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Where is the video?
fuck off CTR
>"This sort of arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys you know understanding that many of us have. The complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships. You know, people are messy and complex. In the homosexual world particularly. Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents."
note this was after he was talking about sucking priest cock. Now he is an adult and thinks this behavior is totally acceptable.
how many kids has this faggot fucked?
Good, we're the anti degeneracy party. Milo is cancer that never should have been allowed to represent the right wing.
That is spicer now. I am in no way affiliated with Trump or his shills.
Milo is cancer he needs to go away
nice forced meme.
It's unfortunate since he's one of the few people that can be used as a weapon to show off the lefts intolerance. Every time they rally against him can be considered promoting homophobia.
Milo is not "one of us" for sure
But he was a very good ally and tool to drag MANY SJW milleanial cucks away from the left and into more libertarian, critical thinking, beginning the process of redpilling status.
Everyone on here that is enjoying this smear campaign is a shill or a fucking retard
Reminder that when a grassroots opposition arises to fight Jews, it is immedeately infiltrated by Jews who position themselves as leaders and begin pushing away from Jews and to the Left.
I just watched the video.
Fucking ShitBlue can fuck off. He said that young gays who have problems with their own sexuality need an older guy to help them come to terms with it.
can someone give some context on this video?
I just did.
>peoples associate this faggot with the far right
>people now associate the far right with pedophilia
Man, one day you're on Bill Maher being referred to as a young Christopher Hitchens, the next you're outed as a pedophile, and are hated by both the left and right.
Career ruined and reputation in the gutter.
>Cuckservative B T F O
Oh so it is okay for 13 year old boys to get fucked by adults now? fuck off pedo
lmao, Milo fucked up this time.
h-he didn't really mean "young boys" literally did he guise
>if he pulls the whole "I'm JEWISH" card to save face
I could never imagine this happening with the more subtle older (((NeoCon))) movement
>young gays who have problems with their own sexuality
Young gays or hell ANYONE young shouldn't be concerned about anything involving sex and should learn it either through health class and/or themselves.
Reminder that consent age in Europe is 14-16. Is it creepy? Definetly, pedophilia? Questionable
>they read what he has to say on FB but still want to believe he's a pedo so he cant speak and try to divide people
Fuck off shill. We never thought homos were normal in the first place. They all need to be fucking cured of their mental illness.
That still doesn't rule out possible pedphilia/Rape charges; swedish 15 y.o. can have sex but in cases where one of them is above 18 (say girl 16.5, guy 19) there can be - and has been - prosecutions made
i'll get the electrodes
* cock
*even if it's not pedo- but instead ephebo/hebe-philias, there's still the thing about a minor being__________used by someone of legal age____.
Such as with (((Milo))) "Alt-Right" Yiannopoulous. In a broader context, revived White Nationalism (in America), his racial views are
I don't get what CTR is doing here
Shaming trump supports by staying they defend a pedo? They are shilling still from the stance that they are the majority. Trump supporters aren't going to feel shamed , the ones the enemy know who the fuck Milo is.
>We never thought homos were normal in the first place. They all need to be fucking cured of their mental illness.
This is, however, about an employee of (((Breitbart))), and upcoming mass media Star, (((Jew))) having already fallen victim for his own upbringing's (((culture))) of a particular kind of _pederasty_, not homosexuality as-such
What about his response was insufficient? And did they all forget the part of the video where he agrees with existing age of consent laws?
Also, why is this only being addressed now instead of back when the interview actually occurred?
>Fucking ShitBlue can fuck off. He said that young gays who have problems with their own sexuality need an older guy to help them come to terms with it.
More than, he didn't even say that, he said that young gays often do get involved with an older guy. He didn't say that they need or should, just that it happens.
making us pick our allies and labels by attacking people who appeal to us
I don't get it either since:
>Milo is a huge degenerate to begin with
>Trump had ~53% of votes - only a minority of voters KNEW about Milo during the elections
I'm at least assuming so, jus as I knew of few people IRL who had heard of PJW, RamZcuck and others while only reading main news sources
>most people in Sweden knew jack shit about (((Breitbait))) until our jew-owned newspapers began doing War Headlines about DRUMPF'S FASCIST STAFF PICKS once he had won in November
>by attacking people who appeal to us
triggering SJW is good, but was it really good enough?
He's right though?
Milo doesn't appeal to us. But he has been useful when it comes to both triggering SJWs and combating the growing toxicity of college campuses when it comes to the open debate of controversial ideas. It would be a shame to lose him over this, but hopefully someone with a less questionable persona steps forward to fill that vacuum.
Gay boys needing good homosexual role models.
I don't think he meant sexual in that context, but even if he did, he's talking about 13+, not pre-pubescent.
he is right, this is not uncommon amongst the fags in my circle
the msm is so transparent
Gays use the word boy to describe young men
this is actually true
Bad timing regardless, and a quick search gives us """""""""""""Conservative""""
>BSDM gear at speeches
etc; displaying Bad Manners only works for so long among Rightists
>mfw had milo expressed similar views in a private discussion among liberal criminilogy academia no one would have crucified him
>mfw instead he's cannibalised by the manbabies he's helped to create
>bad timing
this was well over a year ago. i mean these fuckers had to dig up something people forgot about to attack him with.
thank god, always hated that faggot.
It just hurts them desu, the young right wing movement that pushed Trump to victory dispite cuckservative protest will back Milo over them anyway.
But user, there are kids that young involving themselves in sex with their peers. Kids even reach "sexual maturity" at younger ages. The biological drive is hitting at about that age.
I'm not justifying adults and kids here, just stating that kids do. There's also large number of adults who have given their kids access to the internet and computers that have no clue how to properly monitor or restrict access to the things they may not want their kids to have access too. It's a consequence of hormones in the water and the ease of information access.