Why is the alt-right so bad at picking their representatives?
Why is the alt-right so bad at picking their representatives?
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Milo thread #76 this hour.
You're pathetic mate, I don't care about Milo, never have. You guys stick out like a sore thumb.
What do you get from making these pointless threads?
Sage goes in the Options field
Thanks TMZ
t.shlomo mauhammeedburg
So there are all these articles saying Milo supports pedophilia or whatever, but can someone link me to the videos where he actually states so?
>video surfaces
He said it on a podcast for god's sake
Watch him on Joe Rogan. I didn't think he said anything so outrageous, but everyone's a saint these days
Here ya go.
Smear content is around 1:01:00
I don't know what the alt right is.
>Why is the alt-right so bad at picking their representatives?
Because the left chooses who leads the lefts "Alt-Right" group.
The alt-right falls in love with any faggot that triggers a liberal and when they turn out to be retards themselves no one ever liked that person all of a sudden
Because the "alt right" is a meme, and the "leaders" are picked by the kike media.
Ive answered your questions, no kindly, kys
>he believes the alt-right exists
>he pushes the alt-right narrative
Off yourself. Alt-right isn't a movement, it's just pushed by the media.
I have *no* clue what the alt right is.
Milo isn't alt right. He's a neo-con faggot who tried and failed to co-opt our brand. Now his 15 minutes are up.
Does Alex Jones know about this it's gonna be weard when they go to Berkeley
Because the alt-right doesn't exist and Spencer and Milo are false opposition to discredit people with vaguely right wing sentiments.
>Alt right
Sup Forums does it again
How fucking new are you? Milo's had as many haters as cocksuckers since his GG days.
>baiting faggots on/pol/
As new as all the T R U M P F A G S that killed this board
You arrogance is strong. You think you can put order on this chaos of hate with phony figure heads and ning it. Lol keep playing at God jew. Elohim isnt happy when you mock him.
T. Shill
Fuck off cunt.
Because the ((((alt-right)))) is full of dirty jews, homos, trannies... all of them belong in the BOG.
why are you guys so bad at shilling? who pays for this shit?
Because they aren't picking them.
That's the netire problem of decentralized systems, you don't get to pick the authorities.
he said he lost his cherry at 14 and didn't think he got sexually assaulted, then said the consent laws as they stand are ok with him
there are reasons to dislike milo but this is complete bullshit
You are a retard
i have to ask, why do they always use the worst pictures of milo?
You're a faggot
Now let's handle Defooman and we're good
He isn't alt-right at all.
>Why is the alt-right so bad at picking their representatives?
Because CNN, et al, pick ``our'' ````````````representatives''''''''''''. No fucking e-celeb speaks for ````````us'''''''' because there is no ````````````us''''''''''''. The alt-right is a made up term from the blogosphere that represents nothing of any substance. There's no manifesto. There's no party headquarters. There's no SuperPAC. It doesn't exist, except in the mind of media shills pushing propaganda, and that includes this faggot and that spencer cunt.
Do you fucking get it yet?
There is no "alt-right"
>promote fag
>he's a pedo
>MSM crows endlessly about how a fag is a pedo
gee, I wonder what Sup Forums's stance on this is.
Just a bunch of virgin trolls posting shitty memes
"b b but MILO IS OUT HERO!" -Sup Forums 2016
such fickle faggots this board is
It's funny how these liberal sites always use that same picture of Milo where he looks like he's holding in a fart.
welcomne to Sup Forums m8
Just a tag Spencer used for a website for edgy politics. He bailed on it and a bunch of groups were bitchfighting over the name until the media used it to try and smear all new republicans as nazi white supremacists.
Just b4 the smearing, Milo had success with it so Spencer screeched and tried taking it back. After the media fucked it up, everyone bailed on it and let Spencer jerk off with it.
For all media purposes, it means all Trump supporters below the age of 40.
The funniest thing about all of this is that Milo is the only person Spencer feels safe punching back.
>mfw libtards are suddenly offended by pedophilia
NOW you care. Homosexuality is a mental illness like pedophilia is and always has been.
