Not having sex until marriage

>not having sex until marriage
>obeying the law and law enforcement
>no smoking
>no addiction to alcohol
>no drugs
>no faggotry
>no porn
>no racism
>most people are always happy to help anyone though
>know bible by heart and understand the meaning of it
>that being said they spread their knowledge daily
>redpilled on politics and staying out of it
>best people to live around
>doing everything non profit

why aren't you a jehovah witness yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because I like getting blood transfusions to save my life

Funny, my Polish great grandfather died 2 weeks before the war ended in a camp and he ended up there because he was Jehovah's witness.

>because i've heard that jw don't use blood transfusions somewhere and i don't know much more but it makes them bad, don't it?

>why aren't you a jehovah witness yet?

>no racism

That's why.

Because I'm a disciple of Jesus' teachings. You know, the ones that get you to heaven? Also known as the will of the Father?

all you need to follow christ is a good bible (i hear king james is the best english version)

explain how is that not what jw do?

>implying you can't do all of the above without being brainwashed by a crazy cult
Poland in action.

viale sege

spells out יהוה pronounces it "Jehova" fucking Christians

Go read the sermon on the mount, specifically Matthew 6:19 onwards, and when Jesus talks about being hungry and naked and thirsty etc.

king James version is trash, for OT pick up an art scroll or JPS tanach, not sure what's best for NT

t. Papist

Then he will live again. Unlike a greater number of us. Admittedly if a greater number of us--- namely me, not sure about you--- were to die, we'd probably cease to exist forever.

>no racism
you lost me there.

because there is no god, and you don't need religion to follow all those practices

אוי וי

King James is pure trash. it is by far the dumbest bible ever completed. it really sucks. Like throw it in a lake or something. Use the Witnesses bible, even the catholics confessed it was the most accurate version there is.

Charles Taze Russell

It's one of those words that's not pronounced the way it isn't spelled user.

i don't know what are you trying to imply
jw aren't teaching to be materialistic
there are often people who are trying to start over and are poor
those who are capable of making decent money do so but they never place it above the teaching

what's wrong with that?

Because I prefer not to be in a cult that only allows their kids to associate with other jehovas witness and when puberty comes around they shove them out into the real world just to watch them fail and pretend like they are the good guys.

That's a great joke isn't it.


There is a documentation called "Böses Blut" which translates to Evil Blood search for one with english subs on YT.

Is is very up to date science.
The gist of it is that transfusions of blood gives your body all kind of illness like cancer and co.
It is a multi million dollar industry and the blood banks run the business. The numbers are mindblowing. It is obvious something that your body do not want.

no, they got it right except for the "J" Christians love switching "Y" and "J" because it made them sound more Roman, pretty shameful desu, they have the audacity to spell it in Hebrew but pronounce it wrong for petty face value


No. Really.
How was your childhood?
(Get over it)

>I like celebrating my birthday
>I like joulu
>I didnt like the church thing they go to
>nothing wrong with racism
other than that they're great

Dropping the truth bombs Bahamabro!

Go to the oncology wing of your local hospital and talk to some patients and tell me that the blood banks are a front.

It's serving mammon. Working a secular job serves mammon rather than God. See what Jesus said? Everything you could buy with money will be added unto you if you forsake it to preach the gospel 24/7 like the early church did.

Not my childhood faggot. Multiple friends. Part of a bankrupt cult that keeps you stupid and makes you socially inept in dealing with the real world, so that once you step out of line they shove you into the real world knowing you have no chance of success. Then they pretend that they were always there for you despite shunning you while you ran off and tried to actually think for yourself.

all pagan

you are supposed to take care of yourself too
you can't just be a homeless bum
jw organisation wouldn't have so much publicity if not with money
it's how this system works and it's not called serving mammon but being able to adapt

believing in Jesus is pagan

gonna leave this here
>mom guilt trips child because of toy represents magic
>satan loves magic n' shieeet
>child got toy from a friend

Says the guy who believes in magical never to be proven big bangs that can self create for no reason.

As long as you're using YHWH, you're good. Yahweh's English version is Jehovah.

Much like the Israelites were concerning Moses when God had to hide Moses' body from them, so it was that a greater number fearfully could not let go of Russell. Though simply put the bible first and got better.

You know how we do bruv.

>not having sex until marriage
Having sex is degenerate even after marriage. I HATE NON VIRGINS

Isn't it funny that it spells I-WHY backwards?

aka- eye-why?

In other words- the complete negation of the idea that God exists. Atheism.

Isn't it something though that Windows 10's more than 43 million lines of code is not even close to the versitile complexity that is human DNA's 3 billion plus tiers of code? And yet our best technomages with all modern technology remains incapable of recreating something they and a greater number of atheist are of the mind that nothing for no reason due to random application of states, apparently effortlessly did.

Atheism is a fatal disease.

There's no need to adapt when God provides you with your needs. Don't you get it? Soon I will be doing just as I posted with other brothers who are serious about their faith in Jesus; we will live in a camper or apartment and preach around the country. All sharing our things and pooling our funds and belongings for each other and anyone we meet who needs something. Not sit around in the "Kingdom Hall" and say "yay were going to heaven"!
You do know that Jesus is the Word of God, and the Bible isn't?

hope that works out well for you

The best way to say it is the same backwards and forwards. You can't invert, or make evil the name of GOD, because there's only one GOD.

Hint, there is no J in classical latin.

Do you guys think "PiPi" the frog was a coincidence; and that we refer to it changing code as "Hack it"?