>assassinate Frau Merkel
>make it look like Mudslimes did it
Come on, Hans. Fucking do it, you kind of owe it to all of us at this point.
>assassinate Frau Merkel
>make it look like Mudslimes did it
Come on, Hans. Fucking do it, you kind of owe it to all of us at this point.
Other urls found in this thread:
Germany is beyond cucked at this very point
She'll get re-elected
Let's hope Trump and Le Pen will keep her in check
poor Latvia doesn't know how the media works
is there a war going on? or are there workers required?
They need a nuke at this point.
They are setting records with how fast they ruin their own society.
German efficiency at its finest.
is she schizophrenic?
she literally said the multicultural experiment was a complete failure and now this?
/pol is a board of peace, user
What happened a few months back with that car that was following her? Was that an attempt? Didnt hear much about it afterwards.
Her handlers must have given her an updated set of beliefs
I fear for my cousins, the one is terrified to go to school anymore.
I offered to move her to the states, but man... I don't know, Europe is falling faster then any civilization in history.
merkel is /ourgal/, she knows the only way out of the darkness is to keep pushing until you see the light.
she cucks the german people as hard as she can because she want them to snap and make germany great again.
she's the hero germany deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt her. Because she can take it. Because she's not our hero. she's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. an aryan knight.
I hope Germany elects based Schulz.
Not the refugees fault that your cousin is such a beta bitchass who is afraid of foreigners.
i recommend for all of Sup Forums to go to europe and get culturally enriched, you'll truly never feel hate for niggers and mudshits until you see with your eyes.
See them shit on the street like pajeets and chinks.
are (((they))) shutting it down ?
why are all you HUEUHEUHEUs attracted to us
That's true to an extent. You have treat them like prisoners and make them respect you through fear but the German government is so blind that if you rise against them, you will be the one to receive punishment.
The left would blame racists and bigotry for driving the misunderstood youth crazy and Merkel becomes a martyr forever.
Conservatives were blamed for Kennedy's death and Democrats miked him as a martyr for a landslide election win.
>The side with the first martyr wins
germany has 0.4 babies per woman, you need 2.1 to keep your population stable
so basically the german population is going to collapse in the next 2 generations.
there wont be enough young producers creating and paying taxes to support the older socialist programs
a.the options are to either encourage the population or reproduce
b. or to import millions of shitskins and pray that they become the producers
option a is racist nazi behavior that goychland will never engage in and b is what they are currently praying will work.
this is what happens when you let jews brainwash you into treating women equally, they stop having babies and your civilisation dies
Das Down-Syndrom ist ein bei Menschen vorkommendes Syndrom, bei dem aufgrund einer Genommutation (Chromosomenaberration/Polyploidie) das gesamte 21. Chromosom oder Teile davon dreifach vorhanden sind (Trisomie): Eine weitere übliche Bezeichnung dafür lautet also Trisomie 21.
Or c) Let the nature of diminishing recources take its course.
Is it not better to have a 2% reduction in pension than have a country full of niggers?
Fuck you dude,
You've made millions of females afraid to go into public because refugees can rape at will and have zero consequences.
You are a fucking faggot and I'm ashamed if we share a common bloodline.
I denounce my Germanic heritage.
I visited Germany about three years ago and it was like visiting a 2nd world country.
It was disgusting the amount of nigger-tier gypsy trash on the street.
So hold on... does that mean if you kill your enemies, they win?
>I denounce my Germanic heritage.
Oh nooo. Please don't do that.
>c) Let the nature of diminishing recources take its course.
i dont think you understand. anything other than option a = the death of civilization.
when whitey goes, civilization goes.
we wont stand a chance when we are outnumbered 99 to 1. it does not matter how much guns and ammo we have stockpiled. you simply cannot win.
western civilisation has no choice but to become white nationalist if it hopes to survive.
all jews and their leftist puppets must be expelled and exterminated, same with shitskins. white births need to be doubled if not tripled.
without each every one of these things i have stated, we dont really stand a chance.
You mean you didn't think Democrats were low enough to milk the dead president's death for everything they could thus preventing a Goldwater win? Look at the electoral results of the 1964 election desu
Look at what happened to MLK after he died.
She said that in 2010. She's a shapeshifting probably former communist maybe Jew, what did you expect?
If there is no hope choose the worst option so we can get the biggest reaction when it blows up.
Fuck off Reddit. Merkel is just a Schulz puppet
>trading the jew puppet for the jew himself
Ask a muslim immigration in germany anything
I think she is working on becoming a muslim prophet
Just imagine in a few decades maybe centuries and europe is all muslim people will probably think back to her as some savior of the Muslims who brought them to the promised land.
