How many really died Sup Forums ?
I get a lot of the arguments about Treblinka, Majdanek, etc but what about Auchwitz ? They sure built a lot of crematoria for some reason. What's the realistic toll ?
>inb4 muh typhus, muh allied bombing railroads
How many really died Sup Forums ?
I get a lot of the arguments about Treblinka, Majdanek, etc but what about Auchwitz ? They sure built a lot of crematoria for some reason. What's the realistic toll ?
>inb4 muh typhus, muh allied bombing railroads
I still focus on the "even if you claim six gorillion died when it was only a few hundred thousand it's in the end irrelevant to the character of anyone but the Jews because they deserved to be thrown in camps" angle. We need not forget during WWI they refused to fight and then almost succeeded in subjugating the entire country after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revolution leaders were Jewish and Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 European Christians only a stonesthrow away as well. Just take a look at the overwhelming negative Jewish influence written about by Jewish authors in Weimar Berlin, you'll find in many ways it was worse than 2017 New York City believe it or not. From a purely historical perspective it's a wonder it took so long for the Jews to be put on trial.
Obviously nobody should have died in a perfect world but the technology and doctrine we know of today largely didn't exist. Let's not forget the nearly entirely Jewish German communist revolution leadership that were responsible for the deaths of untold thousands in their 99.99% goyim communist fighting ranks didn't give a shit about their own party members let alone collateral damage necessary to facilitate a brighter future. Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. This overwhelming negative influence was never more clear than in Weimar Germany. Everyone should read Jewish accounts of Jewish influence, they are suprisingly honest when writing at what they think is a Jewish audience. This applies to the modern age as well.
Six millions, but not all Jews. And death camps were just labor camps. I mean they were "death camps" in that they really didn't care if their prisoners survived, but the camps were intended as cheap labor for the war machine, and less as a way of genocide.
But yeah the holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disperate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.
We need to remember that Jews had plenty of time to either cut out their shit or leave. We need to remember that Jews had no right to Germany they were let in with more or less open arms during the 18th and 19th centuries when they were fleeing reprisal from their actions in Russia. Many people draw parallels to the current American situation, they let in millions of the inbred sand rats with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to turn on them. Instead of telling their tribe to stop targeting our children they'll cry about muh americaust when assbooting #110 comes.
>They sure built a lot of crematoria for some reason
Because the typhus outbreak in the summer of 1941 decimated the camp labour force and created piles of corpses buzzing with deadly disease. They had to be cremated in order to prevent a fucking biohazard.
So you think they gassed all those who couldn't work ? Or no gassing at all ?
who cares
Also his definition of "lot" is rather generous considering it was 14 single slot crematorium ovens and none of the aerial photos of the war show camps with enough coal to burn even a fraction of those bodies.
Idk user. Sure seems like aloooot of ovens for a "typhus outbreak".
IG Farben had one remaining capable hydrogen cyanide plant in 1942 and the Jews claim that this vulcanized rubber plant produced thousands of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from non existent coal and ammonia supplies.
This is the same complex that the Soviets admitted to building a smokestack on after the war. Also Jews lie so much in my personal life I don't trust them to tell me the truth about the holocaust.
Stop trying to discredit our highscore.
But it was at least twice that number user. Krema II and III had 15 each. And they were stuffing those skinny corpses in 3 at a time...
That's Krema I, doesn't explain the other four....Krema I was put out of service and turned into an air raid shelter years before the war was over
Ok you're making a lot of different claims all over the place, but I want an answer to my original question. How many ? 250k like the pamphlet says ? Zero ?
Again this is the same complex that the Soviets admitted to building smokestacks on after the war. Also remember Jews are claiming that 3k+ people were torched per day at each of these camps for years. Apparently the NSDAP figured out a way to make coal mines, coal trains, and coal itself invisible to aerial photos.
I want to believe but it's so hard. Another question I have is where the 24,000,000lbs of ash went.
Is that a salute or are you just happy to see me, mein Fuhrer?
Prussian military archives were almost completely destroyed after WWI and what remained was lost after WWII so we'll never know for sure, but the NSDAP pointed out regularly that virtually no Jews fought in WWI and that nearly all of the German communist revolution leaders, newspaper owners, and agitators were Jewish (sound familiar Americans?). As you know they vehemently claimed this revolution if it didn't cost Germany the war it cost them the ability to not have a non-crippling peace forced on them. If we consider that virtually everyone alive in the 1930's lived through WWI and that virtually of the NSDAP claims of international Jewish influence can't be argued with to this day it's hard to not take this at face value.
As I said above Germans let in Jews fleeing prosecution for their crimes against the Russian people with open arms in the 19th and 18th centuries (which would be 'avenged' in part by Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his gang of inbreds killing 7,000,0000 European Christians around the black sea in the 1930's) and were put in the same position as modern day Americans thanks to their generosity.
