Why aren't brown people becoming millionaires?
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Why does no one ever talk about Asian privilege?
It's almost as if minority groups that value education and hard work instead of ghetto degeneracy are more successful. Who would have thunk it?
> Why aren't brown people becoming millionaires?
that's easy
because white privilede
Why do we allow people with no skills and no money from third-world latin America to immigrate here?
cuz da cisdum iz raycis
jewish 55%
Some asians are brown you fucking bigoted shitlord.
I can't even right now.
1 in 5 people is a millionaire? What country is this?
It's very simple:
It all boils down to education.
It's that simple.
And I am not talking about the bullshit education in school.
I am talking about financial education.
If brown people were to be taught how to THINK like a Millionaire, they would succeed.
t. based shitskin
Being a millionaire isn't that hard anymore.
Most middle class couples get to that point right before they retire.
Where's Jews?
A country with great economic mobility. Not a dirty French white flag bearing commie country
>t. shitskin
>having to *become* millionaires
lmao that's a nice thing to show to aspiring minorities.
What do you mean? I think a lot of people just spend money on stupid shit and don't invest.
>Asians and whites pursue degrees in engineering, CS, accounting, finance, law, etc.
>Hispanics and blacks pursue degrees in African American history, sociology, communications, health sciences, etc.
Nothing racist about it; it's just how it is.
Are we talking total asset millionaires here? Because otherwise these figures seem awfully high.
I'm pretty sure it's based on net worth
Wow I wasn't taught anything about finance, but look here me and my wife are worth a million each. Obviously it's our White and Asian privilege, man our kids will be billionaires.
It's really not a big deal to become a millionaire in your life, but being a millionaire doesn't mean having $1,000,000 cash. Anyone with a good head on their shoulders can be a 'millionaire' by the retirement age, in terms of total assets.
>Own a home worth $300,000 with a paid off mortgage
>Have $400,000 in retirement account
>$100,000 Liquid assets
>$150,000 in stocks, funds, etc
>$50,000 non liquid assets
I'm 29 and probably have a ballpark $300,000 net worth, just by paying down debts and mortgages, then saving money and socking away into a 401k
>t. White college educated male
When they say millionaire, I don't think they're referring to cash. It probably means you have a million worth of wealth, which would include things like your house or any cars you own. There are a lot of people who could fall in this category in the middle class.
Nah, I looked it up. It's 1 in 20, according to Credit Suisse.
Really??? 1 in 5 white Americans is a net millionaire? Damn. I've always joked about moving to California. But now I'm seriously considering some things...
I think this has a lot to do with it too. Public administration and social services just don't pay a lot. They're capped off at like 40k; that's after years of experience. It's just not lucrative.
>Mountain Jews
Yes if you are middle class and know how to manage your shit it is very achievable.
>retirement fund
>family business
>small investments
it's not that uncommon for people to have a net worth of around 1M$ and it's attainable for most people in the middle class.
Privilege is not strictly defined by intelligence or wealth - relatively speaking over here Western society is designed by and built for white people; these systems, economics, politics, are from European thinkers, and for those who bow down and conform to it. Asians haven't historically dominated history, or global politics and economics as well.
i know that feeling
Hello there. I'm going to ask that you kindly stop asking racially charged questions. It's offensive and you're only propagating bigotry and ignorance.
Because money is racist
OP's pic isn't saying "1 in 5 Americans from this race" are millionaires. It's saying "1 in 5 middle-aged, college-educated Americans from this race" are millionaires. The grouping is a lot smaller than the entire population and focused on a group of people who are likely to have accumulated a degree of wealth.
White people major in stupid shit like art anyway. Indian alpha males are making all the real money. Asians are too autistic to ever move up the corporate ladder.
Thank you for the explanation.
Do you also know if it's actual wealth or do loans and mortgages count too? For example having a large house, but with a mortgage on it.
It's more than that.
Millionaires teach their kids how to be wealthy.
But what can a broke parent teach his child about money?
Self-Education is the key to making Millions.
The easiest way to start is by understanding that money isn't real.
Money is an illusion.
It's a piece of paper that has NO value, except that people believe it does.
That's it.
Once you detach yourself from money, you can begin to see it as a game.
A game that people should learn how to play to win.
It's that simple.
oppression n' shite
I can't tell. OP would have to post the source so we could see what methods were actually used.
that doesnt fit the democrat narrative
lets just sit back while hispanics and black people take over the country demographically
>relatively speaking over here Western society is designed by and built for white people
Except that nothing in the way our economy or system of starting a business specifically addresses race, which means that by saying it's built "for white people" you are actually admitting that there are psychological differences between the races. Which means that the entire leftist idea of equality is based on a lie.
