How does your government respond?
Oh no, Godzilla is attacking!
"This is because of the legacy of Apartheid"
call us all racist and then buy him a house
>we if let our citizens die, we win
Slow enough for it to kill a few million libtards.
Say "We can do it", feed him and give him money, hoping he wont destroy our culture
Raunch the Super X!
what if he lands in like, Texas or Mississippi?
Try Nukes, fail. Godzilla returns to Ocean.
"Sure, he destroyed a city. But let's be honest: that was just one incident. Besides; it's his culture and we have to show some understanding for that. If you don't, then you're a racist."
If it appeared on the coasts of California let him fuck around there for a bit then we deal with him.
fuck you, you're not Japanese.
We integrate godzilla into our society like we do with everyone else
Quick, call Japan.
They're our only hope.
Call for The Public to vote on a treaty.
If we vote the wrong way we have to get the treaty again until we vote the (((correct))) way.
Godzilla kills us all between the first and second treaties.
It would be dead when the military shows up in texas.
>ask what it identifies as
>spend 2 years and one billion dollars to accommodate.
>apologize for putting buildings in its way and making it smash
>pay 1 billion dollars in reparation and for mental anguish
Legalize cannabis now !
give him money and point to the nearest kindergarten so he can rape some fine young pussy
what do you mean we should fight back, are you a lizardophobe? This is happening because of people like you
Bloody him badly and then agree that he can take over whatever he wants to.
Possibly the first time in human history these words have been uttered.
Elect him for president.
>Godzilla spotted of coast of Cuckafornia
They were worried about my happy trigger finger with the nuclear codes, i'm going to give this one a second.
Cuckafornia's major cities gets fucked by Godzilla dick.
Votes Red in 2020.
I'm down.
>wow, overrated Godzilla is attacking the US trying to make us think he isn't a total loser, I deport more people everyday than he can kill. Sad!
If it destroys pic related, we'd crown it a national hero
Apparently the poor thing has anger issues due to the historically unfair treatment his kind has received from the white man. We must provide housing, woman, and star him in a morning talk show.
"well look I've always said Godzilla is a lightweight"
Godzilla is after all just new European value.
We'll send the LGBTQQIA+ tolerance and dialogue squad to talk things out with him.
1) Ask burgertown what we're allowed to do. Trident is ruled out by Mathis who sees Iran as the primary threat.
2) Get thwarted by the ECJ which rules that giant gibzards are a gender identity and deserve equality, so must get legal aid and have reams of documents translated to gibzog-ese.
3) Put it in tax funded social housing in the centre of our ancient capital city, which it's unappreciative of and trashes because it's too thick to understand the compassion we're showing it, or that it has responsibilities to our society in return for gibz.
5) We pay for its kids to go to school with ours and ruin everyone's education, beat our boys and rape our girls, because they're stupid fucking animals and need to be deported or gassed, but we never will, well just slide into a gibzard caliphate by 2100.
>Trudeau comes personally to suck Godzilla's dick
If we kill Godzilla, he wins.
Let's legalise giant reptilian blow jobs instead
'We need to go into dialogue with this creature. It hasn't been given a chance by society.'
was there a step four?
>Trudeau goes up to godzilla and shakes his hand
>Leans in and whisper in his ear
>"If you kill us, we win"
>Puts his burka back on
godzilla vs king kong is going to be the revelation of giant monster movies, pacific rim crossover with godzilla coming soon to a kino theater near you
captures it and takes it admitting to be ukranian spy on camera, then exchanges it for russian godzilla that got lost in ukraine previous summer
Allahzilla gives the whiteys what they deserve.
>Allahzilla screams "infidels!! Infidels!!"
>not all kaijus
>Kaiju hatespeech is banned.
He is just a poor refugee affected by climate change and is forced to move.
> Politician comes to address Godzilla
> Godzilla steps on mosque and flattens it
> "THAT'S WACIST, GODZILLA!" cries the politician
> Godzilla steps on politician, street pizza flattened
> Godzilla steps on mosques and ghettos destroying them
> Crowd cheers blowing kisses and partying
> Godzilla walks off under the ocean content for now
If you kill Godzilla, he wins
really makes you think
Step four: ????
Step five: profit.
Hey Ma! We need some more cornbread with this!
Deport him and add his place of residence to the banned countries list
What culture whitey?
