Why does pol think non-virgin women are bad or that one should not marry them? What is inherently bad about being with a non-virgin from your perspective?
A question about non virgin women
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its actually potentially a lot worse.
your girl will always be curious as to what another man may be able to provide. This applies to sluts and whores too but possibly not in the same way a girl who's only ever had 1 partner will have.
Its human nature to be curious and I think a lot of women will act on that feeling as society now encourages it and women are extra stupid at the moment.
just a theory
If she spend her whole life being a slut, why should I believe that she'll be loyal after marriage?
Worried your dick won't be good enough compared to achmed's?
It makes no sense. It's high unlikely that a virgin will be more sluttish than a slut
Im not that interested in sex, dosent really effect me.
I was just saying women will fuck other men what ever the weather.
It's like taking over ownership of the Oroville dam after the spillway is busted and a storm is coming through.
Do you want to be the worker crew that has to take care of that busted dam? Fully knowing there is nothing you can do to stop the erosion and decay of the dam failing?
Every further partner reduces the ability of the female to bond. The more the partners, the lower the chances for a stable marriage.
Virgin is best. A small count of partners is something you could work with. The problem is you cannot be sure of the number of partners if she's not a virgin - she might be (and probably is) lying to you. Multiplying by 3 is normally an accurate estimate.
Less stable for long term relationships.
The more men a woman has fucked, the deeper the "talent pool" is because she has more to compare you to. The more men she's had, the lower the chance any one of them is the best. It's just math. Add to that women are wired to get the best they can at the time, but the best they can get for a fuck is rarely the best they can get for commitment.
The practice of chaste marriage is the most functional for a society, but it also requires a limited menu of mate selection to be practicable. I don't think we can return to it now, and I think we've discovered too much knowledge and created too much technology to sustain ourselves as a species to begin with.
We work to achieve an abundance economy, and then once we do, we revert to behaviors that undo all of our progress.
Women retain DNA from sexual intercourse, and if that male DNA is floating around while they're hosting "your" baby, it could influence the baby's development.
You're cucking yourself if she has another mans dna in her
this is all a consequence of the 'women deserve sexual pleasure' meme.
this is hat atheism gets you folks. subhumans are fucking your women while you watch.
Marrying a non virgin woman is like eating scraps off the table and then offering to pay for it.
>why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Apart from everything else, it indicates a pattern of behavior. If you are the eighth man she has fucked, what makes you think there won't be a ninth and tenth and so on?
-Natural male instinct
-Sluts are more likely to cheat, more likely to have high egos, more likely to be miserable, more likely to have failed relationships and more likely to be bad mothers, I want to be sure I'm getting married to someone who will not ruin my life.
-Most sluts are mentally unstable and troubled
I'm not necessarily anti-virgin I'm just anti slut
Slut: Someone who has been fucked without forming an emotional bond (love) with someone. Someone who is easy to fuck
What do they say about them??
In a nostalgic way towards her first lover, for example? Explain more pls.
Why would experience destablilise a relationship? And don't you want someone more experienced, so she can sastisfy you in bed? I thought experience was good??
Doesn't that depend on the emotional bond present in the relationship? If a relationship is good, why would there be a ninth or a tenth or whatever number comes next?
You misunderstood it, it doesn't mean that
Do you believe in a concept where a former slut finds a valuable emotional attachment and stops being a slut? Does that happen, in your opinion, or is it just fiction?
>Why would experience destablilise a relationship?
I already answered that. Jesus fuck.
>And don't you want someone more experienced, so she can sastisfy you in bed? I thought experience was good??
This always makes me laugh, it's so pathetic.
She does not have to fuck 50 guys to know how to satisfy one. You give her the experience and you teach her what you want.
You're just looking for any reason to marry a slut.
>Do you believe in a concept where a former slut finds a valuable emotional attachment and stops being a slut?
That only happens when the slut starts to age.
