Atleast screen Brazil

Atleast screen Brazil

Other urls found in this thread:

>1984 anti-liberal anti-statists
>liberals and statists think it is the exact opposite

Par for the course actually

>1984 is about any kind of non-identity society, not right or left wing
>will now be shown to people as a form of propaganda to help promote a non-identity society

what the actual fuck?

maybe they'll watch it and learn what its actually about

Do those fuckers not realise it would have been Hillary that turned the country into 1984? She was going to sell the entire country off to the globalists.

How did that pumpkin climb onto the box?

Time to pack it up boys....if all the people who already hate Trump...start to hate him MORE.....wew. No body can weather that.

a non-identity society 101

The fucking irony

And Trump isn't calling everything fake news that doesn't fit his agenda?

This is excellent.

Hoisted by thine own petard.

>screen 1984 to "protest Trump"
>people realize the movie has nothing to do with Trump
>start connecting it to globalism and the democratic party

The irony is that if Trump was actually as bad as liberals think he is they woudn't even be able to screen the film version of 1984

much less even read the book

Isn't there a Brave new world movie ?
Actually that might be a terrible idea showing them that, they would WANT BNW

Trump tuned it into 1849

Trump should send them to North Korea just for the lulz

you are really optimistic, people who will go there to watch the movie will only take selfies and post on twitter #NotMyPresident #1984 xDXD , they wont draw any connection from the plot

you seem to forget the origin of the term



1984 was my first redpill
From this day forward I never trusted the people ((they)) wanted you to love
Thoth is just doing his job famalams

>Theatres play 1984
>Redpill all the virtue signaling libshits attending
>Turn them into lower left lolbertarian cucks if they were statist

Libertarianism is the first step to the redpill, this is going to backfire on them so hard.

People will go in with their views and preconceptions looking to associate and link any stimuli to they're already existing beliefs

This will do nothing for either side

I bet Orwell and Huxley would find it a bit funny though

Even though obummer helped worsen the surveillance state an big droned thousands of innocent people

Cognitive dissonance all round with these cunts

There is. It's not particularly good though.

or the requirement of 3 superstates, which would be impossible with the spread of nationalism

>NSA under Obama spies every move of own citizen and allies
>but Trump is the bad guy

leftwinger logic

> watch movie
> notice this is the culture being pushed by liberal elites

Are they intentionally stupid?


Either they get libtards to part with money for a movie they could watch for free online, or it doesn't sell and that's that.

Alamo Drafthouse is pretty legit, it's nice to have a movie theater where they actually kick out annoying faggots and where you can have a beer and some actual butter in your popcorn.

Doubtful, homie. Doubtful.

Why don't they show Brave New World instead. These fucking morons, I swear.

>Communists get mad that their communist leader didn't win
>Protest by screening a movie that depicts the dangers of communism

You're a big boy. Does Trump deal with an exorbitant of fake news? Would you say he doesn't? Really? Nobody could possibly be gunning for him?


You think that?

>Having this much fate in people that far
What do you do to have so much optimism?


>independent movie theaters
Both of them?

>profiteering off liberal butthurt
The free market folks!

But 1984 is about socialism. It's about the very culture that the people rebelled against by voting for Trump.

>Trump says what he wants
>the opposite of 1984's society

I don't even like Trump but what are liberals thinking?

>Anti-statist movie/book
>screening in protest of a anti-statist political candidate
Wouldn't be surprised if these people start rooting for big brother.
>"Freedom of thinking is not the same as freedom of consequences!"

Brave New World was weird as fuck though.

Kek the unbelievable irony. We've finally come full circle.

Trump turned it into 1488 :^)

Trump is anti-NWO anti-globalism

1984 is literally the opposite of gay.

Legitimately, can anyone here think of a single parallel between the Trump administration and Ingsoc?

Ironic, isn't it?

Probably because of you implicit racism, white privlage ane internalized misogyny.

Shitlords like you need to be punched because violence is okay against Russian backed nazis (who we've always been at war with)

Srsly your micro aggressions against ny non binary sexuality and otherkin self identity are literal Jolene attacks against my freedom and society at large.

Clearly you don't understand 1984 at all

I happened to see the last 5 minutes or so of John Oliver last night, and he admitted the same point. Hes probably a good decade away from admitting he's blown the dangers of Trump way out of proportion, but it's a step in the right direction

Remind me again what the "SOC" in "INGSOC" stood for

Poe's law: the post

>editing a commercial about people being controlled even though it's originally made by phone company who's users now mindlessly buy and obey the company

i hope they all read brave new world and amusing ourselves to death afterword too

because it's actually (((their))) plan
wouldn't want Chad to learn about it
so go read a completely unrelated communist dystopian book so things will make even less sense

Doublespeak and doublethink. Did you read the book you dumb frogfucker?



SOCIALISM IS ..............

Dumbass. The book was about the dangers of bolshevism and autoritharian regimes. Orwell was a lifelong socialist.

> Americoon educkeysheen

* authoritarian

If they actually pay attention to the movie or if they read the book and think somehow it relates to donald trump and not their own side... well that takes a special kind of stupid. Easy example would be dems and the muh russia meme.

>1984 is about socialism

It was written by a socialist you snowcoon. It's against dictatorship, bolshevism and authoritarianism.

