Next alt right hate symbol boys!
Next alt right hate symbol boys!
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Not only will Trump make anime real, but Pikachu will become the new Secretary of LGBT+.
Let the Pence commence.
i named mine mike pence
We need people to shoop pikachu in nazi uniforms and have him zapping fags, maybe just combining with Mike Pence memes and have Pence commanding pikachu
Hook Pikachu up with Pence to help cure the gays.
Someone shop Pence's face on Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder wearing nazi uniform
Kek perfect way to trigger snowflakes
Pika Pikilldajus
Ash "Jolting the Homos out of Johto" Ketchum
Fuck pikachu. Raichu is better
>Next alt right hate symbol boys!
I like the idea
Meme it so.
but why? for what purpose?
What does it say on the hat?
The numbers told us
Chaos of course
>We need people to shoop pikachu in nazi uniforms and have him zapping fags, maybe just combining with Mike Pence memes and have Pence commanding pikachu
Just want to say, dont do this. From /vp/ and you niggers havent ever seem true autism until you fuck with them. SJW's, celebraties, twitter polls, etc dont hold a candle to them.
>Promote all the adult children's idols as alt-right
>Turn them away from the degeneracy of video gaming and other nerd culture
>White people start making families again
I want to believe.
Someone photoshop the black sun in its eyes, or maybe cheeks. And maybe do a lightning rune or an SS thing with its tail.
Pika "Pence" chu
What we need to do to make this work is use Pikachu to highlight the way Japs refuse to let mass numbers of refugees in and how they refuse to let cultural marxism take them over.
I don't get the joke. That man's red hat has gibberish on it, I can't read it.
also Ash should be wearing a MAGA hat
Pikuchu electro-sap the jew!
Make America Great Again but mirrored.
>infested with minorities
>average out smarter than suburban middle class almost pure white neighborhoods
Somehow I doubt it
Sup Forums cites sources, this faggot did not
>texas average IQ 100
>california average IQ 95
Gee, I wonder
>give Nintendo more reason to pretend riachu doesn't exist
Nah man they recognized him for the first time since Gen 1 with the new form don't make them hate him again
Correlation != Causation
Countries who produce more chocolate have higher IQ's
Clearly organic food gives you autism
mormons are danes apparently
Can we please ruin something that's more representative of something only lefties like?
Leave the innocence of Pokemon alone, use some faggot shit like adventure time instead
we'll drag Nintendo into it, which is fiercely protective of its IP
on it.
Who let niggers in?
I know a ton of mormons with names like Andersen or Petersen. There are 19 year olds whose family has been here for over a 100 years yet these kids still look like they are fresh off the boat from Denmark.
This. /vp/ fag here, I play Pokémon specifically to not think about jews in my spare time, I'd rather not have it ruined. And besides, Nintendo did nothing to deserve it, they are one of the few still pure vidya companies who haven't fall for the (((social justice))) meme.
Somebody rewrite the Pokemon theme song to make it more alt right appropriate
someone put a pinochet hat on this
Gas the Drowzee's! Pokewar now!*
I'm surprisingly ok with this.
>pika is the sound effect for lighting
this was a pokemon, right?
Wait, what should be our designated Jewymon?
Hypno or Drowzee? Or both?
Oy vey goy.
I'm leaning a bit more towards Hypno atm, because his nose is more accurate & he's holding a shekel.
I'm sorry, KEK seems to will it
I looked into it & his ability is he steals your dreams.
>implying Sup Forums has the power
>implying people who actually play pokemone give a shit about this all here
picka is a bad choice
Mike zap a nigger faggot pence and pikachu instead of mister clean mister ethnic cleansing
da fuq?
red dots look like japan flag
red dot gets electrocuted whenever (((pikachu))) attacks
clearly a hiroshima reference
This picture was hilarious because the jews got so fucking triggered they complained to Pokemon Go devs to remove them so people couldn't find Pokemon inside the museum.
>Countries who produce more chocolate have higher IQ's
Raw cocoa is the final redpill.
We need Pikachu with some SS bolts immediately
Gas the Mods!
>"Vermilion City Pokémon Gym
>Leader: Vp. Pence
>"Like The Cock, Feel The Shock!"
Fresh OC
compressed OC
fuck off ahmed
But Meowth is the official jew pokemon?
Goddamn Nevada is dumb.
I kek'd
hypno whos transpokemon and identifies as meowth is the official kikemon
bretty gud famm
exemplary work user
someone make a webm, maybe another one with a Hitler speech in the background
I like this idea