Have some science, bitch.
'Race Mixing is Bad!' said the increasingly nervous Sup Forumstard
Other urls found in this thread:
>mulattos failures are smarter than the nigger parent because it's half white
I wonder what shills are trying to slide again
No one is refuting that mixed race children are smarter, better looking, and physically healthier than Aryan children. We are just here for the bantz. Its called satire you stupid leaf
>what is the Flynn effect
does this specify which races are mixing?
half niggers are not smarter than whites or asians, they just aren't
(((Who))) paid for this research to be done?
Literally the first question to ask when presented with dubious scientific claims.
So instead of a 90 IQ black, we get a 95 IQ mixed race mongrel?
butthurt reaction to Trump
More intelligent if the mother is white as the genes for intelligence are passed from maternal DNA.
Meaning that every half breed spawned from a white womb is better but the inverse means that the child is inferior.
I fully support BMWF for that very fact. Self hating mulatto's are a boon.
This is obviously because high-achieving whites and Asians are intermingling
>all rich elites are inbred
Shouldn't they be retarded then? How come they still rule over us?
Most children of mixed race are more well off than their ancestors and height is primarily related to nutrition.
I'm a mongrel and I can assure you 95 IQ is being generous.
I don't know if I'm intelligent or not, but the average brazilian mongrel probably scores somewhere near 80-85 IQ.
Maybe even lower
pretty much everyone is more intelligent than their ancestors.
It's true. I'm way smarter than either of my parents. Fortunately, I'm white as snow. Other people with mixed blood are jealous of me. In general people with mixed blood are jealous of me.
This says nothing about kids who are mixed race... just that everyone is better off because they think they found a "link" to the fact humans have a very diverse gene pool.
>more intelligent than their ancestors
more intelligent than half their ancestors at least
This observably only applies to whichever parent was less intelligent.
The more intelligent non-mixed parent will be smarter than the child.
It's been observed in every study that mixed race children generally fall inbetween the two race's average that they're comprised of.
>75 IQ nig
>105 IQ white
>85 IQ offspring
> L-look guys, racemixing makes people more intelligent on average
Fuck off shill
Dailymail isn't news.
Yes, we need to strive for genetic equality. White men must share the sperm with strong independent womyn of color so that their offspring will become more like the succesful white people.
Who #GeneticEquality here?
muh hybrid vigor
could be argued that a genetically homogeneous future humanity wouldn't survive a massive viral outbreak because not enough genetic diversity to resist.
thanks zog
Than their ancestors.
Perhaps this is a case of regression to the mean.
Stupid bottom of the barrel slut decides to ignore race to grab a tall relatively clever man of another race.
Her stupidity goes away in next generation as it was largely the product of circumstance ( regression to the mean ).
Man's exceptional genetics are given a boost rather than mixed back in with the pool of nogs.
Manlet white man she would have ended up with becomes trap then trans darwin award winner.
at 37 he legit says"i'm john podesta"
gave me chills
→ (You)
→ (You)
well done you magnificent autists
They always had logistic advantage over the everyday pleb until the internet. The elite are so close to obsolete at this point.
It changes then psychologically, which is why they are so creepy and off putting.
It's also producing a large number of children whose ethnic mixing makes finding compatible organ and tissue donors exceedingly difficult - it can even reduce the chances of finding a match within immediate family members.
Let's see some peer reviewed proof of your views Sup Forums.
AND in your own words what the data means and how scientific principles apply.
You don't just parrot things that make you feel better about yourself right? You actually take time to study these subjects in depth to achieve as much objectivity as possible right?
Taller and smarter than their stupid and short parent race.
Shorter and stupider than their tall and smart parent race.
>forcing white genetics down to the global mean is an improvement because muh feels
>tfw Chinese waifu
Doesn't seem to correspond with what I've seen.
Well it's true, whites and asians are smart because of neanderthal DNA.
Mixing with stupid nigger blacks will be a disaster though
^full of research disproving op's claim
>semi-niggers are better than 100% niggers
no shit, they still grow up fatherless.
I don't see any science on that article. All I see is statements with now facts to back them up. Here now you can have some science.
