Am I brain damaged?

Sup Forums you are the only guys I trust in my life.
Tell me if my brain is fine or not

>he browses Sup Forums

I'm sorry user, yes.

I'm giving you this qt as a reward

And you do what fbi guy?

looks fine to me

But then why I have no memory?
If you need specific screens I have 5.000 pictures of this MRI


with my experience in watching House.MD i think you should be cautious about a couple spots

If i remember correctly dark spots in the major areas of brain mass usually represent brain death, or possibly cancer.

What kind of "No memory?"

I've been fuzzy for nearly a year now and my short term memory for lots of things like names is absolutely nonexistent.

I can forget your name in the same sentence as i'm introducing myself.

do you
>smoke weed
>drink alcohol
>eat garlic/onions
>stay inside all day
>look at screens all day
>never talk to anyone in real life
>masturbate (to orgasm) more than once a week
>have a vegan diet

if one or more of those apply, theres the problem. fix it.

Wow there's a shit load of them on every picture...
Same basically
I do some points...

i've done a fairly large amount of testing and just given up on it mostly. They never figured out what it was and it was getting too expensive to prod.

Those are virchow-robin spaces

Brain looks fine

But got more slides?

Medical student hier. From the posted images one can easily conduct that you're a massive faggot.

It's free for me. I've an appointment in less than a month with an university teacher and doctor.

Do you still have your MRI?

Yes, wait a moment

Also what is the issue/why did you get the MRI?

It's not the complete 3D scan, but from here i can say that you have no tumors, no significant lesion/trauma and no atrophy whatsoever.

That said, you're not really sane as you're asking for medical advice on a board full of autistic basement dwellers. Get your MRI to a professional.

I believe you have a cerebellar tumour.

The top left image shows stage 4 Sadd-Lamb syndrome. Though irreversible, it is fortunately manageable, but stay away from welsh people.

brain looks fine to me. I'm not a radiologist but i have a phd in mri technical development... No obvious tumor or something like that

>i actually have a brain tumor lol

Internationally recognized neurosurgeon here, I'm sorry OP but you suffer from being a retard.

What the fuck is wrong with garlic and onions?

What the fuck is wrong with vegan diets? Not based like pescaterian/vegetarian, but mules better compared to your average red meat/processed food filled American diet.

Those ones are following

Your brain doesn't look white. Why is that?

Looking for atrophy actually

And I have an appointment next month

have you been into contact with black mold?

Fuzzy picture, but looks normal if you cut the slice at the level of the cerebral peduncles, you will get the superior surface of the cerebellum in the slide as well.

A tumour wouldn't retain the normal gyri of the cerebellum, and in that size it would probably distort the rest of the brain and especially compress the quadrigeminal cistern (the black area in front).

No. Why that?

>won't won't even eat eggs

my memory is shot and has been getting worse. Don't have dreams anymore (or at least can't remember them) and have black mold in my house. Have trouble remembering things I did earlier in the day, sometimes not sure if I did them that day or the one previous.

I'd ask you, if you have the whole acquisition, to upload it somewhere, i work in a place where they look at these the whole day. But being the honest fella that i am, i can't, as usually the images contain your personal data (name, last name, age, place where you got scanned, etc.)

>mother who smoked during pregnancy
>taken only two hard knocks to the head in his life
>fidgety during the scan

outcome: worry when you notice a slur (as if anyone speaking vlaams will notice lol)

how'd I do?

I rarely ever have dreams. How old are you?

i demand sauce

Doesn't look like any atrophy to me, but it's many times a judgement call, and you need the rest of the slides to also view it in other planes. It also depends on how old you are, as older people will atrophy as a part of the natural ageing process.

What you do is, you look at the gray matter (the whiter stuff that follows the gyri), and see wether or not it is decreased (atrohpied). You can compare front to back, for example, or one side with the other. You can also see it indirectly by the black fold increased in width.

But there are far better tests (where you have to perform different taskts) to check your actual cognitive function, which are more sensitive to small changes. I mean, morphological changes to the brain matter is usually a late sign, and can be of help if it's obvious someone is suffering from dementia and you want to narrow down the diagnosis.

What you can do is also provide the coronar slices which show the hippocampal areas, which deal with memory, and the temporal lobes. You can do certain measurements there (not online though), to see if there is an abnormal loss of tissue.

I would say, though, that cognitive problems amongst younger people (as you probably are), have other explanations most of the time. Did you get a check up on your thyroid values, for example, blood value, vitamins? Depression? Do you sleep enough? Many more likely explanations.

It does, but is it a way to delete the meta? I'm looking at every files, I can maybe make an ISO without these metadata