>ITT countries you thought were white as a kid
These two
ITT countries you thought were white as a kid
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Can't say the same about Finland because I never thought it was white.
Finland is the whitest country in the world
Didn't know Khans were white.
you guys know Hispanics are white, right?
t. Pedro "Pete" Gonzales
>56% here to lecture everyone on what is white.
captcha avenue carlos
sure Genghis
Well the left one is. Are you stupid Finngolia?
We are white you mongoloid.
>t. londonistan
atleast wales is alright
I unironically used to think of USA as a white country
>I unironically used to think of USA as a white country
sorry we let you down, pa.
England looks more like Pakistan these days to me
you guys are idiots who haven't learned history. America wasn't the only place the Europeans genocided the natives. the amount of native American blood in the average Hispanic is about the same as the average white American.
hell, Mike Pence is probably less white than the average Hispanic.
Me too.
Growing watching American movies from the 90's would lead one to that conclusion. I used to think everyone in the states was tall, white and pretty. Boy was I mistaken when I went there...
When will retards understand that the statistic is 56% of the country is white
Not that white Americans are only 56% white
my own
>the amount of native American blood in the average Hispanic is about the same as the average white American.
wew fucking lad
to further illustrate my point, there was a time in America when the Irish weren't considered "white" by the elites even though they shared like 90% of the same ancestors as the Anglo Saxon Americans who came from Britain.
ayyy 31 niggers here bruh
After the stench of piss hit me on the metros, the unquestionable sweaty nigger scent was next when I boarded the train in Paris that fateful day.
>we're white i swear!
>everything is totally fine!
our white population has dropped like 30% in the last 50 years. you're in denial
Ok Kid
Foreigners always think of Canada as a white nation but really we're only 70% white overall and less than 40% white in major cities. My Serbian friend had family visit him once and they were in shock to see pakis everywhere. They thought they got on the wrong plane.
Straya but then I learned about pic related.
>the unquestionable sweaty nigger scent
I bet you're used to that in SA
How are things going over there?
That picture is the most beautiful thing I've seen all day
>reading comprehension
>t. 56%
The US is in a much better position than the UK here actually. We have tons of space to retreat to in the midwest and far northeast that are lily white and these areas are comparable in size to the uncucked portions of Europe. Brits have nowhere to retreat on their little island.
We've also perfected unofficial segregation which lefty Euros will probably fuck up.
Sweden, up until 2 years ago when I discovered Sup Forums.
We could be white. You Euros just need to move over here to attain the freedom to pay for our welfare.
>literally just 31 nigs.
i wish i was finngolian or estii. i live in a town thats 50% nigger
Thanks Pedro.
Also when I was a kid I thought we were totally white. I only saw a couple black kids and that was it. But the moment I went outside my town, I was fucking horrified.
>mfw non-finns(=non-whites) itt lecture finns on what race/DNA finns are
I'm from Mexico and people here call me white, pic related is me and my brother, we were less brown but Mexican sun fuck your skin and we just started using sunscreen.
But yeah some Hispanic are white white population should be 66% in the US but is 79 because white hispanics
Things are good or bad depending on what economic class you fall into.
If you are rich you live in a nice gated community with affluent shopping centres with lots of security and the blacks you do see are usually your servants. You live in a little bubble away from the real South Africa. The part that makes tourists think that white south africans lie about how things really are.
If you aren't wealthy however things are pretty shit and you are in the thick of things, you don't have enough money to leave and other countries don't want more people taking jobs from their people.
>people in Mexico think this is white
What a world we live in.
Doesn't matter if it's all barren wilderness with no infrastructure. Most Brits actually live in 95%+ white places, the "countryside" here is very compact and highly populated and is pretty much all white.
guy on the left looks mostly white. guy on the right looks 50/50. plenty of conquistador genes tho.
You could probably pass in Iceland in fairness.
>guy on the left looks mostly white
But how? He looks brown as anything.
It's likely just the camera angle. He looks to me to be of the Bavarian phenotype.
