What would happen to you if you wore this shirt out in public?
What would happen to you if you wore this shirt out in public?
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You'll probably get beat up for being a disrespectful sandnigger.
I would go to jail because Verbotsgesetz.
Get beat up, probably arrested then beaten up again.
the police would target me for abuse.
>if society doesn't like him we can beat him up for fun without consequence
australians who live in victoria need not reply, your police are more like safety police than the real asshole kind nsw and tasmania have.
Probably would have been called out by libtards calling me a facist pig.
probably get some dirty looks. thats about it.
Nothing, because I live in the glorious American south
Nothing, unless I went downtown.
arrested for hate crime
sentenced to a year in jail in a magistrates court with no jury
beaten half to death in a brown prison
but then I'd come back stronger and it would be okay
People find me pretty intimidating so I imagine I could get away with it.
I dunno why I'm not even that big.
You'd look like a twat.
i'd get heckled probably even get into a 6v1 fight with antifa faggots
I'd get beat up, but not by millennial SJWs.
I live in an area with an older population who still hold onto notions of plucky Britain coming together to stick one to the hun.
Of course the guys actually alive during the war are too old, but think the northern working class lads born during the baby boom, the first generation to be spoonfed propaganda through school about the war their parents fought.
I won't be able to take rwo steps away from the house before being lynched
how big are you?
Where I live people will think I am religious guy.
You'd get your dick sucked
Kill yourself kike, "nazis are aggressors! they want to lynch me!"
fuck off.
confused looks as to why a mexishit would wear that.
Nothing, i got tattoed swastikas on my lower shoulder
In America probably nothing but weird looks
Nothing. Maybe someone would make jokes about burning jews
I bet if you wore the shirt to a Walmart in the South, no one would notice because they're in a sugar-coma-EBT-low-frequency-life-state. Perhaps the cashier would raise her brow, consider being sassy, then demur.
DESU, it looks like any other distressed branding on a tshirt.
Chill the fuck out burger its not like he is a Rothschild is he?
>Sickle and hammer is perfectly fine
>Chinese star too
>The swastika is a big no-no
This infuriates me.
I didn't advocate aggression towards him, I will not punch unless punched, he's a kike that radicalizes any opposition towards him as aggressive warmongering evil savages.
"Oh no you hate white people, you want to exterminate all the white people in the world you fucking Bolszie."
>where nazi shirt
>drag massive jesus cross through city
>get stoned with rocks and such
>punched for being nazi
>die for their sins
>jesus 2.0
boo fucking hoo.
the people would not mind but i think its banned.
it's literally Jews dude
>be turkish
>post with a german flag
how this happen?
Well it makes sense it would be banned in France though
Honestly, I don't think much would happen.
If I went to a sandnigger neighbourhood there might be some chimp that gets angry and yells at me but there's probablly gonna be more that will agree with me and want to gas kikes.
In town there might be some boomer or antifa faggot who would start yeling at me.
I,.. I believe you.
The antifaggots would kill you and harass you to death
I wear this all the time
Literally nothing. People would be at much mocking you: ''Another edgy morenazi, lol''
I would be arrested and forced to attend reeducation sessions. Not even joking.
The rising sun is a big no no too!
Id either get some laughs for being edgy or in a fight
I'm handsome and muscular so people would just think that I look cool.
Swastika represents good fortune over here. So good things will happen I guess.
Stop lying on the internet
before wearing the shirt people were passive aggressive cunt assholes
after wearing the shirt people are still whatever they were before and only showcase in public how much of race traitors they really were
it´s sad how left is ruining the west. stop them.
I'm sure the police in America would find some way to fuck with a person for wearing that.
The jury only attend Crown Court anyway,
Only in korea which they get butthurt over anything Japanese related
Hate speech. You'd get kicked out of school if you go to one.
Mostly weird looks, maybe a confrontation or two
I'm hindu :^)
Nothing would happen. People would look at me funny but I live in bumfuck no where so most people wouldn't even give a shit or would secretly love it.
People would think that I am doing art.
t.Tel Avivian
Probably get a bunch of nasty looks and some insults thrown at me but nothing else.
What hatespeech?
What if I am a National Socialist who doesn't advocate for the crimes of Germany?
Are capitalists defined by the murder and slavery caused by capitalists?
I'm fine with banning all racial hatred.
Wouldn't they hate that shirt then?
I wear this shirt in public.
Fight me, faggots
I'd get some odd looks, but I don't think I'd be confronted, even then I'd shrug it off as a fashion statement
I think you meant to write "roundly"
Would if I lived there.
I live in a liberal college town, so I'd probably be doxxed, fired from my job, publicly shamed and then ran out of town.
But I live in a state with great gun laws, so i could probably shoot someone if they decided to mob me.
But I'm not an edgy retard, so I would never wear a swastika t shirt
Is that hanging in your closet right next to your "Female Body Inspector" shirt?
Racist detected
Up to three years in prison: dejure.org
> free country
I met people who had this shirt, it's a joke, not as shocking as OP pic
I have a iron cross shirt I get called a Nazi and I get weird looks but other than that it's fine pic is me in a different shirt
>these are the people i argue with online
I'd go to jail
These days. Just dirty looks from those who know nothing.
>get the hair out of your face
>get some sun in your face
>use Moisturizer
>work out
you have potential but you look like a complete faggot right now
I am for the peace and happiness of the world, I am just for fighting the Jewish power and removing their occupation, Jewish civilians will be treated as all innocents are treated under law, there will no law that Germans have for themselves that they deny to Ausländers.
Southerners are pro-freedom nigger
Kek. So true.
Hitler signed geneva convention and followed all the laws stipulated by it for prisoners of war.
That was a last summer I don't have any current pictures of me I have short hair and no beard now this is closer to what I look like now
You have wasted this get
what a fucking waste
I could pass as a shitskin thanks to being half Italian. So probably nothing.
Hillary lurking in b.g. m8, wants the D.
Absolutely fucking nothing, people would probably think I am a pleb for not wearing a dress shirt though.
>Kek. So true.
You were the chosen one for fuck sake, you made me look like a complete fucking dick on another thread! Now the dam will never break!
>Hillary looking at you in the back
wew lad
off yourself
Fuck. Apologies all. Killing myself. ):
>tfw kek decided to reveal himself in my thread
Probably get beaten up by a pack of niggers.
Where does this propaganda come from that Germans were evil murderers?
From the Jewish press that never stepped foot in Germany.
National Socialism was not defined against people, it was designed for a people.
As you cans see here he is speaking for HIS people not speaking against OTHER people.