Senator Warren

Regardless of whether you think she is good or bad, is she the best the Democrats have for 2020?

anyone but tulsi is giving it away


They need a moderate billionaire to run the ship for them. Oprah, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Zuckerkike, etc.

Someone who's like Trump but also not like Trump.

typical no imagination liberals.

>Copy republicans, call dissenters racist.

Maybe the party is just dead.

No, Warren is everything wrong with Clinton without the Clinton patented "Regal" attitude that at least makes her a passable politician. She is also everything that people find crazy with Bernie with non of the "I'm okay with guns and we need a better border".

Warren is basically what happens when your stupid enough to swallow every single bluepill on every subject, and Trump would beat her with only one testicle

There is no difference

Tulsi is too young, she wouldent make it. She also fucked herself and 2020 hopes with the Assad trips. We may be looking at guaranteed 8 years.

I'm 100% serious. Do you really think there's any decent senators, congressmen, mayors, governors etc. that could really invigorate the base?

I admit they might need an outsider, I can't think of a single democrat politician that I actually like.

Yea lets go with that. I'm with her V2.

she's too damaged from 2016. Didn't endorse Bernie, shilled super hard for Hillary. Only MA loves her now.

That is the problem with the Democratic "base" now. Their trade and true (Middle class/blue collar) basically told the party to fuck off and voted for Trump, causing the Clintonites and the progressives to split and both sides blame each other for their loss.

Obama was pretty much an outsider when he suddenly rose to prominence. Nothing suspicious about that, of course. Pure coincidence.


So is there any way that the Democrats have a chance of winning 2020 then if all of their politicians are unlikable?

Gimme that Cuban v Trump debates pls

Just Cuban laughing at Trump for being poor by comparison

Trump will run unopposed as the majority of his dem competition will be in prison for kidtouchin.

Her solution to the student loan bubble is bailing out anyone who ever took out a loan for education and terminating the contracts.

She'd win the dem vote and complete obliterate lenders and the economy.

there was a huge difference this time, the options were still pretty bad

She once claimed she is Native American LOL

This faggot will be the next POTUS

Sup Forums's candidate is Keith Ellison :^)

she's not very popular in her own state. maybe she should focus on being reelected in 2018.

Who doesn't want President Pocahontas though

>YUGE difference

They ran a 2020 GE poll between Trump and Warren, and he beat her by 6%. She was barely even above 1/3 of the vote. Ironically, while 42% of respondents said they'd vote for a Democrat, fewer said they'd vote for Warren. What that tells the leadership is they'll still be able to contend, as long as they run a generic Democrat.

Here's the thing, though. There aren't really any major generic Dems left. The party's run-of-the-mill blue dog Dems are all pretty damn old and getting older. Their younger elected officials are largely very far-left progressives, and overwhelmingly women and minorities who won by running on identity politics. As far as the new Democratic party is concerned, Senator Warren represents their standard platform.

They've careened too far to the left. I'm not going to make predictions one month after the new President has been sworn in, but there's a strong chance they run Warren in four years for lack of a better candidate, and there's greater than good odds that she loses handily.

I certainly don't. Pandering pious full of shit libs like her are the reason I had to move from MA.

Man, John Rolfe fucked up.

>implying Cuban could jump to the head of the DNC line without a fight.

Sure. Let her run.

still no match for marxist rubio.



They're not gonna go with Tulsi, she's a Hawaiian Democrat i.e. a DINO. She cares more about the economy than identity politics, she has no chance in hell even though she'd be the best identity politics bet.

>my fucking sides when Trump stops not one but TWO of the """first female presidents"""
>my fucking sides when those two """first female presidents""" are also two of the most annoying cunts in America

Oh yeah, she's the best. Watching Running White Buffalo go up against Trump would be hilarious.

The 8's have it, Warren is a pathway to 70 GOP senate seats and 400 house seats.
A rich white male (or a Jew that looks white enough) will get absolutely savaged in a modern democratic primary. Bernie already got shit on for being too white and having too many white supporters, with the way they're doubling down on identity politics by 2020 someone like Cuban or Zuckerberg will get booed off the debate stage just for showing up.

Actually I hope Cuban tries it, it will be a fun redpilling experience for him.

Blue Collar Democrats will not vote for that bitch

Makes sense to me, she doesn't even need to address identity politics because her appearance and youthful success appeals to those crucial demographics without her saying anything.

Highly doubtful that the Dems will make a sensible choice though

high cheek bones....

They've been ignoring races below the presidential level for 8 years now, almost all of the elected Dems are extremists who survive by being in hard blue areas. They don't have a deep bench to draw from and what they do have could never win states like Iowa or Ohio.


As good as Sanders.

Tulsi is the only one I fear. Would love to see her run in '24 for fapping purposes

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

So in that case I want her to run.

