They don't seem to understand once you start initiating violence against you're political enemies they will do the same to you.
Do they just think they are better than everyone else and so they would win?
Why do leftists think punching out Nazi's is a good idea?
Other urls found in this thread:
>they will do the same to you
oh no I'm so scared of scrawny white dudes with bad haircuts and poor fashion choices. Also it's a numbers game. Way more non-nazis than nazis
be gentle.
oh man I would absolutely love to get punched by a leftie.
Would go berserk.
>Way more non-nazis than nazis
but are there way more non-nazis willing to shoot nazis than there are nazis willing to shoot back?
I forget how many of us fought during the revolution, but it sure as fuck wasn't 100% of all able-bodied males. What matters is fighting force, not total population of an ideology. Sheep vs Sheepdawgs and all that.
Sure pal.
right wingers have all the firearms
come at me faggot
What happened to Hail Hydra?
The thing is EVERYONE who disagrees with liberals is labeled a Nazi
They have been doing this since the 80's
Punching a person with a different opinion is like fighting a person from 1940s nazi Germany. Yup that guy with a PePe sign is like one of them SS officers. I can't wait to post on facebook how aggressive I am, but would never actually pick a fight in real life.
>if you demonize and brutalize muslims, you create more terrorists
>using the film wingless version
This is why liberals need to rot
that's my favorite thing about all this.
>"hey guys let's punch the people with fucktons of weapons and then taunt them on the internet when they don't immediately chimp out over it!"
Fucking retards lol.
The Reich was outnumbered as well.
So what do they do when "nazis" punch back?
>bunch right wing conservatives that don't agree with you
You'll never see them go into a bar to pick a fight with a neo nazi biker gang.
Maybe that's why they won that war... wait, no... shit!
New liberal policy is to call every trump supporter alt right, and every alt right person is a Nazi, thus meaning they can punch every trump supporter. It's clever, but violence on their side will only strengthen our cause. Apparently they learned nothing from MLK who was much more effective than Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. That's why MLK was assassinated, because it was too effective.
Here's my OC
>Why do leftists think punching out Nazi's is a good idea?
in their minds the stupid shit they said all the time in regards to the middle east like "violence begets violence" doesn't apply for some reason.
Hey that's against the rules you can't post a person's real name
Delete this ree
Typically, leftists really don't have an idea about how systems like our social norms work - they only know what they want, and have a notion of what - in the short term - will get them that. They are like children who as for their parents to buy something for them, and when the parents tell them that they don't have the money for it, they children ask them why they don't put it on their credit card then. They can't think more than a few moves ahead, if not only one move ahead.
The same people who fought Nazi's 50 years ago believe the same thing that the "Nazis" of today believe. Everyone is a Nazi if they aren't a communist Marxist cuck.
the left are all commies, stalin was a horrible person, why dont people go around punching these literally stalins?
Why is it such an embarrassing fucking thing? "Punch Nazis". It sounds so fucking gay and feminine. So you've deemed these people nazis and all you're going to do is punch 'em? It makes perfect sense that people stupid enough to think every Trump supporter is a nazi or "alt-right" would think a punch sounds intimidating. The left fucking sucks at everything.
> Grandpa! I punched a Nazi today, just like you did in the war. He was wearing a Trump hat!
> I voted for Trump.
>this character development wasn't due to Redskull showing cap that everything was the opposite of what it used to be
>it was due to redskull traveling back in time and brainwashing a young steve
Would go berserk crying in your bathroom you frog faggot
>implying they didn't come close
just suck each other cock srsly
Don't you have a helicopter tour to be getting to?
Good odds for any spartan.....
>alienate half the country by calling them nazis for disagreeing
>annoy them constantly with whiny SJW bullshit
>punch said "nazis" when they prove you wrong
>people now genuinely hate liberals
>hate and reject their whole dumbass ideology
>turn into actual nazis
>turn up the gas
>stupid fucking liberals fucking die
they only make us stronger.
They did. Several times. But "almost" doesn't count.
Redditor spotted
>War is a binary thing.
The results of that war are still being felt today. So, yeah, it counts.
Nazis dont even exist anymore.
The few actual neo nazis that exist arent even that big in numbers.
Red Skull is Red Pill.
Afraid I don't use plebbit
Calling them 'redditors' instead of faggots just shows which platform you utilize most often
That's the entire problem. Now you know why everyone hates liberals.
Why do people think eradicating All communicable diseases a good idea?
Is redskull /ourguy/?
>no u
Underage as well
This guy gets it, they consider everyone who disagrees with them nazis, therefor they are suggesting violence against everyone. Have you seen the left go after a real "nazi" yet? Nope
>what are spartans?
why do Canadians think they're Greeks that were trained from the age of six?
Touched a nerve, did I?
