WHAT NOW, Sup Forums?
WHAT NOW, Sup Forums?
The liberal shills first win
and all you fucking idiots fell for their shit
Sup Forums shits in Milo every day because we know what he is. That said, why the fuck should anyone here give two shits about CuckPAC? We pushed Trump despite their best efforts. Fuck them.
Why are people outraged at Milo, but not Podesta or Alefantis? I doubt Milo has ever fiddled a kid himself
If this was true it would be on Alex Jones.
Only schizos believe in pizzagate, this is reality stuff here tinfoil.
Podestas were the real pedos. Milo was using code language to order a pizza.
Milo is a degenerat NU-age NWO faggot, he is and always will be a vile subhuman.
>first win
And no one realized the "controversy" was exactly to make this happen? People actually think this wasn't a bunch of fake shit meant to manipulate?
I don't know if you can really give the deep state a direct political tie. They're probably a little beyond the politics of it all thanks to the not being elected part.
Maybe half a win. So they've gotten maybe one and a half wins. Sounds like a good predictor for how many congressional seats they'll win back in 2018.
Happy Hillary Is Not The President Day!
Not gonna lie, former Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching the alt-right crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this faggot get the thirteen-year-old black cocks!
about 90% of pol recognizes that homosexuality and pedophilia are pretty much the same thing.
hes a disgusting degenerate that should be locked up/
Milo has been put in place by George Soros to corrupt the anti-NWO movement led by Trump.
Fuck off shillcuck
The deep state is far-left kikes so yeah that also counts.
Kekt and chekt
Are you retarded?
Him and Alex are going to host their own event now.
It makes me laugh when shills think we like Milo and need to post about him here. It only makes the face that they're lying to smear him more obvious.
CPAC picked the massachewshits socialized medcine man over Ron Paul. CPAC is dead to me.
The ((())) are implicit when using that term.
A few things about what's gone on since Milo came out as a pedo
>CTR's current iteration is d/c shilling as hard as they ever have on this (lol, good luck on that)
>if he's a shill, he has torpedoed any cred he had among (some of) us
>he could and maybe should (depending on his agenda) not have said what he did
Which raise some questions
>assuming he had a purpose, what could it be
>does or can this help us, hurt us or neither
>is this some kind of triple bank shot, (after which the player falls on his cue) that's actually meant to help us somehow
>did he go off the reservation or is he doing what his principals instructed him to do
Watching him on Bill Maher the other day was the first time I actually heard anything come out of his mouth, I mean I knew who he was but never followed him that close. Personally I always wondered why people on here supported his faggot ass.
He is the worst form of faggotry, It's no surprise to me that he preaches pedo shit because lets face it, gays love them very young, but the difference here is that they want it to become a norm. It's crazy how filth of humanity is coming out right now trying to mingle with society, 25 years ago we would have never accepted this shit.
It's funny too because during the bill maher show he talks about how much he likes the catholic church, because they are pedos themselves.
So tolerant, even worse with so many people not having kids, evil will push them towards this, weak fucking minded people, you all have been defeated.
Alex will never side with a pederast
Sup Forums has never liked Milo you newfag shill.
75% of the real trump supporters here gave this fag Milo actual money...
I think that's why its such a huge scandal that basically payed for him to rape underaged boys.
Which ones more mentally ill The Screamin' Seedshill or Johnny BoyRaper?
get BTFO'd ya fag
After all this time you think Sup Forums likes that jewish homo? Do you think this place is equivalent to r/the_donald?