Alright Sup Forums where do you fall?
Alright Sup Forums where do you fall?
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this is a good test imo and accurate
Yeah better than the usual shit that floats around Sup Forums
Holy shit this was a good test, I didn't really find myself in a hard choice.
This is actually a pretty accurate test
bit of a surprise there
I'll go purchase a fedora asap
i honestly thought i was left leaning
ye reddd
Well shit, I'm a centrist.
Weird. I wonder if it means left populist like a socialist or right populist like trump.
A bit of both. Socialist for my own people, but please restrict it to my nation and don't give it away to every sandnigger who comes just seeking the gibsmedat.
I got the same result, which sucks because being in the center is for normies
although it's probably true seeing how I personally lack religious values despite feeling strong about protecting religious freedom (mainly for theists).
Sounds nice.
Just because i think that a fucking foreigner should speak the predominant language of the country.
Shitty compass.
I'm not worthy of Sup Forums am I?
wow really made me think
me too
how am I supposed to go on pretending to be 1488 now
Well the rest of the answers i gave were all about freedoms, even gaykike marriages. I guess foreigners speaking in shitty congolese are more important than gun rights.
pretty accurate
Pretty accurate I'd say. Although if they asked about muslims and minorities I'd assume it'd be a far right populist.
>Centre Populist
What? That's literally Sup Forums
I believe in culture, not ideology.
This is totally flawed version of political compass to obscure understanding...
Liberal == Libertarian
Conservative =/= Right Wing
(there exists a Conservative Left, more present in different parts of world than USA, where it has been exterminated by Soros and the kikes)
Populist is NOT a cathegory.
It just anti-democratic rulers (current western leadership) claim, that pro-democratic forces are "populistic"... !
This is fight against Trump, against LePen, Wilders and against ALL PEOPLE of Europe... (in USA the elections are now over, but in Europe they are expected)
Ayy we are the master race of political views objectively anything else is anti western civilization.
This is the only acceptable result.
what is a hate group
i got conservative
By the way... gas the kikes, race war now.
Indecisive faggot.
Fuck you pal
Pretty much
It was a question on free speech but "hate group" is a shitty term. Hate groups are physically violent so the question is ass.
Found out why.
If you think that certain bullshit are not important even if you strongly disagree, he thinks "OH NOES, THAT'S VERY INSENSITIVE FROM YOU".
Repeated the test and got the right libertarian leaning thing.
Same as you, I want to keep the country stable, but not constantly dole out money as it will cause the system to collapse. We do have to fix our economic infrastructure and the government should maintain basic duties such as military and infrastructure. Some regulation is needed but we have too much.
If anything, the government should be creating jobs instead of welfare.
Socialist but a national one. I don't know, I answered truthfully and that came out.
Whatever. As with all these tests every question just prompts more questions.
I got the same result desu
This thing is way to short and simplistic... it said I'm a liberal and that I 'genrally support public safety nets' but it only asked one question about welfare and I disagreed like wtf. Yeah I'm liberal in a lot of ways but fuck nanny state bullshit, public safety nets are just a way for the government to take away self-sufficiency and keep poor people poor and dependant. test is fucking dumb
First question
>hate groups
I wish these sites learned how to be specific with their questions. You're going to get different answers to the question just by how you define a hate group, which makes the whole question retarded.
same result, to lazy to post picture
>Conservative Left
Like a fiscally conservative liberal? You would fall into left-leaning libertarian or libertarian-leaning liberal
pretty Accurate
Only reasonable answer.
>tfw most intelligent in this thread
I think it's good that when they say liberal they actual mean liberal instead of what liberalism has come to represent.
>Mad it called you a liberal because you are a liberal
Okay bud
Bad question agreed but it assumes you don't agree that violence should be protected.
Centrists are cancer. Their position is basically just the manifestation of the Golden Mean Fallacy.
>Classic definition of liberal
Thank you Jesus.
who /leftypol/ here
>support significant government involvement in the economy, safety net, strict regulation
>"instead of what it has come to represent" (in the US, Canada and parts of the Anglosphere, might I say)
What does populist even mean?
If Podemos and Maduro and Trump and Ukip and Le Pen are all populist, it means fucking nothing
History is an eternal battle between the good and the neutral.
If you didn't get this consider shooting yourself in the head.
Yup. This is pretty accurate
So, authoritarian. Kill yourself bootlickers.
I got the same.
It is pretty blanket statement that the common people are being screwed by either the government or corporations.
Good one kike
better dead than red
Unite, brothers!
t. hoppe-poster?
>don't tell me what to do, mom
Finally a decent alignment test
>tfw i was scoring "centrist" on Political Compass™ AND I want Hitler to come back
End result after 5 years on Sup Forums
Congratulations on growing up
libertarian-leaning conservative here
In your hearts you know I'm right
Libertarian as the opposite of populist? What retard made this, those are not at all mutually exclusive.
Hitler WAS a centrist outside of the gross violations of free speech and due process.
It isn't implying they are opposites you retard
You as an american may not understand, what is Conservative Left, because it does not exist in USA.
It does not mean, that it does not or did not exist elsewhere...
(Left economically, but Conservative on moral scale...)
Here enjoy some better scheme - conservative left is in top-left corner...
From east-Europe socialism to any Worker's Unions...
It is totally different from SJW liberal left, that is most common crying on streets...
Please wake up Sup Forums, this scheme of is anti-Trump and anti-People kike propaganda to shape electorate against right choices...
how do I get that big image you all post though
wtf i hate pol now
Abortions for everyone desu
But you can't end on both at the same time. Hence they are mutually exclusive which makes no sense since they simply aren't.