I also think Gabbard disgusts Democrats on a fundamental level. She's pretty and served her country with pride. She doesn't like Mudslimes either, the bigot.

Tulsi would be their best candidate but she is hated by establishment dems and she's too pro gun to please the lunatic libs.

I don't see much a constituency for her in a national primary. blacks, hispanic and feminists will blindly follow the establishment choice. they have just a mouth a few buzz words and pay their handlers and they'll following.

I think it'll be Cory Booker, they'll play him as the next Obama. the dems really have nothing.

Bernie was the last gasp of the soul of the democratic party. now their too concerned about #notmypresident bullshit to care who's leading them. they're essentially sheep wanting to be led

I liked Jim Webb.

>that rank
Nigga she a Captain.

Good, she'll crash and burn. I remember when she was have her little Twitter feud with Trump, then she just disappeared. At the recent Senate hearing she was silenced, was in the news for the day, then disappeared.

Some say Cory Booker had a shot as well, then he voted against some bill that would decrease medication prices. Of course people defended him claiming some of the pharmaceutical companies that it would affect employ people in his state. If that's going to stop him on one bill, imagine if others wanted a bigger bill or bills. That was part of his campaign too, to help with healthcare costs.

I hope so.

she's the only hope for the party, as well as muh dick.

>Opera for president

I'm not gonna say we'd deserve'd be a pretty good retort from the dems.

Isn't it beautiful?

Not really much to fear though. Little experience and no real accomplishments in office. She would need Obama levels of charisma and to pander to the far left like never before to be a electoral threat. Neither of which seems likely.

When I was in college I went to her rally for the senate at umass amherst. The bitch didn't show up and all we got was Zack Braff from Scrubs.

I remember a person came up to us and asking us to sign a petition to help reduce student debts and to raise awareness of racism.

We told her to fuck off, because we are engineers who can actually pay of their student loans

I'm glad I got out of that brain washing institution

She's a god damn weak fool. She is only good to yell at Wall Street. Otherwise she's weak as shit.

No, Tulsi Gabbard is WAY better choice for 2020.

Also, Bernie Sanders could possibly run again.

There's a ton to fear about Tulsi. I'm with the other user, she's the one I fear most. Her youth and inexperience are her biggest flaws but that's not enough. She's got a lot of strengths. She's ex-military, she's not off the reservation on immigration and refugees like much of the left, she's pro-gun, she's anti-interventionist, she's economically populist, she's a minority, and she's pretty and she very much is charismatic.

The Democrat establishment is going to lose their primary fight to the base next time, just like the GOP did to Trump.

So are Democrats going to have anything like a Tea Party? For a week I heard a lot about constituents protesting at rallies. Many were equating it to the Liberal Tea Party, while others were saying it would have to stick around for a while. I haven't heard anything new about it.

Honestly, after Sanders lost, Democrats already seem split.

Why do people shill for Tulsi so much here? She's just a slightly less retarded Sanders

Tulsi Gabbard, learn about her.

Cause we've done research into her? Iraq vet, wants to get us outta shitty wars, has the spine to learn the truth first hand herself, has the integrity to step down from her position to support a candidate/position she wants so she doesn't violate the rules (unlike others in the DNC who stay in their position and cheat the system), etc.

Seriously, learn about her.

No they lack the organization and instead of doing what the Tea Party did, elect candidates into office, they demand the people already in office change to comply with their demands

The Democrat establishment can much more effectively control the nomination process because of super-delegates. Also, their bench isn't nearly as deep as the GOP's.

lol what's to fear if she runs and wins? She's not going to keep the swamp like Trump has (or so we can hope, she might, in which case, attack the shit outta her)

You know the Tea Party had Koch money behind them.. yes?

>I'm not going to make predictions one month after the new president has been sworn in
>cites a poll about the next election that is F O U R years away
What did Just Kidding Rowling mean by this, how can Warren be a wife beater? Is she a closet lesbo or something?

She's too old

This. Trump was an anomaly, so much so the Republicans tried to block him until he promised Rinsed Penis a job. The difference between Jeb, Hillary, Obama, and W are minimal at best.

>muh Kochs
Soros is the left's equivalent of that, yet they still won't accomplish anything even with Soros' fun bucks because they are just autistically screeching at Republicans (like all leftists already do) instead of threatening Democrats

Yep, Soros is, but I don't see Soros funding Kyle's (Secular Talk) Justice Democrats.

Though whoever the fuck is in charge of their twitter needs to stop with the occasional identity politics bullshit. That shit is cancerous.

keep telling yourself Trump was an anomaly

elizabeth warren may actually be retarded

They already have such a thin bench that pushing people like Joe whatshisface III in West Virgina further to the left or primary challenge him just to oppose trump at every opportunity would just get every single moderate dem BTFO in 2018, they kind of have to advance towards the center, cause since 2010 the current polarized American political system slightly favorites republicans innately, so even rallying the base in a tea party way won't win elections

Justice Democrats aren't going anywhere because they're "fucking white males". they're already being called sexist.

