Even Britain doesn't want this turd around.
Even Britain doesn't want this turd around
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Britain is a sharia no go zone for the most part
>even a bunch of bots that signed a petition that does nothing don't want him round
Fixed that for you
I bet you signed the 'invite Trump' petition you sad git.
Stop kissing up to this turd.
Even the DUP guy saying he should be invited is calling for Trump to be challenged on his far right policies.
What's a "britain"? is it the name for that mark britney spears' gooch leaves when she sits down?
No...that's called a melbourne
Get back to work, prisoner.
Which royal did Trump insult?
I tried living there once but there air was poisonous and nobody spoke english.
Now I am back in my pure homeland. It's cold and white like a disney movie. The grass really is greener here~ Prisoners are even allowed out for maccas.
Weather is excellent as always I see.
Meanwhile the other 62 million don't mind.
Why would a loud, arrogant, crass, unprincipled cryptojew appeal to us, let alone traditional British Conservatives?
Kate Middleton - so not a Royal, just the baby maker & clothes horse.
Yes we do. London doesn't want him.
>so not a Royal
She wasn't at the time. Which is lucky.
You sound like a traitor. Corbyn voter?
because britain takes it up the ass
UKIP voter, Comedy Corbyn is Establishment, even worse he relies on Londonistan & his Islington ivory tower to preach to ppl he would not piss on if they were on fire.
>UKIP voter
Nice to know who the "just the baby maker & clothes horse." crowd are.