>Russian ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really think that we gonna believe in some "sudden heart attack" story? This is the beginning of the end, americans.
Before end of February, in this year. Watch local news. KGB don't forget and don't forgive.
these posts are being slid
Checked Ruskibro. See you in hell.
Churkin was a lying piece of shit, i hope he burns in hell with dead ISIS pigs and they rape him.
This guy was the one lying in UN about (((2000))) peaceful Ossetians slaughtered by Georgian army.
Literally oy vey remember 6 gorillion tier lies.
>implying most burgers wouldn't celebrate you murdering all of our corrupt civil servant beuracrats
Good luck ruskichan.
Man and I so enjoyed watching him give out his lies with a straight face.
Get rekt kiddo xD
UN confirmed that Georgia was a bad guy in that war. Say thanks that we didn't rushed on your capital, but just simply demolished your whole army.
> shitskin country that's famous only for producing the biggests mass murderer in human history thinks it's relevant
go away dirty monobrownadze
So, did Georgian army kill 2 000 civillians or not?
Pidorashkas pls.
yes it did
gj americans
No it didn't you fucking idiot and Churkin was lying every time in UN. First about Georgia, then about Ukraine with his proofster lies.
Where are the proofs? No evidence! Muh 2000 civillians.
This piece of shit deserved what he got, stay butthurt you Putin dicksucker cunts
Why on earth would we kill a UN Ambassador? I am genuinely curious actually. What's our end game?
Armed (((conflict)))
1 day before he would turn 65.
he was a bad goy
Put Putler in his place. Talk shit, get hit Slav niggers.
Lavrov is still better at lying.
ur lucky vova is such a cool-headed guy desu.
I hope this Armenian jew Lavrov is next
>proud CNN viewer
>sudden heart attack
Lavrov was really pushing the multipolar stuff the other day.
We wouldn't. (((They))) would.
I died? Where are the proofs? there are no proofs. Provide evidence, your evidence is invalid. Repeat. Repeat.
t.dead Churkin
just take a look on this ((((((((georgian)))))))) poster.
>mfw when we keep killing Russian diplomats, spies, generals, separatist leaders and all Russia can do is create fake news
>KGB don't forget and don't forgive.
Hey dude just remember the majority of us Yanks are cool with you vodka motherfuckers.
>live on diet of potatoes and vodka
>heart attack is suspicious
>mfw when all you can do is resort to this
But didn't Russia invade Georgia?
Why so buttblasted georgiabro
Did he shit in your breakfast this morning?
No Georgia attacked itself by invading its own separatist region and killed (2000 civillains). Remember 2 000 killed by Georgia.
its a Sup Forums classic by now.
have you seen how MCHS beat this guy???
nice try shitskenadze, fact is you attacked first
CIA shadow government agitating for war
Hey how did it end? I had to take a long dump and couldn't see it through ;_;
CIA heart attackgun, just like Andrew Breitbart.
the deep state is really trying to stir things up. I hope the KGB targets them.
he jumped out of the window, on this specially prepared "pillow" that is used by firefighters when people have to jump out of the window in case theres a fire.
at first, he went with them, then, he started screaming again.
frefighters started punching him.
looked absurd tbqh.
Will you have the same straight face when tanks roll through Danzig.
But it was Putin that had him killed.
Come on, don't let this thread slide. Let's discuss Churkin. "Ebil Windows 10" is in other thread.
KGB are getting shit on right now, the CIA has taken off the kid gloves and this isn't even their final form
If you think you can fuck with us, you're sadly mistaken. Be prepared for Hell, ice nigger.
if doubles, then let's begin.
Fuck off Alex Jones.
Russia and the US have no intention of initiating mutually assured destruction over some fuck who probably drank himself into piss health.
I was hanging out across from the embassy and a few minutes before they brought the ambassador out this dude came out threw a needle or something in the trashcan and sped off managed to snag a picture of him.
Where are your proofs, Ivan?
perhaps we may kill him, within a month, countdown go.
Are you trying to do us a favor?
Oh no, please don't, whatever will we do without him
Life expectancy for filthy mongrel Russian alcoholic males is only about 64 (which is on par with Congo and Yemen) so his death shouldn't be surprising at all desu.
Looks like it was ex-KGB agent Semyon Hydovskii.
One dead russian ambassador per year until you fags isolate yourself
Anyone upload the vid yo youtube yet?
He was a top official from a good family.
Are you really that autistic to think he was living with the same drinking habits as the lower class bydlo?
Just look at the guy...
He was in terrible shape for his age
Compare him to Putin for example
Exclusive CNN footage about senator John McCain mind-controlled "prank call"
Underrated post
OK, another target
You kind of sound like the same liberal fuckwits that think Sweden is a land of peace.
Anyone killing cool-headed Russkies must be dumb as sticks, so probably one of Obama's niggers
people like you are the reason we cant have nice alliences....
not yet.
Rest in Piss.
Doubles will decide then.
If doubles then Obama will die in revenge.
We have a target too
Michael what are you still doing in Russia, we told you to come back to Langley for the debriefing
He was not as bad, as the others.
One by one. Putin needs 6 gorillion doubles. From a Russian ambassador to turkey to Russian ambassador to UN is an upgrade. Just follow the pattern.
Don't attract that england autist pls.
The only good slob is a dead slob!
My bad, slaaaav.
Who's next?
OK, maybe your mother next?
He was Russian and he was good at his job.
Every time since 1917.
Who cares.
He died for unrelated shenanigans this whole thread is just another attempt from american tv for brain zombies to push an usa-rus conflict mindset.
They do want that war to happen, its like if they were anxious to die.
Fishy, maybe. Anyway I hope you russkies know that this wasn't Trump but rather the same people fucking with him.
> another dead ruskie pirogi
and nothing of value was lost
this russian ((diplomats))) usually should die of natural causes :)
Georgia stfu. You are less relevant than our state.
Go massacre innocents somewhere else.
You'd better not fuck with mummie.
Russia is where traitors hide
Probably just killed their own dude so they can false flag a reason to justify them opposing nato or start a real war they've been itchcing forever for. And why would america go after or start shit with russia, the white house literally can't stop sucking putins dick as is.
most likely putin's unit did it, ive seen similar stories because hes too much of a pussy to accept criticism and the fact that people are becoming self aware.
What is deep state? To quote Obummer, "...what CIA wants, CIA gets."
Remember, user. This is part of (((their))) plans to kill the russian ambassador.
(((they))) know this will create a shitstorms to turns away the normie eyes from sweden and the likes.
100% trying to bait Russia , scared Trump will purge them ,had to attack really high russian figure
That would be horrible if you did. The US would never recover. I'm serious. Please don't do that to our wonderful McCain. Really.
The same reason a literal Jew killed the Russian ambassador in Turkey.
Because Jews. Literally.
Oh no don't whatever will we do
If you invade to America I will save you a bottle of vodka. You are going to need it when your land war fails and teenagers fight you.
>implying she won't kill you
China will deliver it to you when their army comes to visit
Trying to bait Russia into open conflict and trying to destroy any chance for Trump to repair Russo-US relations . I doubt Russia will take bait ,but hopefully Trump can purge these fucks ,and finally fix Russo-US relations
If fucking with us means installing a nationalistic, pro america, anti islam, anti illegal immigration president, then by all means continue.