Are there really people here who think voting for Trump was a mistake?
Are there really people here who think voting for Trump was a mistake?
It's just shills and trolls
no. anyone who voted for him did so because they supported the agenda he ran on and he has taken major political risks to fulfill his campaign promises.
Its all shills.
No one who voted Trump regrets it.
What's the point of shilling though? Is it just to vent anger or something?
Damage control
they are paid
>Damage control
??? This is an anonymous board. No damage control is ever need nigga just walk away
I genuinely doubt that, think of how ridiculous it sounds.
Voting for Trump was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, I seriously regret it everyday.
do you think Trump was a mistake?
Sup Forums is all about shitposting.
Some do it for free and have a big red mark on their asshole
Pay to Lose
>I genuinely doubt that, think of how ridiculous it sounds.
Want to know how I know you're new?
I don't care if he screws up, it's worth it to keep hillary, illegals and 'refugees' out.
ASTRO turfing. Same reason they pay rotesters to hold mass produced signs.
Everything Trump has done and is doing is in line with what he said he was going to do.
The only way someone could really be an unhappy Trump voter is if they didn't listen to a single thing he said.
Those of us who did listen are happy as fuck!
Some of it's just trolling but let's be real here: trolling Trump supporters is like 10% as effective as trolling SJWs.
Trolling is only fun if people fly right off the fucking handle, and over-emotional liberals are a hair's breadth away from that at any given moment.
Never for a moment
I regret it greatly, mainly cause of nuclear codes and such.
>kys shill cunt
When faced with two wrong choices, the American people turned their backs on each other.
Revolution was they only correct answer in the last election. The only people saying otherwise are the actual shills.
I guess Shareblue doesn't pay as well as that sweet gig you had in the Obama administation, does it you lying shill???
>What one of these salty, faggot staffers are you, shill????
>he doesnt know how to greentext
Not a relevant amount at least. Trump is doing exacly what he promised he'd do, only a retard who never listened to him a single minute before he cast the vote would regret it.
It's the same fucking everywhere.
>people who didn't vote for Trump are throwing a hissyfit, trying to give off the impression that people are regretting electing him
>atheists are congratulating the pope to his newest retardo-tier statement, giving off the impression that he is actually popular with the people who matter
>Merkel is doing well in the polls because all the lefties who would never vote CDU are rooting for her
The whole Western world has (or in the case of the US "had") their elite pandering to people that are not actually part of their audience.
jokes on you, we never had the nuclear codes to begin with.
Buttmad leaf
Trump should nuke Toronto
yes the nuclear codes are a big deal to me as well
>knowing how
(((you)) didn't answer my question, shill.
>Tell that sellout David Brock that your posts are getting (you)s, so you must be correcting my record.
I know tons of Trump voters. None of them regret anything. If anything we love him more. Fuck the establishment.
Because he's a retarded hypocrite
he's not a politician
Anyone who actually regrets voting for trump after two weeks of him being president, is practically retarded.
People who spam the same thread 12 times a day are similarly retarded.
People who thing they're convincing anyone, or trolling beyond "hey look I can spam and be slightly annoying"...
are stop-sticking-your-fingers-up-your-ass-and-licking-it- retarded.
Why are so many non Americans posting here? You have nothing to do with the election and can't vote. Why are you shilling so hard? Nuclear codes?!? Nice use of buzzwords.
>Ctrl+f "former Trump"
>0 results
>trolling Trump supporters is like 10% as effective as trolling SJWs.
Trolling Trump supporters is equally effective as trolling SJWs. Trump supporters are special little snowflakes in their own right. FACT.
>Are there really people here who think voting for Trump was a mistake?
He's one of the first presidents to ever make good on most of his campaign promises within the first month.
The only people who would regret that would be people who didnt want it to happen, and if they didnt want it to happen they wouldnt have voted for it
>fear of the Jews
He isn't wrong you know
It is though, you posting proves it. You didn't vote for Trump. Everyone who voted for him is extremely happy since he's doing everything he promised.
Oh they will, and that's sad. The man's deluded and the shit building up will hit the Drumpfies in the face.
Canadian beer sucks
>Vote for Trump to stop refugees and to deport illegals
>The first month he's in office he stops refugees and deports illegals by the truckloads
He's already gone beyond my expectations and I can't wait to see what else he does.
I didnt know Ted Cruz was a 4channer
Sad kids are angry and trolling is the only way to show emotion without letting the bad people in.
Day of the rake
Most people voted for him simply because he wasnt an establishment shill like Hillary, not because of muh wall memes
I think Hillary and Trump are both extremely corrupt but I voted for the asshole just because Hillshit would probably be worse. I still dislike Trump because of how pro-Israel he is and the establishment people he appointed (minus Rex Tillerson - he was a good pick imo)
Yes, he did publicly say he was going to shit on the 1st, 4th, and 16th amendments, among others. He did promise an age of cronyism and nepotism. He did threaten to strong-arm our neighbors and allies, and threatened the entire post-war international order. That's who you voted for. Yup.
Only shills and trolls say voting for trump was good
everyone regrets voting for him
only trolls don't regret voting for trump
I regret voting for Trump because
>He now loves the CIA/NSA
>He is stiring things up with Iran
>He fired Flynn
>He fired anyone who believes in pizzagate
>He loves the Federal Reserve now
>Becoming exactly George Bush 2.0
>Banning Muslims
>Executive Orders out of his ass because he thinks he's king.
twitter com/Trump_Regrets
I'm counting down the days until I can vote for him again, and then Rand Paul after that
No. Stop farming for (You)s.
you're a troll
No substantive criticism of my point: He promised to violate the Constitution, and that's what he's doing. That's who you voted for.
>that's who you voted for
I doubt it considering that's a leaf.
Also I'm fairly confident trump didn't say
>I'm going to shit on the 1st, 4th and 16th amendments
or that he was going to
>violate the constitution
In fact, I don't even think anything you said was substantive criticism because you didn't really argue your point, you just said he violated the constitution without an example or any facts to back that up.
So here's your (you) buddy, you earned it.
you're a shitty troll