Maybe, but some of those other guys probably thought so too. The more partners she had before you, the less special you are to her and the more likely she is to move on to another when he seems more appealing.
Of course it doesn't make sense. Its another fairy tale normie's tell each other in order to downplay the fact youre better off marrying a virgin.
Also, that 50% rate really kills me
I have known total sluts who have later in their lives hidden their past and gone with "I'm prude as fuck and I don't talk to fuckbois" strategy, seems to have worked out well but it does worry me that I'd marry a girl like that in the future.
To answer your question, no I really don't. Psychologically sluts go through a lot and they can't just forget all their compulsive sluttiness and troubled mind.
hahaha good luck finding a virgin these days! unicorns.
Sluts are sluts, enough said.
How common is sluttiness in London, you can categorize each ethnicity if you want. I talked to a girl from London and she tried to convince me that sluts are shunned in western society too, how true is this?
There are no bonds.
Her brain stop producting it after she fucked too many guys
I don't care if a girl is virgin or not, but I worry if she has more than 5 sexual partners, or if her sexual partners were "one night laid" instead of a stable relationship.
Neckbeards are intimidated by women who are more sexually experienced than they are.
Prudent women are more loyal than hoes
And you cannot turn a hoe into a housewife
Because statistically speaking virgin marriages are mare successful and more fulfilling.
Also according to one CDC study, the odds that your first marriage will not last beyond 5 years increases proportionally with the number of premarital sex partners youve had. By like 7-8% with each new partner. No thanks.
Proven false, it seems.
>In a nostalgic way towards her first lover, for example? Explain more pls.
I can speculate about the causes, but studies show clear correlation.
Bilogically speaking, their bonding hormones stop working properly at some point. Their brain is fucked up from the large number of partners and doesn't know with whom it is supposed to bond them anymore.
Psychologically speaking, a woman with a lot of sexual experience will compare you to the sum of best traits of all her former sexual partners. This is a test you are likely to fail, so she will be permanently unhappy with you.
And finally
...large number of sexual partners is normally symptomatic for the lack of father figure or poor daughter-father relationship. This means concealed anger towards the whole male gender, lack of proper education and so on. I have experienced it first hand with a gf from a fine mother and a degenerate father - she was total mess. That's a solid rule with very few exceptions.
Another informative and insightful post form our fine neighbors to the north.
I should have phrased the question differently, why do you think performance comparison would be the issue if an emotional attachment is present?
Does that mean most women would choose sex over connection anyway?
without a doubt.
They will choose both if given the chance but if denied that opportunity will choose the former.
>the deeper the "talent pool" is because she has more to compare you to.
You do realise that there are women who enjoy having sex with their men even when they don't orgasm just because they enjoy bonding with him, because they want to be with HIM right?
All of you men in this thread now - if you are teenage boys, you might find a teenage girl that is a virgin and marry her.
If you are 30, 40, why would a 20 year old virgin marry you?
There are woman in their 30s who are virgins, but there are usually issue, sometimes, she just didn't find the right person, other times, she could have crippling social anxiety.
Ok well you need to back that up with evidence because emotional anecdotes dont count.
Also what do you mean, women are often more inclined towards older men. Do you really think its far fetched for 20 year olds to go for 30-40 year old men? Its not uncommon by any means.
Agreed. And she will be permanently unhappy with herself in general.
There's a waitress at my usual breakfast place: She and I flirted for a while, tested each other's wit, and eventually she admitted "I've been a hoe. I've slept with dozens of guys." and she doesn't want to date. She wants to have a child (she's 30 now), but she doesn't want to date or let a man be in charge of anything in her life. She told me "having a black baby would be so CUTE, don't you think they're cute?!!" as though it were just another accessory in life.
Some women are just....fucked. They're fucked-out and they can no longer find joy and purpose in living. They become bitter bitches who resent the ideal man that never gave themselves to them.
>Neckbeards are intimidated by women who are more sexually experienced than they are.