Communism doesn't count.
That is way to easy to kill people
We had to really try.
Thank you. I believe it was a mere 271,000 due to disease and starvation, but even if it WAS the infamous 6 gorillion, who the fuck cares? The Jews have literally killed 20 times as many people in Europe alone in the years leading up to and after the war.
The NSDAP prevented the eternal Jew from subjugating all of Western Europe, perhaps the entire world, and slaughtering anyone that could see was halfway intelligent like they did in Russia and Ukraine.
The 11million number was debunked about a month ago, by the way. The maximum number is now 6million. Some jew nazi hunter's friend admitted that he had made up an extra 5 million in order to garner sympathy from goyim.
Simon Weasel-thal
No gas at all. The gas chamber myth is the most easily-debunked theme of the Hoax after the lampshade and soap story. The math doesn't add up. They would have needed 115 years in Auschwitz to burn 1 million corpses to dust, around 70 or so years if they only burned them into bones, then crushed them.
Not an argument. How many died ?
One of the least talked about subjects in Russia is that the Jewish Soviets murdered millions of predominately Germanic Russian landowners that settled the area 900 years earlier, these peoples had founded Russia as we know it and made up the greatest and longest ruling Russian dynasty. Jews murdered almost all of them almost two decades before World War II began.
300000 and nobody was gassed. Even if 200000000000000000 had died I wouldn't give a fuck anyway, past is past.
A few hundred thousand died but I already laid out why I believe any reasonable person looking to prevent the cancer of judeo-bolshevism would have stuffed the inbred tribe into pre-deportation camps after they tried to take over the country in 1919. If not at that moment then they definitely had a right after Jew NKVD head Yagoda killed some 7,000,000 christians a stonesthrow away.
271,000 people died in the Labor Camps, as processed and recorded by the Red Cross, which Hitler sent to the camps to ensure the decent health of the forced laborers.
>About a month ago
This document alone is one of the most damning pieces of evidence. It's more evidence than you'll ever see that the Holocaust was real, despite being 70 years ago.
Than why are there high traces of cianide in the walls of the crematoria ? Why would it be there ?
>muh red cross document jpg
christ, you're rolling this piece of shite out again ?
But that list is only in reference to German Jews and nationals. There were only 300k Jews in Germany pre-war. Not an argument
It was used for delousing and even then this was rare and only used in the most dire outbreak areas. This is why the so called shower rooms were all but destroyed and the one that remains is closed to the public and has no signs of hydrogen cyanide. Not that it would be suspect to have a small mist system because you need a delousing chamber to be humid. The Germans used handheld sprayers to humidify a room before delousing.
Yeah user. They "deloused" them right next to the ovens. Makes total sense. Ever heard of Occam's razor ?
Hydrogen Cyanide gas isn't flammable, especially in the limited amounts needed for delousing. I'm sure you'll find the amount of HCN needed to delouse one persons clothing is many times, perhaps hundreds of times, greater than the amount needed to gas someone to death.
Germans had hundreds of modern industrial slaughterhouses yet they used the most expensive and inefficient ways imaginable for the Jew. Imagine that.
Which Krema?
Opposite autism day but you get it. We're talking about a 3-5% solution. 95% water.
>They sure built a lot of crematoria for some reason.
There was a typhus epidemy caused by lice killing everyone. Clothes needed to be either burned or gassed with Zyklon B.
About 60k
But you literally just contradicted yourself. Your saying it takes much less HCN to kill someone than to deliuse their clothes. So what about that makes it "inefficient" and what would be a more efficient method ?
If they just admitted making up 5 million, and that shit went unquestioned for decades, how can ANYONE rational still just buy into the 6 gorillion
I have always been very very curious about Ernst Zundel's book "Did Six Million Really Die", but where would any of us get a PDF copy on the Internet?
>How many really died Sup Forums ?
Krema II reportedly had the "highest concentrations"
>They "deloused" them right next to the ovens.
This actually makes complete sense. The decontamination unit is always next to the disposal unit. Contaminated material is stocked nearby. Material that is not decontaminated is burnt.
>File: uniform grill.png
No, that would be SS-tan.
No the holocaust didn't happen.
There were minute traces of Zyklon-B and no blue staining inside the walls of Krema 2.
I've heard this explanation. It seems flimsy though. They built five buildings for burning bodies. Seems a bit much to be explained away by a typhus epidemic, especially given testimony...
Do you actually believe this ? The Waffem SS killed 32k Jews in Kiev in a couple of days. I don't think 6mil is accurate, don't get me wrong
Right, but as another user admitted earlier in the thread, it takes like 200x as much HCN to kill lice than a human. That's why the delousing chambers have blue staining. But it was detected on the ventilation vents for the "gas chamber" on Krema II. Which was part of the testimony that convicted Hoess...