No cousin to marry in Morocco?
Am assassination is seriously the only way this can happen. She'd be a martyr for centuries.
Look at alcoholic adultrous communist violent Martin Luther King. A Senate committee was about to dump a bunch of Intel on how he was an alcoholic woman beater, blacks thought he was a crack preacher, he is killed, becomes a prophet.
I'm not a Morocco roach senpaai :^) in fact I hate those niggers
But you shouldn't be throwing stones in your glasshouse m8 you rednecks fuck your sisters on a daily basis
People who do that aren't honorary whites here. Ahmed does it and names his inbred offspring Muhammad and if it's born a girl, inbred Ahmed beats his cousin for not birthing a son, banned her Ayesha after Muhammed's child wife, then sets her up to marry a cousin. Wash with dirt, rinse with Arab sweat, repeat.
why muslims fuck little boys?
Theres pleanty of germans in america. This is where all the nazis came to. When Germany falls. We rise. We are sleeping with the enemy. These people started this shit. These american fuckers. I denounce my humanity at this point. Germany is gone and america, This place is heading in the same direction. Just let the world die. We seem to live on no matter what. It wouldnt be the first time we just abandoned an empire. They remain vacant because the leeches have nobody to leech off of. We can just Build more. The important thing is to learn from our mistakes.
She's killing herself, slowly, with obesity.
Real muslims don't, but I guess you are talking about those dirty afghans which btw are the afghans your goverment supports against the war with Talibans
Talibans hate those kidfuckers as much as we do the only one supporting them are American troops
He's right tho, if you yell Allahu Akbar you can get away with anything.
C'mon Fritz, do it already
German population: 80.5 million
Refugees accepted: 1.8 million
I'd be embarrassed of my homeland if among 100 Germans they couldn't find hosts for 2 refugees. It's pretty hard to travel Germany without getting invited to stay for dinner/the night pretty much daily (by friendly strangers)
In addition this is asylum for refugees, not immigration. No citizenship, or work rights involved.
Does Sup Forums know what a refugee is? Or how to count?
>She'd be a martyr for centuries.
Only if you allow communist propaganda to continue as usual.
We must learn this: facts don't matter. Collective perception of things do.
Unless the media and other information channels aren't seized back in order to proceed with proper counter-intelligence, no action or plan to restore things will ever succeed.
In fact, if propaganda is undone and culture is restored, no "wet services" need to be undertaken. People will lynch social parasites and traitors themselves. Things will come back to normal in less than a decade. The question of whether the latter (extermination of corrupt/treasonous politicians) needs to be done in order to achieve the former (cultural restoration) is a rather complex one IMO.
All else being equal, anything and everything a leader/group does in order to restore things will be subject to negative propaganda and media harassment, and this is still very effective in shaping public perception of things.
This. Greatest ally is right, i thought the same about Hillary. Trump and other "alt right" groups are just trying to prevent full genocide by becoming more reasonable, but at the same time allowing minority groups to blossom in Western nations to where we don't have any affect on elections. They will then try again to do the same thing but without as much risk of awakening a new Reich.
Pol knows they're not refugees once they reach a safe country, by the time they reach Germany they're just migrants
Non c'è cosa più divina che scoparsi la cugina.
I remember when it was "just 2.2% Hispanics" in the 60's when were passing sweeping immigration legislation
"It's just a few now goy, surely they won't have 5 kids apiece and continue to flood in and vote for politicians that serve their interests and become 20-30% in a few decades time"
An immigration law that never would had been if Kennedy didn't become a martyr for the Democrats, which is the only reason Oswald killed him anyway
Again, that's essentially what a refugee is.
Their country was safe, then bombs. So they go somewhere safe so their babies don't get exploded, and stay there until it's safe where they came from.
Which might be years. They might build a new life in the country they find themselves in.
Not by their choice, chased out by American bombs.
It doesn't make them migrants, but often they can immigrate like a normal person, paperwork, background checks, education, long waits, interviews etc.
Why do people expect civilians to hang around and wait to be killed by war?
Would you?
Geneva Convention people, it's a good thing.
Refugees exist, don't want em? Stop warring.
I hope the refugees you love so much culturally enrich your entire family.
>by which I mean rape to death
That's just the thing leafbro. There is no intention of deporting these people. It has always been the plan to treat them as immigrants, ie importing permanently.
Doesn't exactly matter.
These are basic human rights.
