Sloppy, incorrect swastikas on post-it notes
Hey rabbi....
Sloppy, incorrect swastikas on post-it notes
Hey rabbi....
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Blame it on Muslims too
How do people even know what doors are Jew doors?
leave a penny in front of the door and wait a few seconds
the doors with the big noses
Exactly. They can't see a situation from an other person's perspective. Jews are literally autistic.
you follow the children's blood
do you even jew?
larger than normal door handles
thats some spooky shit, i´d call the cops if right wing were leaving notes on my door
like thats how homicides start, you do nothing about other people getting mad, then they´re in jail for 3-10 years for going full apeshit
Hael hiltley
Oh, my God, those guys must be totally organized and hyper-dangerous. Sticky notes and red pens. Fuckkkkkkkk!!!! They definitely aren't children.
Lambs blood
Fucking rabbis.
Good jokes
Oh shit, like religious Jews then? Good, fuck em
Toronto has a Jewish district, no joke. It's a neighbourhood just north of downtown and everyone in it is hardcore orthodox.
Good thing there m103 being shoved down our throats
Oh wait that's for islam and nothing else.
Islam needs to be more protected than any other ideology
I found another one
Jesus christ.
>piece of paper
capcha:gartenkamp terres
it is a false flag
Here is a friendly tip to help you draw a proper swastica.
The arms of the swastica go out from the center, and then 90 degrees to the right. You can remember this by keeping this phrase in mind: Hitler was RIGHT
Most Jews have one of these beside their front doors.
As I implied, that would mean that they probably deserve to have swastikas on their doors, and it probably means that they are the ones who put them there.
Hyile Hortlor
Watcha doin' Rabi?
That just narrows it down to Jew or Chinese
- a Chinese
You know it's a falseflag since it's written on a post-it note. Figures a jew wouldn't for instance spray paint the door with a swastika, then he'd have to spend shekels to clean it up!
a rare pepe for you
Isn't the swastika facing the wrong direction?
forty keks xD