came back after two days and now I'm seeing all this shit aviut milo being a pedophile? Is it true?
Came back after two days and now I'm seeing all this shit aviut milo being a pedophile? Is it true?
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If you're not a pedophile then what the hell are you doing?
this isn't a very solid argument for pedophiles
Yes, and yes.
damn thats a shame to hear :(
If he's not actually a paedophile, then he's an apologist - watch this clip.
Milio had his ass fucked at 13 years old by a much older man. Thing is, in the interview he describes it as a, "positive" and "life affirming" experience.
Obviously he says that yes, pedo laws should still be in effect... But the fact he can't recognize how saying
>naw. being used for sex as a kid by a man wasn't that bad of a thing
Speaks to the mental damage he, and most fags have.
If it wasn't already a law, he wouldn't have cared to make one based on his internal moral compass. It's only society, and his audience that he has to nod in agreement pedophila is sick.
I am baffled how he wasn't damaged by this
The fuckkkk
Because retards are doing mental gymnastics that "pederasty", isn't the same as "pedophila".
Also the actual clip is over a year old back when he was led relevant.
Na, we only know that he got fucked by an older dude when he was 13. I guess they didn't like the way he talked about it. He needed to make himself more of a victim, and since he didn't, they say he fucks boys now too.
> (OP)
>If you're not a pedophile then what the hell are you doing?
Now suddenly Sup Forums cares about political correctness. Gasing Jews, slavery, and seeing refugees drown, freeze, or starve to death is hilarious, but you draw the line at some kid getting some dick. You guess truly are evil. Have fun getting raped by Moloch in the after life.
He's GAY!
Godamn that is so sad. Someone should really be studying the link between kiddy touching and people turning out gay
>calls it positive, "life affirming"
See user? The sheeple will go along with anything, as long as you vote the right way.
/pol is unironically celebrating Jew tricks.
>Got molested as a kid.
>God his ass and his brain fucked by a much older fag.
>Come out of the closet as a liberal.
>Liberal call him pedo apologiser instead if an victim
Meanwhile liberal reactions to pedo on their side.
leave shill
ignore blueshare, a new group that formed post CTR. they are in a full scale attack like we haven seen since early November. Milo was taken out of context about being raped as a child and CNN is calling him a pedo for it
I don't like Milo but i hate shills and JewNN more.
>taking the internet this seriously
>thinking Sup Forums has uniform opinions about anything
Have you heard of Reddit? It's pretty cool I recommend you check it out.
>Not a pedophile
I hate the meme, really really hate it. It is sad, so unbelievable sad, but has potential, please don't fuck it up AGAIN.
Faggots are all pedos.
This was obvious.
What the shit are you talking about?
Don't you see the trigger potential and false flag options coming with it. Pedos are a way to taint enemies to get extreme left and right fight the same opponent, if managed to meme them to pedos. The pizza dudes made a good first step in this direction, way to autistic, but yeah, thy tried. Getting more resources to meme specific individuals, who are clearly no pedos asked by MSM why people think they are pedos... the trigger potential, the cognitive dissonance, maybe even Trump putting more resources into getting real pedo bastards.
Shit I guess I go and just start
If he was a gay liberal, they would be painting him as a martyr. Because all that is known for certain is he was the victim of paedophilia from a priest no less.n if he was a gay liberal, they would be painting him as a martyr. Because all that is known for certain is he was the victim of paedophilia from a priest no less.
But clearly and quite sad play to him it was OK, he is not a paedophile he was a victim cof pedophilia, but he is basically saying that you liked it and amongst the gay community that's not uncommon. He's basically saying that little gay boys, like older gay man. That's all.
This is what you're seeing friend
Because he's not a paedophile himself and that's why he hasn't been damaged by this. Again if he was a liberal, they would paint him as a martyr that was so mentally damaged by the experience that he thinks it was a good thing and still affects him in his adulthood.
People are just open-minded enough to realize that, to see the examples of how many time games have said exactly what he has said after being fucked when they were minors and the Liberals basically paint them as victims nothing more