Neckbeards are jealous that there are women out there having some sex, while neckbeard have none, why won't sluts have sex with him?
A bitch is a woman who won't sleep with a neckbeard, and a slut is a woman who is sleeping with someone other than the neckbeard.
They are in a hell of their own making. Women into causal sex will avoid men who shame them for it. Remember when Axe was a huge thing? I made a point of sniffing the tester at the store so I would know what a douchebag smells like same reason me and other woman are reading up on the PUA, more and more women will be able to recognize and avoid.
Another way that they are screwing themselves over is that there are women to whom virginity is an important thing, for herself, and for HIM! So if he has already screwed around, she's not interested, also, incel need not apply. See "Dishonourable Proposal", it's a Harlequinn Romance novel featuring a virgin woman and her first love who was a bit older than her - but he's also a virgin.
Go move up to leafland.
And I'll contrast this with a girl I met in college some years ago. She was there for her "Mrs" degree, and took a liking to me. She and I dated, I met her family, and spent some casual, quality time with her (non-ritualizing dating -- just sharing time together). I was her first. SHE WOULDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE AFTER THAT and became quite clingy.
I really do believe that a good young woman, raised properly by a family, will have the capacity to bond with the man who treats her right and takes her virginity. Women want to be virtuous, but they also want their "inner whore" awakened and corralled into the bedroom and the bond of marriage.
...And now there's two generations of women who are swimming through blizzards of dicks just to come out disappointed on the other side.
Pretty silly assumption that everyone here is a neckbeard and that anyone who doesn't want to marry a slut is a loser
>You do realise that there are women who enjoy having sex with their men even when they don't orgasm just because they enjoy bonding with him, because they want to be with HIM right?
lol women's orgasms don't matter, sure thing kid.
>All of you men in this thread now - if you are teenage boys, you might find a teenage girl that is a virgin and marry her.
Except we're generally not teenagers and girls lose their virginity younger and younger now because "it's just sex it's no big deal lol". Sex is, fundamentally, a union of two conscious spirits for the creation of a third. What it's been reduced to is another bodily function like shitting and pissing.
>If you are 30, 40, why would a 20 year old virgin marry you?
The same reason women usually marry men who are older than themselves: higher social and socio-economic status. Do you even hypergamy? By the time a man is in his 30's, he's in a buyer's market. The women his age have foregone marriage and kids so they could take at least a dozen dicks and be a corporate office drone or wage-slave. They're pressuring for marriage and kids in a time when their fertility is declining, and they're competing with women 10 years younger who are not applying the same pressure and urgency and aren't (quite) as used up and busted yet.
>There are woman in their 30s who are virgins, but there are usually issue, sometimes, she just didn't find the right person, other times, she could have crippling social anxiety.
These women are tiny in number they don't matter. A woman who is un-mated and does not reproduce is rare, whereas it's actually historically normal for men to be un-mated and die without reproducing.
Good analogy.
I have noticed a lot often simply hate women on this board and I don't get it. It seems they have accepted they won't have much or any sex and rather than try they vilify.
I think you shouldn't take everything literally on this board, a lot of the claims people exaggerate for sensationalism.That still doesn't answer the question though, do you think anyone who doesn't want to marry a slut is an insecure loser?
god said no sluts, only tight, pure holes
A woman with many partners indicates she lacks the ability to commit long term and shows a tendency toward problems with impulse control. Both of these major indicators point to the probability that any long term relationship with that person is doomed to failure not to mention those are undesirable traits that the mother will either pass on or teach to her children. A good woman makes a man great a bad woman can destroy even a great man.
>if an emotional attachment is present?
the theory is that sex spits out dopamine the pair bonding drug, which has diminishing returns, and the more sex a person has the less they will be able to pair bond with someone new.
i.e. sexually active folks can't develop an emotional connection but will continue looking because "Ir just never felt the same as it used to be with ____"