Hide in the mountain fortresses, vote about how we should deal with until it goes away on its own
You're looking at the Baltimore Ravens' new right tackle.
Mobilize Unit 03
build higher dykes
Audibly kek'd.
Who /godzillafag/ here?
Yes but we lost it in the bowels of bee faced leftist trap's filing cabinet in social services, which invalidates the Home Office's case for deportation and the gibzard get passports for its entire extended family.
>Thiiiiiisss creaaaatureeee has bad intentions! We know who sent it! W*sterners and Germany is jealous of our airport! Don't worry my brothers! We will show them at the elections won't we?
"She'll be right"
*sips VB*
what, like Lena Dunham?
>Godzilla attack is UE fault
Let's him walk right in and gives him welfare.
>Goofy Godzilla attacks US Citizens daily, while the 'fake news' media attacks me! This cant go on, I will send illegals back to Mexico and Godzilla back to the Earth. Bigly!
That's a nice building
Great another awkward phone call between our PM and Trump followed by a series of angry tweets about how it was Trump's least favorite phone call and how it's a bad deal that Obama made and now he has to fight Godzilla.
Meanwhile RAN and RAAF already killed Godzilla so our cunt politicians swoop in and take all the credit, but then Trump flies over and holds a 90 minute press conference in which he reminisces about how somebody told him how he actually killed Godzilla with his amazing monster killing skills and then when somebody laughs at him he goes on a Godzilla rampage until RAN and RAAF kill him too.
Screencap this it's not really crazier than any of the other shit happening in this timeline.
He is the implicit last stand of Japanese masculinity
all 6 goverments will say they got a unified vision on the subject,then they will discuss how to deal with godzilla
This will then lead to the fall of our goverments because they can't agree to who's competence dealing with godzilla is and in which language they need to adress godzilla
offer godzilla a spot on the congress
after we decide to evacuate our government rounds us up via military force and then debates for an entire year about whether we want a hard evacuation or a soft evacuation and doesn't let anyone leave the field until we can decide and then we all die
register him as a 12 different refugees and never bother checking up on what he is doing until it is too late.
I bet the Russian hackers did this
He'll be attracted to the noise. He can walk through farms on the way to the closest city.
>it spawns in Siberia
>no one actually believes/cares about it
>some guys capturing him on carcams
>Govt: oh, there's free money!
>Godzilla dies because of bureaucracy and cold weather
>Moscow somehow gets nuked
>4 cities were destroyed. Godzilla wasn't even being close to them.
>no impact on economy because dead one can't be killed
>selling Godzilla's parts to China. Putin takes his head.
Sure he looks like he's 65 million years old, but young dinosaurs mature very quickly in his culture.
asks America for help
then what?
>Why do our corrupt politicians want war with giant monsters? Wouldn't it be better if we were friends? Frankly I can can negotiate a great deal believe me.
>Shortly after pic related
pray that America helps us
We need to bring his family and make life for him as comfortable as possible.
Allah doesn't answer prayers.
It's current year, what does lizard even mean? Species is just a social construct.
Exactly this.
Secretary Maddog would light that big cock sucking lizard up with every single type of ordnance known to man. PETA and Greenpeace would attempt to protest it as animal cruelty but would be declared traitors and shot along side the beast.
Trump would have its bones fashioned into a desk or conference table and would start selling radioactive Godzilla Steaks to Mexico.
Suck his dick
came here to read this post
The moment Godzilla sets foot here he will get mugged and killed.
Give him welfare
For once, The Portuguese make a funny post.
we ask mufti merkel
Feed it illegals
I'm touristing from Hong Kong in schweiz in 2 days and your biggest bunker (20,000pop) in Zurich is only open for guides once a month. Fortress in St. Margareta and money museum in Zurich is only open one day a week.
Why the fuck are you niggers so lazy, there's nowhere to go except hike in mountains.
Pretend like nothing happens, and hope that Captain Sweden handles it.
>Lands in Texas
Dead butchered and BBQed before the military shows up
>Lands in California
think about godzilla with money or him raping kids? Or both?
>>(Moctezumas Revenge, X 250 Times)
>> Godzilla-Sized Turds plus explosive >>Diarriah.
>>Poor Godzilla-kun.
Mexico Wins, starts building wall all around the country, just in case Godzilla likes the Taco-Nator.