Really? Is that the best reason to have voted for him? Even Fox news is embarrassed of him now. It takes a lot for those ass clowns to disown you.
>inb4 shill
not a shill. Just stating the obvious. He's an idiot.
Really? Is that the best reason to have voted for him? Even Fox news is embarrassed of him now. It takes a lot for those ass clowns to disown you.
>inb4 shill
not a shill. Just stating the obvious. He's an idiot.
>Everyone who likes Trump is a stupid redneck XD
That lost you one election, don't you learn?
Only 1400+ days untill his reelection. Your butt hurtness is making it all the better.
any given redneck is infinitely smarter than ANY faggot on Sup Forums that isnt a redneck nerd.
practical knowledge>abstract postmodernist """"""thought"""""""
Hope your ready to be president in 18 months Mr. Pence.
Thanks to Democrat teachers unions, the "poorly educated" are very very numerous. But I guess hindsight is 2020!
I love everything about President Trump
That guy looks like a real bro. I would love to have some beer with him.
> Appeals to emotion and social pressures
> No central theme
You are either female, in which case tits or GTFO; or a emasculated cuck, in which case no one cares about you.
Wtf I hate drumpf now, better not give him the nuclear codes!
What about the opposition? "I voted for Hillary because she's got a vagina".
Please do go on, and I pray that the media keeps up this line of thinking, it's working so well.
You see that flag on the right? That means Not Welcome.
Oh and OP your mom just called and wanted me to tell you that your a massive faggot!
This. Luckily city people all voted hillary. Only rural and suburban retards voted trump so he hasn't yet gotten the neutron codes
>He's an idiot.
So if all that wealth, fame, power and success can be had by any idiot, what does your lacking it say about you exactly?
couple rednecks vote for a guy
Surely all of his voters are rednecks
>any idiot
*any idiot with a super rich dad
>He's rich guys! means that he's very very smart! Big league IQ here!
Only a fucking burger can be this stupid thinking success, fame and power means intelligence.
My reasons were actually my disdain for disgusting brown people and my desire for law and order.
Hillary won the popular vote, she lost because of unenthusiastic turnout in key states. The hicks will be outnumbered next time around.
this faggy argument again? Don't you think if he was stupid he would have spent it all? Just like you spend your entire paychecks on buttplugs sven?
I voted for him to spite my family
You must know a lot of retard billionares. Please let's hear your dissertation on retard economies.
I voted for Trump because you hate him and will be able to do nothing but stew in your own rage for the next four years
> I Voted Fer Trump Cause He Ain't One Of Those Politician Fellers
No one does this. Trump had a lot of ties to the establishment before his run and was never a complete outsider.
Wow. I didn't think I'd communicate with an IRL faggot today.
>The hicks will be outnumbered next time around.
Well for one the Hispanic voter turnout was up by a lot in swing states and that didn't matter at all. Next time around, it's not going to be just the black males who will stay home, hombre ;^)
only rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf. urban voters all voted for hillary.
hilarious how everyone itt is so triggered that their god emperor isn't intelligent. Then they have no counter to it other than
>he managed to KEEP his money WOAH
or insults. there is no evidence trump is an intelligent man
>Even Fox News
This is amazing. You guys still have no clue. Well, keep your minds closed and keep burning that money. Paid posts are best posts or whatever.
I'm going to need a little more comprehensive evidence to suggest this.
Otherwise, his people made a simple phone call. -calm down you clowns.
Well it means he's smarter to you at the least.
Not even true, 40% of all urbans voted for Trump.
He won against Hillary, her donors and her supporters. That means he's smarter than at least 48% of the population ;)
Don't hate him. The feeling is more like the person that brings his friend to a party and gets too drunk and I'm too embarrassed to say, "Yep, my friend does this all the time."
I voted for Trump because I'm a Southern Nationalist, and Trump might be the one to break apart the Union.
You will have to go back
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Usually you don't construct the strawman AND knock him down in the same post.
But you do seem to be a special kind of stupid.
>hicks will be outnumbered once we guilt them into a vote by repeatedly insulting their previous descision to elect Donald Trump
>we'll throw in all the things they don't care about like Mexicans getting deported being morally wrong
>fighting terror is morally wrong
>then when we can't win we'll just rig it even harder this time
Let's just forget how Trump has already started his campaign.