>labeling everyone I don't like a nazi gives me free reign to assault them
This is how you start actual civil wars. I can't wait. Everyone hates liberals already we just need them to become completely violent to wipe them all out.
None of them are actually punching them. It's just this retarded meme they push after the Richard Spencer incident but none of them are doing shit.
We are the master race
Are the antifa actively seeking out ''''nazis''''''' in America?
A teenager fresh from reddit I see
Fucking faggot boasts about being barely 19, can't make this shit up
Congrats you just learned how their thinking works since the 60's. Be it Nazi, or racist or fascist or whatever they love to blanket accuse everyone of being something bad so it validates violence.
Prove you aren't underage, faggot
Nut up, or shut up
You know what would stop this antifa instantly. If someone legally shoots and kills one in self defense. All these hipsters think they can put on masks thus be absolves of any jail time if one of them fights the wrong guy and gets killed legally the cowards would abandon this over night.
If you don't espouse white supremacy, call for ethnic cleansing, call everyone who isn't white a subhuman, then you aren't a nazi, and people with those views deserve to be punched and have their speech taken away. I see nothing wrong with this position.
Not asshurt enough to upload my ID on Sup Forums, you teenage faggot
If they really think nazis are capable of genocide of 6 billion Jews for simply being Jews why do they think they can get away with hitting one of us?
This guy needs to learn that: When you incite violence against someone you disagree with all you're doing is encouraging them and further solidifying their beliefs because you're making them see YOU as the horrible person and inciter of violence. Stop being an emotional ideological moron and start thinking your actions through, otherwise you're just the inciter of the problem.
Confirmed 14 y.o.
They are suicidal
>Antifa sees 'fascist"
>Punches fascist
>Get's hit back
Kek ok you fucking communist
lets be honest here
has black supremacy ever built anything?
even asian supremacy has civilizations
encourage lefties to be violent any way you can. punching people only redpills everyone, and brings us closer to the day of the rope
They don't make that distinction though.
It's literally liberating
Confirmed assmad teenage redditor
Spartans also braided their long hair pike women and fucked each other in the ass
Even if they did people have a right to free thought and speech. You Reddit faggots need to learn
> Historical precedent
> Battle of Cable Street for example
> Corporate media dominates influence so free speech is something of a sham
> Anti-capitalist views need disruption to overcome the capitalist monopoly on information.
Not quite
I am actually pretty happy on account of it being my birthday
I am also getting my daily dose of chilean salt
>we should peaceably debate violent people who believe that whites are superior to the rest of the world and that non whites deserved to be killed
what good is it arguing with a neo nazi?
because you're all talk and to pussy to fight back.
There's a difference between demonising a hetrogenous group who share a religion but have many different political and social views and telling the truth about people who share a political ideology.
Nazis watch out
>Why do leftists think punching out Nazi's is a good idea?
The lefts ultimate goal is to normalize physical violence as a response to words they don't like.They can't silence opposition through debate since logic and facts aren't on their side, so the next step is to silence opposition through physical force.
What they don't realize is that there are states that have both conceal carry and stand your ground laws. I genuinely can't wait for leftists to get shot cause they punch an armed person.
I meant the whole violence begets violence idea, rather than either being 'wrong'
> You're conflating liberals and leftists
> Leftists tend to acknowledge the need for violence to effect social change
> Just because the left is against a certain form of violence (i.e imperialist oil wars) doesn't mean they eschew all violence
> E.G I am anti US imperialism and using ISIS as an excuse to fight oil wars
> But I'm pro supporting the YPG fight ISIS
> Someone has to fight ISIS it just shouldn't be capitalists with ulterior motives.
That would be true if they were punching actual Nazis. But once you start labeling everyone who disagrees with you as nazis you might just find the numbers aren't on your side. Pic related: a Nazi. As opposed to some dude just trying to go to work or some other dude saying something you don't like.
Marvel sucks dick.
> That's one hell of straw-man you got there
> Leftists understand that the system won't permit any radical change unless its pushed by force whether that be physical or economic (i,e,strikes)
> Sounds like you Nazis are feeling scared
who are you quoting, shareblue?
>implying niggers and wetbacks dont have guns
> You guys only care about political violence when it affects you
> You ignore the state's monopoly on force, imperialist wars and mass incarceration.
> You don't even know shit about structural violence
> And you ignore your own movements reliance on racist violence and intimidation.
> The capitalist establishment is happy to let Nazis build in the streets etc because it thinks it can use them to their advantage
> that means only we can defend ourselves from a state that at best gives no fucks about us and at worst is actively co-operating with the far-right.
Nice edit
Repressed anger, they think they can shut us down by stretching those internet muscles, 99% of "Nazi Punching" is just people posting it on facebook or twitter, it's the new Slacktivism fad.
They don't. These people sucker punch and run away, which makes their claims of standing up to Nazis all the moreover laughable.