Milo never represented the alt right or Sup Forums
only based Richard Spencer does.
>slays mad pussy
>well spoken
list goes on. so fuck off witht his milo shit because Sup Forums is a Richard Spencer only board.
I got sexually molested at 14 by an adult man and I'm ok with it. Now I'm an adult man it should be ok for me to sexually molest 14 year olds too.
t. Milo
The left must be shit scared of Milo since there are about 500 anti-milo threads today
>slays mad pussy
AHAHAHAHAHA. If anything, Spencer IS the pussy.
>sexual activities involving post-puberty people
I think the term for "post-puberty but still pre-18" is hebeophilia or somethig like that. In any ase There is a separate term for what they are talking about
Kill yourself liberal LARPing as STORMFAG
You're such a degenerate you can't understand the rules
alt right is gay
its a media coverup that denies it
MGTOW means no more sex with girls not EVER EVER EVER
Spencer showed great restraint because he would've been fucked by the legal if he did anything because of his views
come back when you have a real argument kid
The "homosexuality is perfectly normal" tolerant leftists are calling Milo a pedophile because he didnt see anything wrong with 14 year old boys being attracted to men and vice versa and talking about his own experiences as a child.
What's wrong leftists? You said it was normal with your FckH8 videos.
No mentally ill homosexual can be trusted to self police their hyperpedophilic tendencies.
Because Sup Forums jacks themselves off to whoever is a trans/muzzie-hating faggot.
As stated above, Spencer only punches back at Milo.
Until i see otherwise, I consider him a massive faggot.
I actually watched this a few days ago because i listen to this podcast. was honestly pretty surprised, this fag has some crazy ideas.
>look at me look at me and tell me that Argentina is not white
Alt.right was a handle on usenet back in the 90s. It was used by people who were anti-globalists, same as now. It's just a catch all.
>Spencer goes after the biggest degenerate who repeatedly tarnishes the alt right and our beliefs
seriously fuck off. Spencer is one of the most sane figure heads and we need him to continue to gain the respect we deserve
>1 post by this IP
>not liking some nigger-loving jew
sure thing Schlomo
Go home
its a secret society of young republians where rule #1 is that you cannot tell outsiders about the group.
You MUST deny its existence according to their rules.
This tbqh.
It's a boogeyman for the things the left hates. People may have similar ideas, but there's no common group of alt-righters, because something the media describes doesn't really exist. Nobody that hasn't been indoctrinated or paid by someone would actually be that retarded. The left created the "alt-right" to dehumanize people who opposed them.
They're trying to scare normal people into thinking like the left. But it won't work.
Oh its.going to be one.of.them.videos that never turns up. The left can do nothing but name call like kids.
>he's either an indoctrinated retard or a liberal shill
Congratulations. Everyone here has a shitty life, for sure, but yours has been reduced to nothing but a puppet. The world would be better off if you killed yourself.
>gave all that money to Milo
>now youre not even allowed to discuss it in public
No wonder why people say its just Cuckservatives rebranded.
Reddit is down the hall and to the left. I know you are new at this, but we don't care about what a gay race mixer faggot attention whore has to say, or what his baggage is because we never will and never would associate with the likes of him.
70% of us on here literally want to gas milo and you think he's /ourjew/
I wasn't aware supporting the leader of the alt right made me a liberal shill. Nice deflection tactics there but I think we can all see who you really are ctr
Actually, the Nu Right migrated here when they banned memes on Rebbid.
we don't pick them, they pick themselves, they're not leaders, they're parasites we tolerate because occasionally they make themselves useful
>alt right
pick one shill
>implying any sane person would donate to a fake group that makes them just look worse
When alt-right was gaining a lot of use around here it was a joke. The media picked up on it and misrepresented everything the general people of this board and many conservatives around the country stood for. It's a diversion tactic, used to discredit normal people.
I don't give a shit about the media, and I'm most certainly not a ctr shill. Spencer is a fucking idiot, the "alt-right" in it's current form (created and pushed by the media) doesn't actually exist, and you should off yourself for believing it does.
The intelligencia behind the entire Alt Right is a mentally ill faggot...
and you'e cool with it. Wow.
