stealing innocent people's identities huh? Solution pic related.


There was before another even better with the whole family in the hand, but I can't find it.

this drumpf guy must be stopped

This is way more reasonable

Yo LOLé.

Removing Taco from the premises doesn't violate the NAP, stupid shill cunts

the baby was born on 'Murican soil therefore the baby is 'Murican.

Ted Cruz
John McCaine

Many such cases. SAD!



Hey am I cool with you guys if my dad was on a student Visa and my mom was an American citizen when I was born?

You're fired

You can half stay, the other half has to go.


Blonald Blumpf btfo

the simplest photoshop gag that never gets old

>ICE is a giant mech


Wtf I love ICE now

I was thinking more along the lines of ⅔ of me can stay:

[ ]- Dad US Citizen
[x]- Mom US Citizen
[x]- Born on US soil

Oh, the sads. It's not like that woman in Mesa was a convicted identity thief who ruined some poor sap's credit rating.

> inb4 fuck credit ratings
> you try to buy a car or collect SSI after Mirabelle steals your digits.

Kids are US citizens. Can't do that.

Can we get a fair (and I emphasize "fair") trade deal with Japan going to build our own fleet of deportation mechs?

Fair enough but you'll have to tell ICE which leg you want removed in order to stay.

Can we just gas them here? It seems expensive to ship them all back?

If she really loved her kids she wouldn't move to a country illegally. Not a good mother.



Mass gassing is hard to organize. It's easier to send them back protect the border and shell them with mustard gas for about 20 years.


Sure, you can. You can do anything, jew. Just do it.


Ronald Rump BRFO

Why not take the steps necessary to be a legal citizen? EVen if you came here illegally you had decades of time to get everything worked out

trump wouldn't separate family's the children are going back also. goddamn fake news comic.

I'd rather have that than the wall desu.

This does nothing to alleviate my giantess fetish

If they become citizens then they'll have to pay taxes.

>ICE is a giant robot that seeks out criminals and immediately relocates them
wtf I love Horsey now

seems legit, plus quads

Literally a ripoff of Little Marco memes. Sad!

Post the edit where all of them are getting deported and there's a stack of 100s that they won't be getting.


They act like its some kind've original shit



you know its bad when even fucking pedro doesn't like them

>the fist is grabbing and deporting
>the fist isn't crushing all of them instead
tame and lame

>Why did you use a fake SSN?!
>Why didn't you think of your family before committing a felony?!

i feel (You)

>ICE Sentinels
Fund it.

Where can I get my ICE Jaeger to stomp illega--- I mean, stomp kaiju?



Put in some welfare checks over the kids like they're reaching for it

This is fucking horrible. Why in on God's green earth are these anchor babies not going with them?

>keep families together
>no father in the picture

Better find the father too.

Bye bitch lmao

Too bad you get french citizenship automatically if you are a muslim...




She can come back legally and if she passes an IQ test with a minimum requirement of 188

This is the one I was looking fore, thanks, but work on that pepe, white background don't fix the light grey one of the original.


Post the real version


Domo arigato, Mr. Donaldo.

I see this and I'm reminded that we need to end birthright citizenship

Hard erection incoming.


This, liberals are right. Time to review and fix the amendment that is causing all of this harm.

Obvious shoop. This is a Ben Garrison original

>giant robot

if only ice was that effective...

also he left the anchor babies?

Really makes ya think.


cool, Ice got robots now!



Just Islamic puppies and kittens. They deserve it.


He could do this because it's the law? And if the president isn't upholding the law, then who will?

underrated post

good fixing.

>gigantic robotic arms snatching up illegals
We cyberpunk nao

Those goat fuckers hate dogs, even though they are objectively the greatest pet animal in existence.