If it were just a regular war in Syria they wouldn't be able to declare refugee status, but all sides are engaging in war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
The rights they get under international law are pretty limited.
Freedom of movement while fleeing syria/war
Security of person (if they go in a camp, you gotta feed em etc.)
Security of family (that is to not be split from family)
and non-refoulment (that is to not be picked up and shipped back to Syria, and death)
That's all.
When war crimes stop, those rights stop and everyone can be shipped home if the host country wants.
Also, when their home is no longer dangerous refugees are usually excited to go home and rebuild.
Especially those who had trouble integrating.
Except it's not just Syrians, half of Asia and Africa's eyes are on Europe, specifically the European Union. Why? Because of gibs. They don't want to stay even in Croatia, which is a safe country (well not for them but that's exactly because of why they are here), because they want to move over to Germany, Sweden etc.
Germany still has high unemployment. Importing more unemoloyed is insane.
Well if she doesnt get elected we get an even more cucked left wing government led by Schulz.
Well, I guess if Asians or Africans are lucky enough to have an insane dictator start using chemical weapons on them, or if they're the target of genocide they might get to stay in European housing camps some day.
Sounds like the old "but it wasn't real communism" excuse
I guess I should be glad Canada isn't in Europe.
Merkel = Europe's Muslim Moses
can anyone tell me about this pic, it's about the Holocaust.
Is it trying to say that there's a conflict between the figures?
>le no true scotsman fallacy
Not even joking or anything, is she stupid? Does she not realize the destruction Islam is causing to Germany? Fun fact: A muslim will smile at you and act friendly even though they secretly want to cut your head off. Moderate muslims support radical muslims.
Either her or a communist jew. The only difference is Schulz would actually kill Germany.
They literally bait you to roadkill them with a tank
>you don't want to cut off the festering limb of Europe faster
Can she make Germany great again?
hes right hans get your act together.
Germans have been telling us since the begining she has no actually beliefs and changes on the dime.
The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.
They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).
They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.
Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).
Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):
They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (deutschlandradiokultur.de
Shit usually does attract flies
shoo shoo
>Merkel 2.0
>if you lose you win!
/reddit/ bitte
my ancestors are smiling at me schulzbot. can you say the same
>You are doing a great job Merkel...
>When I am "elected" I will destroy the German goy!!!
>They should have gassed (((us))) all!!!
Klappe halten, dummes Schnitzel.
>Islam 'isn't the source of terror'
Sie werden schon sehen wo Ihr Schulz Sie hinführen wird.
>can't into greentext
crew get out
Warum bist du so ein bigotter Rassist gegen Österreicher, Schulz-Bot? Sup Forums ist ein Imageboard des Friedens und der Toleranz!
Sie sondern doch nur dumme Scheiße ab, siehe angehängtes Bild. Und ihre dumme Scheiße macht mich wirklich ungeheuer wütend.
What is it like 65% of refugees are able bodied men?
Maybe the plan is to send them off to fight Russia
Hi guys. I'm a German Syrian refugee currently on holiday in the UK.
Shh dont tell them
Sie sind ein interessanter Geselle. Entweder sie "trollen", was ich doch stark hoffe, oder Sie sind ein blinder Reddit-Nutzer, welcher sich am Sup Forums "posten" versucht. Egal welcher Gruppe Sie nun angehören, Sie sind ein erbärmlicher Idiot.
>option a is racist nazi behavior that goychland will never engage in and b is what they are currently praying will work.
what i dont understand is that they didnt even have to communicate it the nazi way, they could just pay more for when people getting children
Thats noble of you. Its hard yo live in country where goverment protects mudslimes instead of you...
ironically, option b is the true nazi option, they are gassing themselves
How come Merkel only says this stuff to international media but never in germany?
>kraut gets caught
You cant talk shit when theres a dick in your mouth.
Fucking Germans are AUTISTIC. Why do you come into an English speaking board and insist on having private conversations in your sausage gargling language? Fuck off.
At a guess, the powers that be have decided Schulz needs to take over so the masses have some sense of fresh leadership even if nothing changes. So Merkel needs to stop appealing to the right wing
>inb4 muh AfD
Firstly Germans are cucked they'll give Schulz a chance rather than be labelled Nazis.
Secondly, AfD polls about as well as UKIP does in the U.K. This isn't some 50-50 decision like PotUS or Brexit, there's 3 main options, 2 of them are polling at 30% and the 3rd is at 14%. It doesn't take a genius to see the AfD won't win.
Ive kicked in taliban doors with boypussy strewn about. Taqqiya some more.