Windows 10 thread #3. /shadilay Edition/

Previous: Stream: [Open]

Periscope (streams occasionally):

Quick Rundown: a normie Russian called Leonidas has OD'ed on too many red pills.

Keeps Asking for Iranian Chinese and North Korean diplomats to disclose secret Zionism incriminating information.
Keeps yelling antisemetic stuff from the window.
Keeps his 3 daughters and Whale-fu barricaded inside.

Hates Windows 10

Other urls found in this thread:

hes trying to get an audience

When is he going to do something ?

probably alcohol delirium

Why don't they put this conspiracy theorist down already? He's putting his family in danger for no reason.

hes too busy attention whoring atm, let him enjoy his 10 minutes of fame

His wife is just walking around cookin dinner for this guy while he spits red pills like fire.

True waifu?

He should play Shadilay on that sound system of his. Maybe he's /ourguy/ after all...

For what?

>t.Moisey Goldenblum


Apparently, he's waiting for journalists to "turn on their equipment", that's what he told them to do. He promised to finish his show in 30 minutes after they do it and open the door then.

Highly Probable

Spam these breads to his wall let him come here

what the fuck is he yelling now? get on with it

neighbor might throw a tomato?

I was there, but I can't post from phone.

Fucking IP block.

Is anything playing?

He demands to be shown in todays News broadcast country wide. He says "I want to tell people the truth".


>tfw he has to pretend to hold his wife and kids hostage while hanging out of a window just to get 4.5k viewers
>cam girls sit infront of their computers in a low cut shirt and attract 3x as many viewers

What is he playing ?

Got your whopper anyway?

Delirium tremens cause of most such cases in russia or just mental issue.



This is some oroville dam level happening.

Moving along


Why don't he put up the monitor

what am i looking at ? its too dark to see

This is like when your dad tries to show you the latest "funny" video someone sent him in an email.

Don't forget the ads playing on the YouTube stream

Vlad shoulda taken his B-vitamin complex!

3200 hrs in MS Paint.

Yes, double whopper cheese.

>Windows 10

A spetcnaz unit ready to storm the building.


i meant the little blue icon you circled

It's so they can identify the bloodtype.

The future flag of the USA

this! we don't got eagle eyes

>giving normalfag that many redpills at once

That pretty fucked up. Yall know they can't handle it.

it's (((them)))

what is the video?

d-d-drop the redpill

Windows 7 best OS

He said that windows 10 is the Zionist invention.

He really hates windows 10

Did anyone hear that phone call? Was it the Bogdanoff's?

Welp there goes the entire building

>Hates Windows 10

Well I support this.

Agent Oy Veys

>He said that windows 10 is the Zionist invention.

Is it?

It is pretty Warsaw ghetto 1944

He says Windows 10 send screenshots of his desktop every 30 min to ((( them ))).

>Zoom in on his phone
>Clearly video of some kikes talking
>Can't hear a damn thing

Fuck man you're blowing it

Russian anons on dvach say the TV mutes the parts when he talks about the jews

anyone that can identify what he is playing on his phone??


So comfy...

All jokes aside, what would happen in the "free democratic" western world if a man barricaded in his house and declare that he has proofs of Jewish crimes against humanity?
Would they just let him go along with it and stream him live?

gets infected by trojan

omg these fucks run the planet?

In Soviet Russia Russians are Jews

Is this now a windows hate thread?

he be showing putins?

Nobody has succeded identifying the video. Dvach, vk wall and both threads here

"Hey, authorities, where's your media? Why is nobody filming me? Great job!"

>RT stream
Yeah looks like PR action but for what?

This russian guy is a total hack!

Spreading redpills while sipping on tea.
Seems pretty good.

He would have been sniped long ago.

well if it was just the guy barricaded in his house and he isn'tt threatening to harm himself or anyone else nothing would really happen, if he is shouting out the window and it is in a city he could be charged with disturbing the peace or something like that


if this was the us he'd be dead by now

In Russia, no one gives a shit lul. Sionists rule the world? Whatever. Kikes plan to overthrow regime in Belorussia? Vadik, just go out and drink beer with us. Putin has 2 clones? This is not a reason to not have a dinner.

also it might make local news but i doubt they would live stream it

Its shocking but the Russian police would go at great lenghts ensuring nobody gets hurt in a situation like this.

>declare that he has proofs of Jewish crimes against humanity?
"in his hands a weapon ... a signal to storm, I repeat the signal to storm"


we all wanna gas w10 it sucks
But c'mon lol

>This is not a reason to not have a dinner.
Nothing is. People have to eat.

Irony: watching a Microsoft advertisement before the stream opens. Just sleep it off, Dimitry.

He'd probably been shot dead in the US by now (either by police or some neighbor in (((self-defense)))

I don't get it, is this a happening?

What rifle is that?

so, whats he playing on the phone?

seems like:

>Russian guy barricaded himself in apartment
>redpilling people on God's chosen.

He's right. Fuck Windows 10. It tried to install itself without my permission. If we lived in a functional world there would have been a huge investigation of this shit. I had to roll back a bunch of my updates until it wasn't free anymore so it wouldn't try to jew its way into my system again. If it wasn't for vidya and music programs I'd be using Linux.

it actually does tho - theres some fucking thing, like a screen recorder on crack, can replay every move you made, every letter you typed. No BS, first appeared in server 2012 i think, its fucking disturbing watching it in action.

whats his endgame?

>Hitler did nothing wrong

Probably the end of the World as we know it.

if it's a happening where nothing happens, is it still a happening?

well if he was holding a "hostage" and he had a weapon he would definately be sniped the second the hostages are clear.

Gas kikes, race war now.

>what would happen in the "free democratic" western world if a man barricaded in his house and declare that he has proofs of Jewish crimes against humanity
I don't think you understand America. This isn't news here, and no one really cares about other peoples crazy opinions. Have you ever talked to an American before? This guy wouldn't have to barricade himself in anywhere or whatever, he'd be talking about it at a breakfast joint

it's some guy yelling install gentoo out of his window or something, I don't get why it's on the news

What did he say about Hitler?

This is boring. How do i fast forward

But I feel fine

It's Russia so at any minute death commandos could fentanyl bomb the apartment, saving everyone by killing them.

"Hitler was a Zionist, it's all disclosed, just do some research! But about the swastika, it's an old Slavic, if you look it up in old books, you'll see it symbolizes a lot of things! A lot of things!"