tfw all I want is peace in the world
Tfw all I want is peace in the world
If you want peace, prepare for war.
literally no such thing, sorry
oh cool you´re posting Quiet from MGSV
her costume in game was really outrageous
If there was peace, there would be no change.
This place ain't fo dat nigga
Don't believe the memes, desu. The world is objectively more peaceful now, than at any other time in human history.
Dream on.
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace.
You have peace dick sucker. And it has made you weak, decadent, and corrupt.
I suppose you need to invade some more countries to bring them democracy and freedom then. It worked very well in vietnam, iraq, syria, lybia and in all those african countries
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
t.euro born
Hi German bro *hugs*
lets kill some billion people to archive world peace!
The entire humanity has been in wars since they existed literally
it could have worked but they refused to kill more civilians.
this, we need a population of max 500million
Vietnam was a political loss, not a military one. Militarily speaking the U.S. dominated and was on route to wiping out all the commies and taking over all of Vietnam.
Backlash from hippies and the media caused a shitstorm back home that caused politicians to cave.
same. this religion war is killing my sanity
consisting of 95% white European and 5% East Asian
tfw no malay gf
so you want all but whites dead?
great song
this is what liberals actually believe
no, Asians are cool too
>that text
>about the pig
Veganism did nothing wrong
always with revisionist history
>muh hippies wouldn't let us kill every man, woman, child and animal in Vietnam
therefore we won
Even if there was one ethnicity it wouldn't work. That's the beauty and travesty of the human race; without a hive-mind with no freedom, we will always fight.
It's good and bad. But I'd rather live in a world with conflict, charity, and free will than a a world where everything is pre-planned and peaceful. Conflict is just one side to a coin, and from it comes compassion.
the 90s were objectively more peaceful than now
>more peaceful
not really. there is lots of activity.
You are looking for the "peace" of being controlled. That is the peace of death. They have greater power to force conditions on others so there needs to be less casualties.
(((free will))) ..when will they learn, everything is predestined (physics)
like i said, you didn't kill enough people.
we should keep some thousand blacks alive. we can put them in zoos or make experiments with them. we could make them fight to entertain us too.
But it was a military victory. There may have been some loses and terrible things happened but for the most part the US was winning.
Blame television for spreading information in a more easy manner, and the lack of support for veterans that put a stain on the conflict. Vietnam was the first war people could gain information on that wasn't just in the paper. They watched the carnage. The general public wasn't ready for that.
Well maybe not in a metaphysical sense, but at the very least I have an illusion of free will. IMO the only way world peace could be achieved is through a hivemind of people, and that would mean there isn't even an illusion of free will. It's not worth it, at least not to me. Someday everyone may be able to accept a hivemind, but I definitely couldn't.
he is right. we need to eliminate everything harmful to our society to archieve true peace. we can never have peace with fear in our minds.
Peace is just the intermission between wars.
gib credit card info, i might consider
post your feminine penis first
So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Everyone group thinks the other group is harmful.
has the American experiment thought you nothing. It always begins with "just a few", then someone comes and bitches about muh god created everyone equal. Next thing you know, you've got a black president. Come on goy it's just a few jews in NY
come on goy, it's just some syrian children
come on goy, it's free labor, buy some of these Africans
never give opportunity, it always takes advantage
Peace has made us decadent and corrupt. We have lost sight of true humanitarian vision. You will never have peace because there are some people in this world inclined to achieve best in periods of conflict. The "peace" you dream of will be a hell for the natural born warriors of the world.
what you call "hive mind" I call trust
nothing compares to accomplishing something as a team or group of similar minded and oriented individuals. This poisonous thinking that most Americans have been infected with called "rugged individualism" will bring it down. Notice the trend, more seclusion, less trust and no empathy because you will be taken advantage of. Where do you think that leads.
too bad.
You want peace? Make robots and get rid of money.
that's why only one group should survive
put the people that wants it into the zoo too. problem solved.
the biggest problem we have right now is weak governments who think the minoritys are important in a democracy. democracy should always do what 51% of the people want. fuck the minority.
Sorry to break it down for you, but as animals we are programmed to preserve ourselves over others. As long as that's true, people will most likely look out for their own self interest over strangers. That's just the way society works right now and in the foreseeable future.
But beyond allowing others to be hurt in your own self-interest, I think it's a bit ridiculous to think conflict can be avoided. Even people with the same ethnicity, culture, religion, and socioeconomic class have conflict. Either through envy or just a basic desire to excel beyond others or for one's personal sake.
But in truth, user, I like conflict. Perhaps because for the most part I've been on the good side of it, but conflict breeds many of the best things in the world. Without conflict, fighting, and aversion there is nothing to strive for. If I trust that I will always be healthy, that I will never have to be threatened, then I will be complacent. I won't feel the joy of working to achieve something.
I think humanity is better off fighting. It makes us better.
It's probably attainable. But not in the way you think.
Everything we work for is to remove our suffering.
>military victory
how so, the previous system and government got stronger. The set goals were clearly not accomplished. Nothing was gained morally or strategically. America chose the communists in ww2 over their brothers, and the gods have punished this country militarily ever since. Everything you will say comes with the prerequisite of *if* the media hadn't, *if* we just did, *if* the generals did.
who controls the media, who controls the war drums, who picks your enemies for you.
In reality, (((those))) who tricked you so many times had 2 intentions, to kill your brothers and then drain you of your will, moral and financial capital. It's safe to say they accomplished their goals.
At the expense of others we will remove our suffering as well.
Your idea about universal trust leading to world peace is ridiculous.
Here's a scenario: A man and his family are in the subway in your utopia. It's crowded, as usual, as New York usually is during tourist season. There are many others there similar to him, with small children and wives relaxing, waiting for the train. Suddenly, unexpectedly, a swath of people move into the station. Not entirely unexpected. But the man, and several other men, are pushed over the side and onto the train tracks. Again, no one individual's fault. Only problem, is that a train is coming very soon to pick up the passengers at the terminal. The men who fell can't get up off the tracks.
Now, in a society where trust leads to utopia among all people, what do you expect to happen? What if no man wants to risk his life helping these men, as his wife and children would be left without a husband if he died? If some of the men who fell on the track died, who would be to blame? The crowd for pushing them? The conductor for running them over? The men who didn't help out of fear for their lives and family? What will happen after, when the men's family's are left without a husband? Will they feel content that that crowd wasn't controlled, or that the other family men did not help?
Do you think it's possible that in this scenario of strife that people do not create conflict? Do you think these children will not be tortured by the idea that their fathers died helpless with no fault of their own?
What you speak of is truly impossible. There is not guarantee of trust like this. People would not act selflessly, and even if they did you can not expect a child to understand selflessness when their father is dead due to an accident that could be prevented.
I'm the same way but you're severely mistaken if you think most of the conflicts in history were "natural" in origin. They were created and flamed by certain people who benefit from conflict.
Struggle is not the same as conflict
you can struggle for the benefits of a group as in NatSoc without having a human opponent. Sometimes the struggle and fight is internal
:) this ->
That's racist and islamophobic
Peace is a lie.