Kosovo belongs to Se
>ethnic majority is the only thing that matters when deciding who gets which territory
So, when will you be giving central Transylvania over to Hungary?
Hungary doesn't deserve Transylvania.
And Albanians deserve Kosovo? By the logic of your own OP, you would have to give up to Hungary all majority Hungarian parts of Romania.
>So, when will you be returning rightful Hungarian clay?
>expecting gypsies to use logic at all
top kek
Transylvania should be independant
Didn't the Albo's also welcome the Serbs with open arms when they decided to separate and the Kosovo Serbs just stabbed them in the back?
What is it with those guys? How many world wars do they need to start?
>If a bunch of people flood into a land and displace your people, that totally means you have to sit back and let them have the clay they took over. It's not yours anymore, goyim! Stop fighting the invaders.
This same shit is going to happen with the rapefugees in germany/sweden and the chinks in hongcouver
Central Transylvania didn't fought for independence and wasn't supported by NATO.
If Serbia got bombed for this poor shithole, why the serbs wouldn't give up on it? The serbs know that they don't get up Kosovo so its logic to let it go.
>ethnic majority is the only thing that matters when deciding who gets which territory
It is the most important factor tho. Ethnically homogenous countries are most desirable and peaceful, and the way to achieve that is to divide territory based on ethnic composition.
>Ethnically homogenous countries are most desirable and peaceful
So that's the reason Polish embassies are constantly occupied by all these Westerners from EU and USA that want to immigrate to Poland so badly.
The issue is that the albanians in kosovo are invaders who set up shop on serbian clay. It'd be like if all the mexicans that flooded into california decided that california should leave the USA. Someone without any historical context would look at that and say "yea, they're a different ethnicity, I guess it only makes sense that they should break off and be their own country!" because it totally ignores the fact that this was traditionally white american clay, and the original inhabitants were displaced.
It's true that only ethnically homogeneous societies work. But that's not the issue. The issue is that kebab should be forced off the land back to where they came, and serbia should be allowed to keep its clay. The invaders need to go; not the land.
You should certainly fight the invaders when they are invading. But not when the invaders are over 90% of population and have been the majority for like a century.
It's why we need to separate from cuckanada and form a strong tie to the US before the federal government gives it away to China
Pic related. The China problem is solely a federal problem imposed on us
But they couldn't fight the invaders because the commies invited them in specifically to weaken the position of the Serbs in the federation. And also beacuse there were plans to annex Albania into Yugoslavia, but that fell through.
Yeah what would the leader be called? Grand vampire?
Creepiest most worthily place in Europe. No wonder it's only exports are horror stories
Albanians were the majority in Kosovo long before communism, they became majority sometime around the end of 19th century.
Honestly the best thing for the region would be to give northern Mitrovica to Serbs in exchange for Presevo, and then build a big fat Wall between Kosovo and Serbia. We like Walls here, dont we. Good fences make good neighbours.
yea, but you can chase out all kebab from serbian territories and then there won't be an issue
>but muh tradition
It's not an argument.
People who are dead aren't the side of an argument. Only voices that matter are from people who are alive and live on land in question. If you use "tradition" as a tool for making a territory, depending on which year you choose you can make Poland 2 times bigger than it is today or completely wipe from the map. You can do simila things with pretty much every country in existence.
but that doesn't mean that your country is not peaceful. it's not a first world country and that's the reason why people don't hurry in countries like these
Depends how you define this word. If you mean there's not terrorist attacks or violent rallies of minorities who want independence then I would agree. However homogenous nation doesn't magically lower crime rate and such.
>homogenous nation doesn't magically lower crime rate and such.
yea, if it's a nigger homogeneous country, but otherwise i think it'll work
from the pov of my shitty country, if there wasn't for that 3% piece of shit gypsy population, whom in our country are a big hygienic & (especially) problem i think it could work well for us and maybe we wouldn't be all compared to those motherfucking gypsies whom Antonescu couldn't exterminate them all back in ww3
It isn't a matter purely of nation, it's more economical circumstances. People would steal and kill less if they had enought money for comfortable living. The reason minorities are associated with crime is because there are ore where outed in some way from society at some point and decide to isolate. It's similar with mudslimes in West EU, black ghettos in USA or Gypsies. If they would decide to integrate, live like normal members of society and not close in their own communities, their tendency to break the law would be lower.
I would argue that society with minorieties that are well integrated is more safe that homogenous nation of poor country.