>the "alt-right" in it's current form (created and pushed by the media) doesn't actually exist
lmfao nice tactic shill. I cant believe we're already at the point where the only thing you guys have left is to try to close your eyes and ignore it.
well guess what snowflake? the alt right is here to stay and with Trump in power your days are numbered
>Rule 1 bro Rule 1
Dude i dont care about Rule 1 we're having a conversation about the Alt Right secret society and how Milo wrote their rules and is their leader.
It's funny how the Media falls so deep into publicity stunts, now he will have even more followers
ib4 I buy Sup Forums
Fucking moron/shill
>Why are they so bad at picking their representatives?
I don't know I think they're doing a pretty good job, considering the rest of them are even worse.
>"b b but MILO IS OUT HERO!" -Sup Forums 2016
nobody said this
you are confusing us with /r/the_donald
cool ad-hominem shill. must be getting pretty desperate there
We aren't bad at picking or representatives at all. Milo did nothing wrong.
Sup Forums's platform is
1. Purge leftism
2. Build the wall
3. Drastically reduce the age of consent
>Milo points out that pedophilia exists
>says that often the younger party initiates it (as he himself did when he was a kid, according to himself)
>says that it's immoral and wrong
>"defending pedophilia"
Why is it that every time this guy says that he's opposed to something, he gets attacked for supposedly supporting it? First he's a neo-nazi, then a white nationalist, now a pedophile....if Milo says that Christianity is bad, will the media accuse him of being Jesus?
The bog you say?
You being a shill is a fact. Anyone who shills for Richard Spencer is actively trying to discredit all the ideas he supposedly stands for. Go fuck yourself.
You know what? Fine, be a shill and retard, I don't care. People on this board know better than to listen to your drivel. I know where I stand, and I know you're being a faggot who is either incapable of understanding how he's being manipulated or being paid to push right-hating propaganda.
Burn in hell, retard. When right-leaning citizens rebel against the notion that they're apart of the media's boogeyman alt-right movement, I hope you somehow get caught in the crossfire. I'm done arguing with liars and imbeciles.
It's neocons who are pissed that Milo was invited to be the keynote at CPAC who are pushing this.
>Aye, officer. The kid came on to me. I'm innocent. Ya, I banged him, but I'm innocent.
Milo is a pedo!!!
Milo was pedo'd
No sympathy or understand for Milo, the pedo victim.
Using empathy for pedo victims to attack a pedo victim because he is taliking about being a pedo victim and not extending empathy to a pedo victim.
Yeah, looks about right.
>the only respectable alt-right member who actively participates in the media and works tirelessly to spread our ideas is trying to discredit those same ideas
nice mental gymnastics shill
>I'm done arguing with liars and imbeciles.
is it because you know all your ideas are shit and the kind some ctr intern would write? im glad youre fucking off shill
>implying anybody on Sup Forums is against sodomizing young boys
funny because Milo won't say he was raped. He said it was mutual
>every headline from now on will say
>Noted White Supremacist, pedophillia advocate, and alt-right spokesman, Milo Yiannopolous
Even though he was just gallows humor trying to talk about his molestation as a young teenager
Alt Right isn't and never will be a collective movement.
The media is using Alt-Right as a catch-all for people who oppose leftist views, and the media has added a swath of deplorable qualities to these people. This serves both to admonish people for supporting conservative values, and to encourage leftists in their violence against supposedly terrible conservatives.
There will be a day soon when conservatives make themselves know to the media without this Alt-Right label. The Medai will again try to diminish their voice, calling them racist, islamophobic, fascist, and misogynistic. But it won't matter. the real values of conservatives will shine through past the cloud of deplorable rhetoric.
Stop putting young conservatives, the people I belong to, into a box. If you don't you'll regret the backlash you inevitably receive.
>Alt right
He's a gay jewish conservative who likes black cock
>I got sexually molested at 14 by an adult man and I'm ok with it.
This is basically what he said, yes.
>Now I'm an adult man it should be ok for me to sexually molest 14 year olds too.
He never said or even suggested anything of the sort.