/ptg/ President Trump General - Literally Raped Edition

Trump Playlist

>VP Pence @Nato 2/20/17
>Pres Trump Rally Melbourne FL 2/18/17
>VP Pence @ Munich Conf 2/18/17
>Maddog speaks at Munich 2/17/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #4 2/17/17
>SCJ Alito swears in EPA admin Pruitt 2/17/17
>Pres Trump touring Boeing faciliteis 2/17/17
>Pres Trump &senpai heading to Boeing 2/17/17
>Pres Trump @ Boeing 2/17/17
>Pres Trump Fake News Presser 2/16/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

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I didn't know Judd Apatow was a woman in Sweden.

Hmmm how long before he's attacked by his feminist allies for trivializing rape for comedic purposes?

Get on it, boys.

liberals can use anything they want. Bill Maher just called Milo a fag to his face. The blacks are calling all the conservatives niggers.

These fucks need to die.

>sure trump has done a lot but look at all he HASNT done

>S W E D E N - G A T E

The controversy started at the FL Trump rally when Trump made mention of "Just look at whats happening in Sweden. Sweden! Sweden of all places! They're having problems that you wouldn't believe!"

What has been happening in Sweden is an epic increase in refugee crimes. The media blew it out and said Trump was trying to reference a terrorist attack when he wasn't. He was talking about the immigration problems with rapefugees. Trump later tweeted to destroy the fake news stories being created about what he had said at the rally.

Trump's tweet on 2/19/17: "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."

The Fox news story he watched about Sweden on 2/17/17: youtube.com/watch?v=OSzjfAMk-RI

Recent Trump tweet where he goes fucking savage af 2/20/17: "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!"

>60 Minutes crew in Sweden attacked by refugees: youtube.com/watch?v=A76DLK20L4o

Fun stuff:
Chinese citizens fuck up mudslimes: youtube.com/watch?v=ztLTYAsPYtY

Rule #4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

-Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

>all three are coming soon anyway

That's it, just those three things? Is CNN really that desperate?

lol malmo is trending


I really want Democrats to go the way of the Labor party of UK after Brexit

And once again, the MSM's attempt to control a narrative is backfiring spectacularly

>Matt (((Wilstein)))
Every god damn time.



What's that?

>sure its only been 30 days, but look how he hasnt done what he said he would in 100 days

Will the wall be a tourist hotspot after it's built? I want to go see it.



I feel the same way after watching his movies.

>MSM has a new bullshit angle to attack Trump from every 48 hours
>stories get disproved but spread fast enough to do their damage quickly
>simultaneously working overtime to shut down non-mainstream sources as 'fake news' going as far as to hire groups to track the 'misinformation network' so it can be identified and kil
How do we kill the legacy-press companies?


>still not livestream link
>still not livestream link

life is suffering today

Top kek!


Fuck this wall.

I'm curious how people here feel about the media survey. I looked at and took it and had some opinions about it, and I'm curious how much they aligned/clashed with those of the "other side" so to speak.

Do you feel the survey is warranted? Why or why not?

Do you feel the language/wording of the questions in it is biased? If so, do you feel some parts are more egregious than others? If not, how do you feel about some of the "more biased" ones (that is, ones that can be interpreted more readily as being biased)?

Do you believe the results will be beneficial? If so, would you feel the same if the result was not what you expected? If not, do you feel the survey is worth taking anyway?

Same group had prominent signs at the NYC protest yesterday, too

A very violent/rapey city in Sweden.

They're dying every moment. Don't watch, don't click. Get rid of cable if you can.

>70 days from now on CNN:
>"Yes he did everything he said he would do, but here's how it's actually bad for America"

Hire some decent orators for the White House. They're all terrible.

>Doing any damage

M8, they are a joke, they are only further digging their own graves

See: Very Fake Media


Cigarette brand I think.

Does anybody know the meaning of this, I saw it on a liberal forum

>(((Jude Apatow)))
>his face

>American Education


>Trump wins
>Repubs control House
>Repubs control Senate
>Repubs control most state Govs
>BUT heres how unpopular Trump is according to our poll ;)

so trump is basically forcing Sup Forums tier memes onto his dumb followers. literally every swede has been raped by the muslims. twice.

That's what it means

That's some skill

The only ones who believe their shit anymore are people who want to believe it, i.e. people who hate Trump and want to keep pretending they're Anne Frank hiding in the attic.

The press's obvious bias and constant generation of faux controversy is going to quickly wear on neutrals who just want to live their lives in peace if it hasn't already. The press is deligitimizing itself at an alarming rate. I fully expect the likes of CNN to be tabloid tier by the end of the year.

Can not agree with this more.

Trump needs a Nigel Farage out on point. Sharp and articulate.

Watch Twin Peaks, 1 season. It's great. Don't watch season 2.
>more tv show references from liberals

Probably some faggot from some faggot show only liberals would watch

Is it important enough for an American to even recognize it's name out of the sea of who countries, towns and cities?

>not having any culture
lol u mad whiteboi?

>we are not enemies of america! -media
>now get rid of borders and ruin the country forever! -media

>Don't watch season 2




>Simple choice - Illegals, or millions of dollars in transport improvement projects

They're already tabloid tier. I can't think of a "mainstream" news source that isn't. Even Fox partakes in the faggotry though it has the most pro-Trump people there.

Done done and done long ago user, but I'm talking about the normie masses who can't even conceive that the media might lie more than once in a while. I've found myself becoming an unofficial news source for several normalfag friends who'll bring me some article skeptically, wanting to know why for example the MSM suddenly started talking about a fake terrorist attack in Sweden.