Leftist agenda lost Dems last election. Warren would get blown out.

Dems should nominate a Blue State Republican and seek to divide Republican electorate.

>ok with guns
fuck off shill faggot. he wanted to get rid of semi-autos. and bernie would never do anything about the border.

She is weak. She railed against power, then joined it. Same as Bernie Panders.

They can't hold a candle to Trump and his fight against the globalist owners.

The left puts appearance over substance; they rather someone polite that lies to them, then someone crass that gets the real message out.

On every subject, Trump purposefully makes a small mistake, THIS IS A FREE TICKET TO OWN THE PRESS...

they then burn their energy trying to correct his small mistake, but in doing so have broadcast his real message, whichever the top is.

- Sweden : real rape and real issues over Islamic immigration

- Illegal alien voting: 1.8 Billion Indians, and every Mexican have voter ID, so can America

- NATO: not paying their fair share, and not updated to also fight terror

- Regulations: Obama passed more than any president in history, yet most are not to protect the environment, but to protect monopolies from new competition.

- Health care: costs are through the roof for those that pay, while insurance companies have pulled out leaving little choice at high costs, while 20M new people get free healthcare, it is an economic death spiral

- Immigration from 7 banned countries: 5 of those seven don't even have a functioning government to vet someone with, there have been 72 immigrants tied to those 7 countries that have plotted or committed crimes in last 10 years. Inconveniencing people is better than having them blown up like in 9/11 and many attacks since then. Claiming this will only cause the people you claim are peaceful to turn radical shows you just how crazy Islamic immigration really is. Don't piss them off or you will die. That sounds like a great neighbor!

the list goes on and on...

Yeah, just like Webb, theoretically there's a lot to fear. In actually you don't get nominated to high office as a democrat with her beliefs. While if she becomes more radical and adopts more mainstream liberal ideas she loses what made her a danger to begin with. Shes much more viable as a GOP candidate than as a Democrat.

The democrat base is going for nothing less than a Bernie type socialist next time not some moderate.

Maybe, maybe not, but we'll find out. I think there are more people interested in ending that shit than the dumb fucks that are autistic like that with their "fucking white males" shit.

Come on, we saw 2016, money doesn't matter.

I disagree, unlike Clinton - Warren actually can tap into the far left and win support. She is far more compatitive than Clinton and can debate. Her problem would be outside the primaries where she'll need to show warmth. Trump could be sincere and. It come across as forced - Elizabeth struggles with this. Not as bad as Hillary, but she is better when she's mad. On the national stage, you can't be mad 24/7 for months and win votes.

Actually, it still does. It's just that Trump knows how to play the media like the pawns they are and got "free advertisement" from them.

Pro gun control bitch. Hell no.

Blond hair and blue eyes

"I'm native american!"

Berine is reasonable lol... unless you think his level of beliefs is "SOCIALIST" cause you're stuck in the American political spectrum of retardedly far too right wing.

Money is still important to fund candidates at the state level and Trump's 5D chess skills (something you can't expect all candidates to have) negated the money advantage people like Yeb and Shillary had. The state level is where the Tea Party made their impact felt and it's where whatever you want to call the left's version of the Tear Party will have to get things done if they want any power.

Agreed because Tulsi is normal, and not a complete dipshit.

So, judging by those metrics, the Democrats will actually run the Muslim black dude from Minnesota.

Yeah, lack of organization is obvious with Dems. Every new leader gets shot down or some minority always find a problem with them. I think 23 Dems are up for election in 2018, seems like it's push them further Left or run new people against the incumbent.

He calls himself a socialist. Get your head out of your ass.

Warren already burned bridges with the Bernie Bros because she endorsed Clinton, you know the woman who embodies everything Warren is supposedly against. She's been exposed as nothing more than another establishment tool. It sucks because we're stuck with her until 2019

That is the dumbest thing said in this thread....

You realize the Hillary Campaign tried that?

Maybe listen to Truman (or what he supposedly said)

"Given the choice between a republican and a democrat who acts like a republican, the voter will choose a republican every time."

He calls himself a Democratic Socialist (which is not the same as a Socialist) and even then he's wrong. On the general political spectrum, he's pretty centrist.

>Bernie Sanders
that fucker is gonna be 79 in four years theres no way

Bernie is a far left radical on the American political spectrum and thats all that matters. I get that you just want to argue but stay on topic.

They're fucked no matter who they pick. Their party is split.

That's not wrong. America is a white country now. Is she secretly /ourpocahonstas/?

Trump WAS an anomaly, but it's looking like he got bought out by the Powers That Be

They should just put a vietnamese/abo transgender mixlings tbqh