> Fashie pseudo-science is hilarious
> Imagine being that desperate for validation that you think being white makes you superior
maybe he just had to work that day
white nationalism is just as bad as left wing identity politics, remember that
dividing people by race is a liberal tactic
literally fake click bait news for triggered stormweenies. Ya uh I bet if a fuck a oompa loompa fridge body mexican girl my kids would be taller then the average mexican.
If any of that was true, Ameri-niggers would actually be smart.
What the hell why is the Mail publishing something like this? I'd expect it from the Guardian, but the Mail?
Depends on the race
It's literally this.
White people will get shorter and dumber for breeding with mulatto races
from 1 July 2015
wow thank you
A man who knows his shit.
Inteligence,is surely a trait-but intelligence CAN acutally be trained.In its purest form,inteligence is a measure of your brain capability.Which means,how fast and good you absorb knowedgle,and how do you use it.This reseach is shit,and paid propagnada,because it both:
Excludes,that one parent has to be less inteligent-which is statistically black
And that white people,on average spend more on education of their children-which in fact is a stimuli,of brain cells.
>children are smarter than stupid parents who fell for the mixed diversity jew
>Race doesn't determine intelligence
>Being of a half breed mutt race makes you more intelligent
Really makes you think
Why are nation-states of virtually every other race allowed to maintain ethnic homogeneity?
Obviously this.
attractive people have attractive kids
This can be good, especially for the minority of non black Hispanics with an above average IQ.
I remember reading the actual study. The study was about how people from villages with more inbreeding were smaller and less intelligent than people from villages who actually had contacts with other villages.
Which in crypto-jew eyes litterally means: fuck all the niggers on sight it is totally the same.
>being half human and half nigger makes the nigger half smarter
really baked my beans
I believe this. I trust the media. I like living. War is peace.
What's this you say?
Children are smarter than black men and race mixing cum dumpsters? No fucking shit.
FPBP though.
ayyyy, a first post leaf post that doesn't suck. Timbits™ all around!
We're okay with Italians breeding with Irish. Swedish with German. No headscarf/turban cultures need apply
Not bad leaf. But thanks for making me kek.
Races are all equal in every way except in cases where the white race is the inferior one.
Pedigree collapse=more deleterious mutations.
But mixing even European ethnicities together randomly doesn't necessarily equal smart people.
Look at Americans. It's obvious to everyone they are dumb as shit.
Outbreeding depression is real and causes massive problems in America.
There's probably some rule to mixing, not too genetically distant but not too related either.
>have some Jew disinformation, goyim!
Please kill yourself, OP. You would t know science if it walked up to you and licked your clit.
Darkest of news. Compare to contemporary peers of same race and the trend is kill. Of course we're taller and smarter, we eat better and educate everyone. Nothing to do with race mixing.
Technically, they're smarter than half their ancestors. The brown half.
Sure they are buddy
ITT people who don't know what genetically diverse means.
Fake news is science now? I wonder how NOT having a father and living with a single mom who thinks she's a realty TV bar whore is a good environment for a small child? I remember when the children used to be the most important thing, not some attention needy fat cunt pretending to be someone on TV. In Haiti they killed the mulatoos too since only white people tend to accept them (even in the rare case where the nigger father actually knows the kid)
I thought there was only one race? Wasn't it a social construct?
Probably. I dunno why we in the US can't trade off all out niggers for white people from the EU, Canada, and Australia. Imagine that world of technology, little crime and no non-stop niggerbabble for 30 yrs. If anyone ever needs proof that niggers invent nothing look at cRap music and how the beats NEVER EVER change. I know it's about being saw as "tuff and trendy" but I'll still shove a niggers ass up his ass (black hole?) and spend the night in jail again any time.
>taller than white parent
>smarter than nigger parent
I wonder who could be behind OP's post?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Jesus, that was a skullfuck of a redpill if I've ever taken one
getting fired for talking to the Russians and lying about it?
Good too see some leafs are not to be burned
>Hybrid Vigor
pick one.
cause holoco$t
more intelligent?
have you seen brazil?
wheres there space programm?
t. Nigger
This is incredible thanks user,
as a mutt myself im tired of gullible retards encouraging miscegenation as if it were some-great deed.