Should the US implement one similar to South Korea, Israel, Finland, Norway, or Switzerland?
Maybe just 2 years right after high school, basic training, weapons/vehicle/occupational safety courses, and easy stuff for the general population
Should the US implement one similar to South Korea, Israel, Finland, Norway, or Switzerland?
Maybe just 2 years right after high school, basic training, weapons/vehicle/occupational safety courses, and easy stuff for the general population
I don't think kids could handle it, the military is pretty gentle right now but it would be a complete shock to mocha-sipping faggots.
If they did stay, it would weaken our military to a laughable point. There's already too many pregnant women, pot-heads and retards as it is.
What if they get basic redpilled job trainings as disaster relief, public security, just ez pz jobs. While after the 2 years of services, those who want to be in the professional arm forces can enlist/commission and undergo training again.
That way your mocha liberals are exposed to niggers and emergency rooms, they will have a better appreciation for the 2A, girls will be slightly fitter, neets will have somewhat of a job skill
no point when you already have an xboxhueg military
Hello r/asianmasculinity good to see you back here, can't wait for more picture spamming!
Probably not because people would lose their fucking shit over that. I would be for it but i can already tell how it would go over even though its a good idea depending of course how the pay is.
It could be just an extension of public schooling + job training, parents and public will only be concern about their children's safety so there could be a softer element of military provided training to it. I think having kids learn how to drive, and operate equipments safely will be a beneficial aid
Hello r/smalldickproblems :^) It's just one pic
I hate these fat fuck rednecks low ig faggot's claiming to be american who have never been or have serve before
Yes. We should be just like Israel
They are not only our greatest ally, but our greatest teacher as well
All men should serve the military after HS. Maybe even cutting back schooling 1 year.
Graduate primary education at 17 years old
Enter the Military for 2 years
College or trade school at 19 years
In fact we should make the requirements far more strict.
I don't want normal civilian trash fucking up my military.
Same couple as above.
I want to adment this by even implementing this for women also
Agreed, I would have loved to get some military training after high school but I felt an obligation to enter university
I think it's a good idea to implement this for women as well
Love to see this happen. Have my bump. MAGA
Its not even about safety its two things
One - Focusing american's to do anything (Even if its good for them) RARELY works out.
Two - If the pay isn't good and your forced to do this thing for two years at least then you could be put into a bad spot when being pushed out into the real world. There's no jobs for marines in america.
And don't they pay kids in finland just to go to school? Again if that was our case and these kids had the money then it wouldn't be such a big deal but the fact of the matter is
>They don't have the money to just start being an adult after those two years
>They don't wanna be forced to do anything
Also have you ever seen full metal jacket? There would be a shit ton of pvt leonards if you put forced black youth into this program. I'm not even kidding btw. Even as we speak there are more black women in the military than black men. And on average more black women in the military than white and hispanic women. Shit like that actually makes me think.
im going in July its mandatory here
11 months of playing war in the forest and practicing doing my bed in 10 seconds sounds fun
Why would we shit up our military by forcing people to serve that don't want to?
Don't you want Trump to make anime real? Especially Girls und Panzers?
Only if it goes hand in hand with education. Like government funded college for everyone but they have to serve part-time while undergoing their studies.
>wanted to join air force, navy, or Marines for the past 6 years
>Everyone always talks me out of it including Sup Forums
Its too late for me now too. I'm 24 graduating college in two years debt free. I have no reason to join anymore. If I could go back to 19 or 20 I'd totally enlist
what battalion?
If you have a bachelors+ and a strong background
Get commissioned in a strong technical field and join the DEEP STATE.
I have family working for the DoD as medical researchers. They got an easy commission to an Army Captain and now doing pretty cool work for NIH/DoD/Veterans Administration
What about the national guard?
Only if all adults over the cut off age would also be require to perform the same 2 years of service before it's forced on the next generation.
Exemptions for people that have already willingly served or were drafted.
To add however, you need a strong clean background, so if any of your past shitposts on Sup Forums ar questionable, then you might not get access to a Secret Clearance and won't get accepted. Just something to be aware
After going through it myself I think it would better the general populace if such a thing was mandatory, but I can't imagine the US putting such a thing in place at this time
Civil service: Yes
Military service: No
It would be a good justification for reduced cost to healthcare and education.
Refusal to spend x amount of time in the civil services waivers your rights to citizenship and all benefits thereof.
Constitution does not apply to those who refuse the service to the country.
Mandatory Military Service is not a good idea, ever.
I unironically think yes but it doesn't necessarily have to be military.
Between the ages of 16 and 22 all US citizens should be required to either undergo basic training in the military or volunteer for civil service which can be working at a government soup kitchen, being a legal aide, working at a police station, working in city hall etc. But generally should be given some contact with the government at a young age to give them a sense of the reality that underpins all of the fruits of society that they enjoy every day. This kills the communist.
Then mandatory 2 year service, and then you are expelled from the military. You may re-join but must pass physical/mental standards this time instead of everyone being required to be in.
Mandatory army is fucking cancer and pain in the ass
Implementing it for women would be good for them, but they should not be placed with the men
Oh look, it's r/asianinferiority
Military service would be great. For civil service I'd rather it be limited to performing manual labor for infrastructure projects and being a case worker/employee at the welfare office.
Military service and building public works with your own 2 hands would instill a sense of pride in your community. Working with welfare niggers for a few years is enough to make even the biggest commie magenta pilled at least. Every 22 year old is instilled with a sense of purpose afterwards - MAGA.
So make DIs go through all of that fucking work so the Army can babysit a bunch of retards for two years?
That's how we got into this fucking mess in the first place.
this t b h i m o FAMALAM
That's literally what communism is dude
>civil services
Currently an NCO in finnish defence forces, and i FUCKING DESPISE everyone who went for civil services.
No balls for "army", no human value.
>Should the US
economically : not sure, theyre not productive economically while they're serving. but then again this is the us and culturally after their service people dont go do shit useless degrees like gender\social bullshit so maybe you'll actually benefit economically in the end.millitary service will make each generation more professional ,more productive and have better work ethic.
culturally: absolutely yes, 70% of cuckery plaguing the US will be solved in a couple of generations serving in the army.
>can the US do this
sadly no,the cultural\political climate in the US makes this impossible.and im not sure but it might be constitutionally illegal.
Hmmm? No. Communism is the abolition of private property under a planned economic system that usually (but not alwyas) includes public ownership of the means of production. Asking for 2 years of paid civil service in the method of your choice wont annihilate free markets and abolish property rights, sven.
No, here's why:
>shitty kids do shitty job, affects everybody in the country whether military or civil service
>would cost a fuckton
>educational and physical requirements would have to be lowered, including allowing those with mental health issues or retarded downies into civ service/military because "muh equality"
>principle: you shouldn't be forced to do anything for the government in a free society
Only Mandatory military service should be required for everybody.
yes, absolutely.
When we establish the White Ethno-Nationalist state, Firearm and sword training (HEMA) should be taught in middle and high school, and at least 1 year of military training should be mandatory once they graduate from high school
Keep MGTOW in /r9k/
This might literally be the only way to save our country
Nice try though.