>Opinion// I don't know what an opinion is.
anti-Semitism is just jews cluthing at straws trying to feed their victim complex.
>anti-Semitism is just jews cluthing at straws trying to feed their victim complex.
No it isn't, the Jews have a long history of being persecuted.
I know right, what's the problem with literally-everyone-else
Antisemitism is a terrible disease that affects even the best of people.
>victim blaming
Didn't King Jew Bibi already say he wasn't though? If you can't trust the King Jew at his word, well, you might just be an anti-semite.
>lets his daughter marry and breed with a jew
checks out
Jews are doing this shit to themselves, Trump is supporting Israel, shouldn't they be happy?
Or is it the Messianic ones vs the Zionists?
Does the left ever properly apply terms? I can't tell if they're just retarded or purposefully newspeaking...
They just throw shit at you hoping that it sticks.
(((they))) don't give a shit about isreal and probably would be delighted if it gets destroyed to get renew "muh holocaust" guilt.
It's a radical leftist newspaper funded by a German billionaire (seriously)
Jews had plenty of time to either cut out their shit or leave. We need to remember that Jews had no right to Germany they were let in with more or less open arms during the 18th and 19th centuries when they were fleeing reprisal from their actions in Russia. Many people draw parallels to the current American situation, they let in millions of the inbred sand rats with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to turn on them. Instead of telling their tribe to stop targeting our children they'll cry about muh americaust when assbooting #110 comes.
Another one
Are you implying that children indoctrinated into terrorism are not victims?
I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
And another
They are victims of Islam and Arab culture. But they are terrorists as well.
>Antisemitism is disagreeing with jews
So disagreeing with a black person makes me a racist, and disagreeing with a woman makes me a misogynist ?
...this explains a lot.
well, at least he's not trying to pass it as fact
Why don't you post articles from our popular newspapers.
Interesting how Sup Forums who often cries over media bias is biased to the bone when it comes to Israel or Jews.
This is a great example, Haarez has a meager single digit share of the market while our most popular news paper posts pics related.
But these never make it to Sup Forums for some reason.
American media is majority leftist and majority jewish.
Nobody gives a shit what jews care about when they are in their own country. only when they are seemingly trying to brainwash our country.
>sucks jewish cock
>gets called an antisemite
fuck these kikes man theres no winning with them
theres a good reason for that
>yfw you this is the only accusation by Fake News Inc. you wish were true
When are you red FUCKING leaves going to be exterminated finally?
Insult from a Jew is an badge of honor - Goebbels
Which German Billionaire?
what is this? jews jewing jews?
> //
>the new (())
Does anyone have info graphics about media lies? I mean those posts side by side that shows how media say something and the complete opposite 1 or 2 years later. Specially obama vs trump
For a guy who is supposedly really smart, Trump does a really bad job of thinking on his feet.
He totally fumbled that question. Bigly.
thank you greatest ally
Sup Forums often conflates Israeli Jews who for the most part don't give a shit about the rest of the world, they just want their country to be safe and to continue existing
On the other hand, there are the (((Jews))), who do everything they can to subvert, dominate and overthrow Western civilization and wouldn't hesitate for a second to throw Israel under the bus if it furthered their world domination plan.
It's pretty simple in practice actually - (((Jews))) commit horrible crimes and hide behind ordinary Jews, people sooner or later get tired of (((their))) tricks and chimp out, chimp outs target most convenient target aka Jews (hence the history of persecution), while (((they))) move on to their next host like the parasites they are.
Trump once said that "it wasnt part of the plan".
Also he might have asked her to do it so they ould let him be POYUS.
Now he is in position to dismantle them.