Is it okay for singers to express political opinion through music?

Is it okay for singers to express political opinion through music?

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it's fine, but I don't have to buy it.

sure but dont expect me to keep listening to your music if you out yourself as a brainwashed lefty

I just mean political ideology not like "FUCK DRUMPF LMAO EDGGGGGY"

It's okay for them to have an opinion. Manipulating others through their position is disgusting.

Sure, it's okay.

You shouldn't listen to them, but they have as much of a right to an opinion as you or I.

dont wanna be a tiny hand orange hair

Who is she and what ideology does she have

The problem I have with it is that they're mostly politically illiterate. They went aloft on their ability to sing, or connections, or however they rise, and now they misuse their art to spread ignorant political messages. This is undermining democracy in my opinion.

German devilbro has it.

Taking it a step farther, you as a consumer could listen to, or even enjoy the lyrics of a leftist musician, but you understand at the end of the day that they are just mentally ill and they shouldn't be celebrated or endorsed.

Hottest coal technician around. Lana

They're free to do so, but as a business decision alienating half your base and changing nobody's mind is dumb as shit.

Like tthe Decemberists or something?

whats more disgusting people allowing themselves to be manipulated just because the person talking is "famous". Unless they're famous for being righteous and impacting positive change then who gives a flying fuck what some drug-spun singer/actor has to say about politics.

I love Lana Del Rey!

Her name is Lana Del Rey and she's the epitome of fucking niggers, doing drugs and celebrating both. Decent voice, her music should only be listened to as satire, if at all.

Lana Del Ray

sure. i´m just gonna listen to someone else then

btw it was disappointing how lady gaga didnt go political. she should´ve


Yes, it's good to know who to never give money to. Not that I've paid for much music the past 10 years tho.

guess you haven't heard her live yet

I don't know about it undermining democracy but I do agree that most artists who do it are politically illiterate, no more so than the average person though.

Tons of plastic surgery. That's not what she normally looks like.

she should've just re-released her last album. This latest trap shit show is just too terrible. At least Off to the Races is good

She did go political, and supported Hillary. In the wake of the violent liberal streak however, she made statements to her fans to remain peaceful and that violence in the name of peace isn't a solution.

It's okay for everyone to express his political opinion in any way they wish as long as it is in the boundaries of the law.

I guess it's okay, but it always ends up extremely shallow. If their political convinctions are worth expressing, why not do it in a civilised manner.

This is not good. It also sounds like those collagen-injected lips are getting in her way lmao.

I've heard her live, must have forgotten how shit she sounds. So, to rephrase, her voice sounds decent when she has a lot of help, otherwise she sounds like a harp seal who's been chain smoking since 7 AM.

They can do whatever the fuck they want but I dont think there is a person in showbizz I hate more (and I almost hate all of em a lot alrdy} than Bono with his non-stop political faggotry.

And after the election Katy Perry isnt waifu material anymore for me :(