
Ke9k checked

And? Milo isn't even famous for the things he says, he is famous for leftards flipping their shit whenever he opens his mouth.

This only plays further into his hands.

user called it

Welp, It was fun while it lasted. The Trump/Alt-Right movement is over. I for one am glad, we can't let Trump have his hand on the nuclear button.

Good. CPAC is the establishment, republican division.

Post all attendees names and names of relatives in this thread and assassinate them.
Points go to those with a higher bodycount.

Sup Forums is literally never wrong

CPAC is the enemy of our movement... all old dudes behind Graham and McCain... half of them against Trump

this is good news

Good the liberals just want us to put a pedo up so they can claim their pedo tendicies were actually us along
Milo isn't even american, knows nothing about about american conservative history or climate, and is just a "lol triggered ya huh?" faggot

good riddance, Milo is a degenerate piece of shit attention whore.

they disinvited Trump to speak too with the same divide and conquer bs... they need to go away

>called it after it already happened


Oh for fuck's sake, I don't even like Milo and think this controversy is completely dumb.

it's easy to be right when you fake every screen shot and post "insider" info after the fact on everything

If there is one thing I hate as much as a democrat, it's probably a republican.

This is really too bad, these character assassinations just unite us more and more,

all I know is that I wanted to fuck some of my female teachers so hard when I was 13, that would absolutely not be them raping me.

Let's not loose sight of the real evils of pedophilia, btw, what Milo is talking about is actually ephebophilia


Milo really needs to fuck off for good, he's a disgusting vulgar faggot.

Don't you guys think the is is for the best? We can't run a county by disenfranchising POC, Trans, and the larger LGBTQ*+ community.
I for one am glad, we can't let Trump have his hand on the nuclear button.

Is Milo why 99.9999% of the threads are slide threads this morning?


>Hey, let's invite that controversial guy to speak so we show we really believe in free speech!
>But what about this controversial thing he said?
>Oh dear, that's much too controversial for us. Better censor him just like we said those mean old colleges censored him.

They are all the same.
Both parties are the enemy of the people and they only differ on slight issues to pit citizens against each other so the party establishments hold power as one group.

Of course, they don't want to associate with pedophiles


Half of pol saw this coming

The other half were being faggots

Great PR for Milo

so victims of politics not allowed to have a voice in politics
fucking dictator tier shit first you ruin someones name and discredit their opinions then you block them from talking in public
its like a jewish mafia ran with social media and PR

>its like a jewish mafia ran with social media and PR

This exact shit is why Hitler came to power.

Reminder that Hitler saved millions of lives.

No, that's just your schizophrenia