Well I got laid off this week Sup Forums
ask me anything
Well I got laid off this week Sup Forums
ask me anything
Show proofs
How much money ?
trump is a joke, what an imbecile liar. Sweden is a more successful country than the usa and also has greater ethics and morals than the usa, so they take in refugees.
Fuck me daddy
post pics
Why were you fired?
Who are your leaders
this show proof or your a faggot
Why did you get fired?
>1 post by this ID
preemptively saging until I see you reply.
What made you decide to serve Moloch?
Okay I've been seeing this fucking everywhere the last couple days. What the fuck is CTR.
they gon kill you
Lurk moar
>last couple days
So then you've only been going on Sup Forums for the past few days. "CTR" is as common of a word on Sup Forums as "nigger" or "cuck"
what the fuck is aruba?
>What the fuck is CTR.
the totalitarian deep-state's anti-patriotic seditious shilling is being funded heavily by treasonous soros by the way. (((david brock))) is his little underling.
>Trump will be defeated either through coup, impeachment or at the ballot box in 2020
>We will apply lessons learned. Generally speaking and simply put, Democrats got clobbered in the digital space.
>Trump will be afflicted by a steady flow of damaging information, new revelations, and an inability to avoid conflicts issues.
>Shareblue will take back social media for Democrats and imprison the alt-right.
>Shareblue will become the de facto news outlet, monopolizing news.
>Trump allies will be coerced to step down or change course due to fake news pushed by Shareblue.
>Internet and social media platforms, like Google and Facebook, will no longer allow non-liberal content.
>Alt-right social content that counter and poison our liberal propaganda will be punished and halted.
CTR = Democratic jew squad's legion of virgin basement minions
Funded by Soros
Set on a mission to shitpost and derail the everlasting success of the dank legion of meme warriors.
They shall never win. Our powers combined blast their asses every time.
>pic related
it is their high warlord, Puppermaster Soros. He bestows gifts in the form of a few loose cents for the best of the ctr minions. Who needs petty shekels when you have mighty memepowers
Appreciate the hand, greatest ally.