Why isn't he president. This man would be the greatest president America has ever seen. He would make Andrew Jackson look bad. David Duke 2020.
Why isn't he president. This man would be the greatest president America has ever seen...
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He's hilarious and definitely a good guy, but his autism makes him unelectable.
He looks really weird and retarded. He's not quite at the Bogdanoff level but he's not far off.
Why would an active FBI agent run for President?
>"Why can't he be president."
Because (((they))) control our elections.
He's not with the FBI, GTFO CTR.
he'd look a lot more normal if he got a regular old guy haircut
Or if he hadn't had several rounds of disfiguring plastic surgery.
The bowl cut makes him look better if you ask me, like a homegrown, down to earth boy.
Which is precisely why hillary is in the whitehouse right now, because (((they))) control it all.. oh, nevermind.
His daughter is a kike, try again. Oh wait I forgot Sup Forums loves Israeli cock now. David Duke would've shit all over Israel.
that little boy hair cut!
But goy, dont you know that its the globalist Jews who are a problem? Surely there isn't anything wrong with sending 10 billion dollars a year to Israel. Their our greatest ally, a small 20 billion is nothing to protect them. There the only democracy in the middle east, they need that 30 billion to survive! Your not siding with Muslims now right? #DeusVault, another 40 billion it is!
Becuase he's an unironic, public racist and therefore unelectable.
Tactical bowl cut, nice for exterminating negroes and jews.
David duke is one of the most redpilled people on this earth, the kikes would never let him run
Duke is the original cringelord. I am born and raised in Louisiana, and I still live here, and he's been an embarrassment to our state for decades.
I thought they lynched that faggot when the rest of the KKK went tits up
>US shits on Israel
>Arabs see this as a sign that now is the time
>they get BTFO by the Jews as always
>a few more million rapefugees for Europe
fuck off
honestly if America is retarded enough to vote Trump in Duke could definitely be a thing in like 8 years when the GOP has totally rigged the voting system
I like how he addresses the JQ. Sometimes he does take it a bit too far and makes him sound very silly.
He's a brony.
>Why isn't he president
Look at his fucking face.
The Israelis would actually murder them, instead of playing nice and hopefully a lot of jews would die as well.
Please refer to him by his earned title, Dr. in the future.
He's great when he was doing that live debate last year I fucking laughed my ass off when he flipped out at the end
Because he's fucking autistic and is probably controlled opposition used to make people like Donald Trump look like crazy racists by associating with them.
Do you even know how much easier it would have been for me to convince my libtard friends to support trump if THE FUCKING KKK WASN'T ENDORSING HIM? I don't care if they're right about Black-on-Black crime, they're making the achievement of our goals harder every time they open their fucking mouths.
>Dude gas the kikes lmao #enslaveniggers2020
I'm sure he'd get into office just fine.
Why do so many jews hate Trump if they control him in the first place?
he looks like a transvestite pedo
Dat bad wig doe
Have fun trying to make him pres. The state of Louisiana literally made a criminal their governor instead of him because of his ties to the kkk.
Kill yourself this second
is he trying to cosplay a five year old english school boy from the 60s
If it wasn't for Dr. Duke no one would even know your state exists
This. The Duke is based
kek, he looks like he should be holding a wowwipop and wearing high socks.
Dr. Duke is like St. John, a voice crying in the wilderness pointing to the coming of Trump.
Holy fuck
He reminds me of that weird kazoo kid
>Not knowing Israelis want to expand to "Greater Israel", in order to house the entire world's population of Jews + future generations
>Using ISIS to cull numbers and to send some to Europe
>Europeans in turn shift rightward and elect anti-Muslim (but conveniently pro Zionist) such as Geert, Farage, Trump (including USA to this).
From what I see, Marine Le Pen is fairly decent as she wants to bar French people from having non European dual citizenships (so either they choose to be fully French, or they can fuck off to MENA, Israel, and even USA).
He has autism? Well in that case he's got my vote
that face is 100% white
There are smart ethno-nationalists out there.
David Duke is in no way one of them, the guys a complete fucking retard when he talks about anything. On top of that he has zero debate skill or charisma. The guy doesn't deserve the amount of attention other far-right people give him.
He lucked into state politician's seat over 20 years ago, get off his fucking dick already you faggots.
He has the haircut of a young boy
David Duke is a faggot with school shooter hair.
Name some that you think are better
Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, John Derbyshire, Peter Brimelow.
inb4 shilling over 'muh controlled opposition'.
>tfw you will never be an Imperial Wizard
John DerbyShire is married to an Asian and has Hoppa kiss.