Our schools no longer educate children about personal finance.
House worth $400,000
Your mortgage is $200,000
You have a +$200,000 net worth with the house
asians know whats up
>But what can a broke parent teach his child about money?
I agree, raised by a single mother and I know not to take any financial advise from her(not that she gave me any). The internet has made it easy for people who has poor parents to learn from all types of smart/rich people. Self-Education is the future and I think a lot of people will wake up to that.
> white
Jews again roleplaying Whites?
Split up white into "european" and "jewish" and lets see where the numbers fall, OP
The whole anti-white narrative is just jews trying to get rid of white people because whites are direct competition.
Asians aren't competition for jews because asians aren't creative which is a fact.
>400 years of wages
>vs 40 years of wages
yeah nah
What did you major in?
Asians are on the Jew radar though. Just not an immediate threat.
Because, you know, they are mostly in Asia.
What do you do to pay off a 300k mortgage in 10 years? And what sort of job did you work that allowed you 40k disposable income every year?
They're coddled from crib to coffin and you expect them to make it in the real world?
Yeah, but what happens when the housing market tanks, the houses depreciate in value, and your home is now only worth $150,000- $200,000 dollars?
Essentially you will have paid off a mortgage of $300,000 but now the house is only worth $200,000.
Real estate is a tricky business.
It doesn't just go up, it also goes down.
You must be a young fag, because you probably don't remember the housing crisis of 2008.
A lot of people expected that the houses would go up in value forever, and were blind sided by the Recession of 2008.
And another recession is right around the corner.
Be careful.
>What do you do to pay off a 300k mortgage in 10 years? And what sort of job did you work that allowed you 40k disposable income every year?
Of course, im assuming you started your currently "paid off" mortage 10 years ago, when you were 18.
Just wondering what job an 18 year old can get that allows for the sort of disposable income to pay off a 300k house in 10 years
I kinda doubt this persons story. Or he was born a rich fag.
Hes insinuation he purchased a 300k house at 18, and had the 40k a month disposable income to pay it off, with interest, within 10 years.
This sounds to me like likely bs
It's because of IQ differences between the races. It has nothing to do with education.
they are slowly taking over canada and australia though so when will the jews switch to targeting them?
>Worth a million each
Isn't that like being dirt fucking poor? Cost of living is insane there.
because even if a nigger does hit the lotto, they piss it away instanaeously.
>21% chance of becoming a millionaire
>Indians and Chinese are Asian
>their populations are in the billions
>1 in 5 will become millionaires?
Some math wiz tell me what 1/5 of the population of China and India is.
This meme is shit retarded is my point.
>asians aren't creative
>on an anime imageboard
Asians and Indians have to go through immigration. College-educated and those with valuable skills get priority. So we get the best. Their genes gets passed on to their children who become doctors and scientists.
Blacks are mostly the descendants of black slaves who were pretty much bred to be strong, fast and dumb to pick cotton. They are much more athletic than their European counter-parts but also more prone to chimping out. If you ever encounter a darker-skinned African who immigrated legally to America, they are usually hard working and more level-headed than many American born blacks.
The only places with high cost of living are either completely over populated or grossly under populated.
Supply and Command really dictates how much goods will cost... Places with high cost of living get more welfare to compensate so basic goods have been inflated to reflect that.
Places up North spend a fuck ton of money even getting shit up there so they have to pay more once it gets there.
Because God created man in his image and that's why Whites are so creative as well
For those of you who still care about sourcing the information that you read on Sup Forums, I did it for you.
If you don't like that .aspx at the end, you can google "percentage of bachelor's degree recipients majoring in public administration and social service professions subjects" and find the result for clevelandfed.org
>The data come from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), a survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics in the US Department of Education. Completing the IPEDS survey is required of all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs. The survey can thus roughly be thought of as a census of institutions of higher education. I use information on the number of bachelor’s degrees received by members of four mutually exclusive groups, Asians, blacks, Hispanics, and whites, in different majors between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013.
Is there subliminar CP in there?
Jealous of God's creation, Satan made a being after himself, one to spite, envy, and destroy Whites, and thus, Jews were born
In America you mouth breathing retard. Fucking look at the image again.
Reddit spacing
Makes you look like a faggot
Even when
You have a reasonable point
To level the playing field and give Whites the balance they need, God created two types of races, one strong but dumb(negro) and one smart but weak(Asian) with a few outliers, semi-strong and semi-intelligent(Native Indians, Pacific Islanders, Maori, etc.)