I think ultimately you're both right, but it's not happening fast enough. Maybe in another year or two the swing away from the media will be complete and I'll get to see the long awaited bankruptcies/restructuring of major news networks that I've always wanted.

It's just unfortunate that we'll not really be able to see the effects until 2018 when dems lose every seat up for election; maybe then dems will self-reflect...but probably not



Which is it? good show or for faggots?

I tried to watch it three times and stopped on the third episode. It's absolute shit.


>He is psychopath inside or has a demon inside
fiction is all they have left now.
search Killer Bob

Opinions, man.

I think it's all great. I think Season 2 has some of the best episodes and moments of the entire series.

Isn't that the devil from The stand?

>Done done and done long ago user, but I'm talking about the normie masses who can't even conceive that the media might lie more than once in a while. I've found myself becoming an unofficial news source for several normalfag friends who'll bring me some article skeptically, wanting to know why for example the MSM suddenly started talking about a fake terrorist attack in Sweden.

Same here. I can't believe there's still so many of them out there that still don't get it.


Swedish Marseilles
Here is one line of argumentation that can be very effective: let the defenders of Sweden do all the talk.

For instance, here is their attempt to defend Malmo as not dangerous [1]:

> Malmö has a history of similar disputes. It resembles a kind of gang violence, but police are increasingly refraining from using that label, because many of the groupings are quite fluid and different in character

> Sweden's third-biggest city Malmö was rocked by an explosion last night and a spate of shootings in the past week, including one at a shopping centre in the Rosengård area which got global attention.

> Unlike terrorism or shooting sprees, the general public tends not to be the target during Malmö's waves of violence. The incidents are internal disputes between people who often have a criminal past.

The whole point of that article is to explain that what happens in Malmo is not terrorism, not even gangs but ransom spurs of violence coming from within the community.

It just happens that it comes primarily from the Muslim community.

Deliberately chose an account of someone trying to downplay the issue so it's magnitude can be determined.

The length they go to pretend everything is fine is more damaging to their account than anything we could show. Do it, find their attempts to justify the violence and use it against them

[1] thelocal.se/20160729/what-do-we-actually-know-about-the-violence-in-malm

It's a mystical detective show about a murder in a weird remote town. I liked it.
It's directed by David Lynch. If you saw any of his movies you pretty much know how it will go.

They'll hold out. Seattle is under the mistaken impression Bezos will just donate millions or billions to make up the shortfall.

For all I know he will ... for a while. Amazon relies on cheap H1-B labor among its contractors to stay afloat. If he bankrolls Washington State long enough, they'll keep throwing lawsuits out through the AG's office to stymie any attempt Trump makes to curtail H1-B visa abuse.


I just don't understand how people can just live like nothing is happening, when traitors literally come out and spit in the people's faces daily

If that isn't enough to start an uprising, nothing is



1) Which media survey?
2) Why so many questions? That tags you as an outsider here.

Serves the cucks right.



Maybe you're right. I might give it another shot.

Not sure what you're reffering to. The name of the episode? I watched it 5 years ago, I don't quite remember the details.

Thoughts on these guys?

Sorry, what?

If they cant spot the oozing bias coming from 95% of the press they're too far gone. They're either retarded and deserve euthanasia or choose to believe it because it makes them feel better

I loved that. Textbook verbal domination.

>Trump leaves a joke/burn hanging
>lets Acosta start talking again
>Trump interrupts him as if it's nothing, and finishes the burn
>everyone laughs at Acosta


The GOP one.

Also, I *am* an outsider here! I'm much more liberal. But I don't feel that an echo chamber results in healthy discourse, and I want to know what the "other side" feels about the survey. I'm not looking for an argument, just another viewpoint; I won't tell you your answers are wrong even if I disagree with them.

wow nice what site did he use?

>ordering the abuse
What the hell does that mean?

Notice how careful they are to only call out Western men doing this, never Muslims? How curious. How very curious.

> post yfw it's president's day and you have the God Emperor as your president

>ordering the sexual abuse of 346 Filipino children

> charged with ordering the sexual abuse of 346 Filipino children

How does one order the sexual abuse of someone? Cams?

Spicer, if you want to know what we think just ask, you don't have to pretend to be one of us

The survey got brigaded by reddit, so the results are probably pretty off.

The only reason they attack Trump is because he is the only "safe" topic they have.

It's going to be really annoying when a terrorist attack happens under Trump's watch and everyone on the left suddenly believes in false flags


>mfw day off for holiday

NYT has it's panties at maximum twist:

>This vision is the one Donald Trump began outlining at the start of his campaign, when he slandered an entire country, Mexico, as an exporter of rapists and drug criminals, and an entire faith, Islam, as a global nest of murderers. This is the currency of the Trump aides Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller, who have brought the world of the alt-right, with its white nationalist strain, into the White House.

>Where could the demonizing and dehumanizing of the foreign born lead but to a whiter America? You have heard the lies from Mr. Trump: that immigrants pose a threat, when they are a boon. That murders are up, when they are down. That refugees flow unimpeded into the country, when they are the most meticulously vetted people to cross our borders. That immigrants and refugees are terrorists, when they are the ones being terrorized.

I think you should, man. I won't say it's perfect or anything, but it's worth watching.

Besides, you've gotta get caught up if you want to really enjoy the new season in May.

>you don't have to pretend to be one of us
> implying he isn't one of us from the start
> implying he wasn't the one manning Trump's Twitter account when pic related happened