>tfw the warning of 1984 is a system which has removed not merely the language of dissent but the very notion of it through limiting the breadth of the citizenry's knowledge
>tfw none of the people going to see this grasp the importance of the story, thereby proving Orwell's warning as a prophecy

>The book was about the dangers of bolshevism and autoritharian regimes.

Operating under the guise of socialism, you idiotic fucking gypsie ape

talking about newspeak... holy fuck
moron forgets it was the media that started the term

apparently liberals are just now reading a book that you were supposed to read in grade school


Not surprising senpai

The only special kind of stupid I see here is (You). You think a man who wants to shutdown all media that disagrees with him, ban people from entering the country and build a huge fucking border wall isn't authoritarian? That's beyond being basic stupid. That's advanced stupid right there.

But we've always been at war with Russia, comrade

I get the Idiocracy comparisons but this is just grasping at straws.

Yeah they must have just finished animal farm. Late bloomers that lot, SAD!

>all media that disagrees with him
>ban people from entering the country
more b8, we have this right as a nation
>build a huge fucking border wall
Pic related an entrance to your country, how dare you put something blocking the road you authoritarian dictatorship.

also the movie adaptation sucked

Brazil was way better although I doubt Sup Forums would approve

also also 1984 > BNW

So now it just operates without a guise. The guise was not without importance, as stupid people like you are easily swayed by reverse psychology.

However, that doesen't change the fact that the author was a socialist, and the book was NEVER against fucking socialism, you deluded subhuman piece of dogshit.

>Orwell was a lifelong advocate of the very thing that leads to authoritarianism
Wow! George Orwell might have been retarded.

Nothing triggers Sup Forums more than people excising freedom Sup Forums doesn't like.

get a grip you backstreet abortionist gypsy crypto kike, and read the book or be lazy and watch the film.

>liberals are so dumb they have to watch a shitty adaptation of a book instead of reading it
>not watching the superior Brazil

>media criticizes him he criticizes the media

He's so authoritarian people are openly proclaiming him dictator and his assaination, such a danger to freedom obviously

>not let people into your country

This isn't athouritarian at all, having a border is not tyranny and i challenge you to argue otherwise

>build a wall

Same as previous point

>Obama expands the surveillance state
>Says nothing
>Trump is president for three weeks and does practically nothing

It's a good film 2bh, changes a few things from the book, the worst was ending it in the cafe and not with the bullet but it was an enjoyable romp.

The soundtrack was my favourite part and I unironically have Oceanias national anthem in my playlist.

Also, fuck (((Goldstein))).

I see nothing blocking the road. Just some raised barriers and a big ol' "welcome to romania" sign.

> shit troll / 10

Ironic that the book is basically the endgame of leftist ideology.

I've read it about three times you fat fuck. I have not, however seen the movie. It might as well be 1950's american antisoviet propaganda for all I care.

>I see nothing blocking the road. Just some raised barriers
What is a barrier, gypsy-friend?

The movie sucked. Read a book you fucking hippies.

Remember when the mainstream media invented the term 'fake news', pushed it heavily, and then tried to literally create a ministry of truth in order to keep "people safe from fake news?"

>the book was NEVER against fucking socialism

Must be why he named the evil system INGSOC then huh, dumbass?

It's really no wonder even the niggers consider you subhumans.

Corporate news, corporate news, corporate news.

hmmmmmmmm there is a word there?

Wait a minute, corporations only care about making a dollar, truth to them is irrelevant unless it fits into their narrative.

I hope to god you posting this as bait. no one can be that gullible.

Something very different in use, solidity and construction (if not in purpose) from a wall.

brave new world is a complicated story, I think one of the few that really is read several magnitudes more than it is thought about and understood even by non-normalfag shitters

he was a naive "real communism has never been tried" socialist and was mad as fuck about the crazy bullshit going on in russia and china. He never once was able to put 2 and 2 together and realize that his socialist utopias would always end up as dystopias.

The same reason he used the concepts of doublespeak and doublethink, you astronigger. To confuse idiots like you.

Wow 1984 is now about protesting Trump.

unless there are boy wizards or games relating to hunger in it, libs won't read shit.

>liberals pretend they're super smart and above everyone else
>cannot comprehend the thematic of 1984
Right now I'm foreseeing great things. They will end up unwillingly redpilling people and tear themselves apart.

Its a literal pinhead.

>Lets use a communist dystopia to protest against the right wing!
Really made me think
Are you just mad about Hungary walling you in?

Bahahahahahaha, 1984 is exactly what Liberals would rather have though. No doubt Bush helped lead to something akin to it, but Libs are the ones who want big government.

If anything they should be screening Brave New World.

tsk, tsk body shaming is wrong think dontcha know.

Not fat but at least i can afford to get fat if i please, unlike your subhuman race of leeching turk rape babies that can barely afford shoes.

Anyway i'm not going to tell you why there are little to no parallels between the donald trump administration and 1984. Quite frankly it seems you missed the point of the book entirely and i suggest you read it again.

And Trump only cares about the good of the people right? A real-estate conman who made his money robbing the state for shoddy homes for veterans...

You're the only gullible one here, bacon burger.

>intelligence community deep state is at war with Trump admin
>left loves this and supports CIA warring with elected president
>Trump is just like 1984!!!!
I want someone to explain this to me.