The people who call me "white are Haitians and niggers mostly when I go to buy fresh fruit to the coast
We are brothers my mom is Spaniard my dad is brown but he's pretty good looking
He's 50/50 as well
Back to the steppe you go, Genghis.
I dont know man... The one with the black shirt looks like an indio
>this is white Americas
no one taught you history or geography when you were a kid?
Don't know if I'm white in Mexico people don't really care about skin you can call niggers Negros and they don't mind it, but I guess I'm tanned as I said Mexican sun is pretty harsh and we never use sunscreen till now.
Pic related is my bees they finally made honey
>93% in 1991
>91% in 2001
>87% in 2011
>many in the 2011 'white' figure are actually slavs
They don't tell you "which parts are white and which ones aren't" in 5th grade.
I thought we were white as a kid, turns out we're mongols
I don't know what an indio looks like but for girls he'd pretty good looking La year we when to Cancun and he fucked with 4 girls the 2 weeks we were there we speak English cause we were babysitted by "gringos" in San Miguel de allende. And he hook up with European girls so I guess he's pretty good looking, and his skin doesn't matter to girls
you both look 100% mestizo and you know it
they don't teach about slavery either?
you should have concluded slaves left descendants
I didn't said that was white in the Americas, I said some people called me white and that they are black, I don't think I'm white.
Also I don't really give a fuck about skin color
When I was a kid those two countries were white
It's even worse in Canada. These numbers are very conservative too since they don't account for illegals, TFWs, or the recent increase in immigration.
same, i also thought that all swedes are literaaly vikings, the manliest and the most handsome people on earth. then i found Sup Forums and started kekking at sweden
I don't know what a Mestizo looks like to be honest, all I'm saying is that even being not white we have fucked European chicks who came here also Spain is more Muslim than whole Europe so stop thinking you're white Spain
Wow all of your minorities have doubled. Even the Abos
70% white?! Holy shit. I honestly had no idea the situation in leafland was that bad. I thought you guys were around 85-90% white. Damn.
holy shit that's bad, will Canada become majority nonwhite before USA?
>rapebaby meme
pretty rich coming from a fucking hideous 150cm junglenigger
fuck off shitskin, you should've been genocided
We are "56%" because of illegals, seriously.
If we deported them (with their kids) then we would be 70% white or so.
what a clown pic
Me. Im a mestizo unfortunately.
Ancestors decided to be coalburners or rape or whatever.
Wish i had coke. But hey if i crawl into the fetal position i can fit my knees in my nostril.
We might. Like I said our census doesn't track illegals but neither does yours. Also, we have a much higher immigration rate than the U.S. even when we were controlled by Conservatives and America by Democrats.
So you didn't use knee guards as a kid skating?
Fucking lucky Tony. Thankfully I'm a mut myself 1/8 gypsy. I can talk so much shit people believe it I'm basically an uncut ginger jew.
It was a joke to my nose size
It's been going on for decades. Mass immigration is nothing new and we were probably sub 70% before Justin came into power.
whatchu gonna do when we come for you
Kek EspaƱa stop thinking you're white.
Anyway tell me guys what's? The deal with being "white" and special you still being bitterness virgins who discuss about politics Anime and instead of looking for a white girlfriend just stay posting memes in their homes so those memes might influence the, white males and females left, but no one whose not a racist and antise-mityc, will never visit this board so stop bitching >muh white genocide
When you are the ones who are killing the white population by not having enough sex.
Also that's your best argument?
Duh 1.50 Mestizo me me my brother are 1.70 and 1.75 stop caring about other countries but yours Spain had 5 million NEETS and your whole economy is in debt.
Fuck off Spain you are Bolivia from Europe when bretxit happens you'll be fucked
At least you dont live in Detroit
100% i thought most of northern europe was white. i went to berlin and was kinda disappointed, honestly. by the time i got amsterdam i was surprised. but when i was really young it would had been germany france sweden and the netherlands as being completely white(in my mind)
>shitskin preaching about who's White and who's not
Fuck off Paco.