You have to deal with another Trump campaign for the next four years.
You are a shill. This jive bullshit has tried and tried to make its point in countless other threads. And it has failed every time.
What do you hope to accomplish in beating this tired, old horse?
Please ask a lower-middle class white person why they voted for Trump. Most will say the "He's not a politician rhetoric."
Or maybe it's because these kinds of groups are usually Republican voters themselves?
Considering that the politicians of the last 20-30 years have nearly destroyed this country, I see nothing wrong with this rhetoric.
You're making the argument. Why should I do your work for you? Support your own argument with your own data and not a straw man or be mocked as a shill.
You gave it a shot but Sup Forums isn't Facepage or Tumblr. Made up non arguments don't fly here. Fuck off to Plebbit. Intellectually you're more suited for an echo chamber hug box.
>I'll type I'm not a shill. Then they'll have to believe me!
you fucking burger nignug brain.
How can money, fame and power make you smart??
However what do you define intelligent?
A intelligent person for me is someone who knows how to create, manipulate, understandable, logical, not emotional invested and reasonable person.
Tell me again how money, fame and power makes you smart other than your emotional primitive interest to be special?
And Sup Forums isn't an echo-chamber? You can't be that stupid?
>A intelligent person for me is someone who knows how to create, manipulate, understandable, logical, not emotional invested and reasonable person.
Trump created jobs. Trump manipulated voters, the media, Hillary Clinton and the entire establishment. Trump is intentionally using language that can be understood by anone. He is logical, only in manipulative ways. Also, he is pretty reasonable, considering he has not started a nuclear war and his entire staff is full of experienced people with a great wisdom.
Fox News didn't even really get on the Trump train until Cruz dropped out. And even then, only because they're supposed to be "rightwing" and are just riding on Trump's popularity.
But you're a shill so why would you care?
Do you even know what an echo chamber is you fucking retard?
Hint if this were an echo chamber your thread would be deleted and you would be shadow banned.
An echo chamber is a space where the other opinion is actively suppressed. This isn't happening on here, hence this place isn't a safe space.
Yes I do. I see you autists making herr derr the shills thread everyday when people question Trump's decisions.. I call it an echo-chamber.
Ok. Be wrong then. I'm sure it's not the first nor the last time.
Cause all that practical knowledge and commen sense and picking yerslves up by them bootstraps really comes in handy for the doctor who's treating yor kid for cancer or doing knee surgery on you, or the physicist who's plotting the coordinates for your cars GPS.
All the gum and Lickety spitshine back in your day makes america great, right?
Or you could be talking complete and utter anti-intellectual shit akin to what the fat acceptance movement say.
"It's not my fault I'm dumb, It's the smart people's fault. They're the unhealthy ones."
Who are you talking to?
>people have other opinions than myself and are also allowed to express them
>therefore dis place is safe saepc xdd
You're only mad that Sup Forums isn't like reddit, liberal shill.
So easy to trigger. Might as well call this place Tumblr.
there are no downvotes here
>Trump created jobs.
Stopped reading there.
>Look at me. You're the shill.
He own companies that employ people. You, on the other hand, can't even manage to get employed yourself.
They just don't employ Americans.
>some random liberal is smarter than the billionaire president of the US
They do. More than 90% of his companies employees are born Americans. Yet you cuckold won't even accept that because it goes against your ideology, therefore you omit even thinking about it.
first cousin detected....
>LOL T-Triggered you!
> Calls trump an idiot on Sup Forums
> Not a shill
When will you shills learn to comprehend board culture? At least make your subversion subversive, jesus christ.
lol. Potato nigger mad that even the lowest subhumans in the United States are smarter than their doctors and surgeons.
Outnumbered by the deported illegals... Brilliant!
saging your shitty thread
>An online community that reaches any given consensus becomes an echo chamber regardless of whether it actively attempts to censor other opinions
The only way this thread is getting deleted is if it's obvious you're shitposting. Your opinion isn't being censored, we're just calling you retarded.
Being a fucking doctor don't make you smart more like knowledgeable about human's body. There are many definitions of smartness. The best are social skills with people, engineering, manipulation, self control and not emotional and having a ability to learn fast.