Message from Ben Garrison!

People have asked me why I support Trump.

After all, he’s not in alignment with many Libertarian viewpoints. He could be called a nationalist because he puts the country first. How does this jibe with individualism? Well, it jibes just fine. After all, there can be no individuals if the country has no borders, unevenly applied laws, conflict due to massive immigration from disparate cultures and a Constitution that is ignored.

For far too long and especially under Obama, the United States has been sliding toward socialism and a Banana Republic controlled by the globalist deep state—also known as the shadow government. The Clintons epitomize corruption but nothing ever stuck (besides being impeached for lying about having sex with that woman) because the Clintons do the bidding of the elite.

Billions of dollars vanished (probably into her pockets) under Hillary's term as Secretary of State. She fanned the flames of Islamic terrorism. Hillary will lie even when the truth might better suit her. She has told colossal whoppers so huge that she could cause a lie detector to explode. (Hmmm…there’s a cartoon right there). The Clintons stole aid money from the Haitian people. Bill eagerly signed trade agreements that sent jobs overseas. The Clinton Foundation is a monument to graft. Hillary represents a vision of ever-bigger government. She has a collectivist, globalist vision of control and enslavement. Both Obama and the Clintons helped destroy the American Dream, and they enjoyed doing it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Along came Trump—an populist outsider who wanted to enforce immigration laws, bring back jobs and refurbish our nation’s infrastructure. He marked the end the the mind control known as ‘political correctness.’ He also exposed the legacy corporate media for what it is: Organs of the Illuminati. The ‘main stream’ media continues to spew vicious lies, fake news and propaganda to keep the sheeple in line with the their masters’ globalist plans. They lost the election and have been exposed for what they are: Miserable, lying toadies who continue to lose viewers and readers. That’s good.

I was a Rand supporter early on, but he never gained traction. Gary Johnson? No thanks. He was a left-leaning Libertarian and I’m a right-leaning one. How could I support a man who can’t name a single world leader? Not even one he used to work with when he was governor of New Mexico. He can’t even remember Vincente Fox? Then he gave an interview talking with his tongue sticking out. WTF! The obvious choice was Trump. An alpha-male leader who knows how to make a good deal for the American people.

You support Trump because you are a rural and suburban retard.

No one could see the Illuminati right in front of them.

Prove it. Tweet something out about how great of a job Trump's doing, use the word "amazing" specifically, so we know it's you.


CONTINUED (last post)

He will continue to be attacked as he tries to undo the damage done and rebuild the country. The left will not give him a chance because they consider him to be ‘Hitler.’ Because he expressed contempt for the lying press they claimed he was trying to end their free speech. Ridiculous. They claim he and Putin ‘hacked’ the election. Also ridiculous. These people are beyond reason and debate. They believe the legacy media is the penultimate source of truth. They are victims of cognitive dissonance. When truth and reality invade their preconceived, candy cane and lollypop notions about how the world should operate, they get angry and cling to their lies. They are hothouse flowers who will try to ruin your reputation or get you fired. They will de-friend you on Facebook, call you a ‘racist’ or ‘Nazi’ or even attempt to sucker punch you if you support the president. Do not confront or argue with such people—it’s hopeless. Instead we can help each other and perhaps convince some of those who aren’t so brainwashed. That’s the work we are doing.

Drain the swamp! Lock her up! Make America great again!

— Ben Garrison


You are a nigger loving, commie loving, city slicking piece of shit that does nothing for no one. Fuck yourself faggot


If that's actually you, Ben, I appreciate your work. Watching you slowly cozy up to us retards has been a blast.

It is real.. check his twitter


Let's be realistic. Rural and suburban retards expect me to take them seriously after they've betrayed every single value that they've championed since Obama got elected. Muh freedom, muh constitutional values, muh republic, muh religious social conservatism, muh tolerance and muh rationality, it all went to shit the moment they could vote for what they truly believe in: vulgar pride, gluttony, blind intolerance and muh dik with Trump and greed, mob rule and willful ignorance with Bernie.

All this shit talk, all that energy wasted for their pathetic little alt-right libertarian reddit movement, it all fell apart the moment it became socially acceptable for them to act like niggers.

preddy gud

Good Job, Ben. Good comics and lulz even for Italians.

don't see no new tweets homedog

he posted it elsewhere. I am not ben garrison

>Searching for posts that contain ‘"rural and suburban"’ and from ‘CA’ and posts after 2016-12-01. 2114 results found.

oh god, a smelly plebbitfag

the horror!

t. butthurt Hillary supporter

He posted it there. Why do you think i posted it here you fucking idiot?

Add nazi cis scum and you've finished the greatest buzzword insult of 2017

Meme Repetition = 100% of Canada's GDP

because you are a plebbit tier abo nigger fellater?

Brit Bonged

see, the problem is that narrative isn't consistent with trump.He's a billionaire businessman with questionable practices. He lived in a gold plated penthouse aparment. he lies compulsively and can't go a month without scandal. If there's a posterboy for American corruption, it's trump.

And that's who we want to "drain the swamp"? Please, trump is already hiring the rich into cabinet positions. Betsy DeVo's primary qualification is that she paid to get in. Flynn didn't even last a year before being caught in a scandal.

And already we're seeing trump fail. The muslim ban, promised on campaign, was struck down. Iran has publically mocked him and the Mexican President refuses to talk to him, protests happen weekly and the CIA was unwittingly insulted.

>can't go a month without scandal
>implying he had that much scandal before he decided to adopt a hard stance on immigration during the GOP primaries
Aaaw fuck ooowff

>swamp = rich



>If I just scream accusations of what I've done at the opposition, that makes it okay

Rural as a slur, this is why trump won.

wow you're really god damned dumb. Hows that british education treating you? Pretty poor apparently. No reading comprehension whatsoever

Stop watching CNN for your news idiot


>Iran has publically mocked him and the Mexican President refuses to talk to him, protests happen weekly and the CIA was unwittingly insulted.

LOL!!! You assume that anyone gives a flying fuck. you are a pathetic scumbag shill

where do you got your news from, mr alt right politcal cartoonist?

From your mom