>how can white women compete?
How can white women compete?
Yeah clearly he took too much time and burnt them
They sure love big white and pacific islander dicks
Forgot image
by having 3 digit IQs.
america makes funny!
This is the result of high insecurity
Poor things
i too write a draft before writing the real thing
Is this satire?
Goodnight my sides
I'm convinced.
Put me in the screencap
Hi /r/Sup Forums!
Dude just standing in the background on the phone, like "Jamaal, you need to check yo mom's shit. Bitch out here workin a gotdamn stopsign."
>Native American - Female
Time to show them my trail of tears
Audibly kek'd... Have a (You)
Why are they so insecure?
Yea like in the way you take your time trying to fix a fucked up hairstyle but it still looks like shit no matter what you do
it´s like looking at wheel chair down syndromed kid who keeps saying he is special
yes you are honey, yes you are. here have a like out of pity.
There skin is the color of poo poo
haha racism is so funny do i fit in fellow nazi's :')
hi redit.
I can appreciate a black woman. Problem is 90% of them are fat or infected.
Don't be fat
Keep your natural hair
Learn English
It seems that native women have Pocahontas syndrome. Shameful.
That's correct, desu.
Black Women>White Women>Asian Women (Which also include middle eastern women)
>there skin
It's "their" you fucking moron. Stop making us look like rural and suburban retards.
By not being subhuman primates
Put me in screencap!
Two things I conclude from this image:
>The more exclusive something is, the more desirable it is to the excluded
>white men are far, far more degenerate than white women
Holy fucking shit.
So THAT'S where Peter Jackson got the idea for the Uruk-hai!
>those Asian stats
Sorry dudes, I didn't think it was that bad.
>how can white women compete?
By not being a fucking gorilla.
You're pretty good kid..heh
White women are insufferable.
oh snap!
burnt dem nigs.....
Fake news.
Do Indian men have Pacific Islander women or something?
black women are the trash of the earth
even black dudes don't want them
Is there something wrong with preferring cultured, successful Europeans to drunk ugly natives?
fpbp americucks know how to make others kek
Yup their hair looks exactly like their pubes ... really took his time
Put me in the screencap :)