Learn to read.
so you're saying they magically gassed millions of kikes with it
>Ever heard of Occam's razor ?
Yeah, after seeing MIKE PENSE from afar yesterday at KZ Dachau, I saw the two corpse rooms (mortuaries?), one on either side of the ovens. One corpse room (Leichenkeller) was for those intentionally gassed. The other corpse room on the other side of the ovens were for those who just so happened to die in the camps for random reasons, probably disease.
Occam seems to explain everything really well here, but don't assume that every KZ was a death camp. KZ Dachau was for political prisoners and was pretty nicely set up with individual beds and individual lockers for each inmate.
Sure, it did get REALLY BAD near the end, but what didn't get REALLY BAD near the end of the second world war in Germany?
My original question was how many were killed during the war. If you are saying 60k total you're either autismal as fuck or LARPing
Never heard the pond of acid one before esé.
The honest, definitive, and final answer is "Who the fuck knows?" War stats are messy at the best of times, stats from the biggest war ever fought are nearly hopeless to discern. Just figuring out the casualty rates and causes for all the countries involved is a monumental task.
It's like trying to figure out how many people cigarettes kill. If a guy smokes cigarettes for five years, quits, and dies twenty years later of heart disease, do you add a tally to tobacco related deaths? We know smoking raises the risk of heart disease. But what if he was putting away kielbasa and fried pierogies like there was no tomorrow?
If a jew is a Polish military officer and gets captured and executed by the Wehrmacht, is it a holocaust death? What about a jew that flees east into Soviet controlled territory and starves in a camp? What about a Jew living among his Polish or French or Greek or Cypriot countrymen that was killed through the civilian casualties and brutality applied to those populations generally?
There is no denying that Hitler and his party hated the fuck out of the Jews. And I would have no problem believing that many Jews died in the chaos, cruelty, and brutality of the biggest war ever fought. That's probably as close to the truth as we'll get.
>The honest, definitive, and final answer is "Who the fuck knows?"
OMG, you just gave me an idea. Let's ask IBM. The Nazis used DEHOMAG machines to run their Final Solution, and DEHOMAG was 100% pure IBM. I bet all the punch cards are preserved in some salt mine in Germany, like most of our history.
This is actually one of the most reasonable well thought out responses on this thread.
I don't think that anyone even in the (((main stream))) is assuming every KZ was a death camp. They're saying it was a half a dozen or so: Auchwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, etc
But I still stipulate that I think anons are being autistic if they they think Zoe Germans built 5 crematoria at auchwitz to burn clothes and people who dies from natural causes...
I was waiting for this thread since last night and here is why.........
Last night, like many nights, there was a heated discussion regarding non-citizen election participation. Many liberals in the thread requested proof of their participation. When proof was given, the goalpoasts were moved. At the end of the discussion, the only proof that would sate the left was video evidence of the act, personal observation of the act by the requester, or a signed, videotaped confession of those responsible for the acts.
So now, we will apply a liberal standard of proof to the holocaust. I will only review evidence that meets the above criteria and any arguments, no matter how valid, will be disregarded if they cannot pass muster of the qualifications set forth.
So, prove it to me or it didnt happen
Nobody knows. The Jewish media (who were using the six million number as early as 1940) had incentive to lie - it gave them the status of moral aristocracy that the Jews enjoy to this day, and justified Zionism. For all we know, the Jews (and their Zionist stooges, who wanted an ally in the Middle East to help them secure access to oil) had the key documents forged, and tortured the defendants at the war crimes trials. Likewise, the Soviets had incentive to distort the truth. Jews were largely purged from the Party by Stalin, and at least some of the massacres of Jews attributed to the Nazis could have been committed by the Soviets (e.g. Babi Yar, where the Nazis supposedly unearthed 33,000 dead Jews from mass graves and burned them, leaving no trace, while retreating - sounds a lot like bullshit). It was easy for the Soviets to pin their own purges on the Nazis, and the Western stooges went along with it because they benefited from Zionism too (partly through bribery and favourable press, partly because of the oil dimension).
Comically, the "History of IBM in Germany" in the 1930s and 1940s is a little light on what exactly all those machines were being used for ..
I'll concede that there are gaps in the evidence. If you're trying to murder and disappear a large number of people and not leave a trace, you're going to do everything in your power to cover your tracks. That being said, there is still a considerable body of evidence, including confessions and eye witness testimony, that Ze Germans killed a lot of Jews. I don't even think the majority of anons would argue that that's not the case. My question, from the get go, was to get the opinions of the average user on the death toll. I would assume that virtually nobody would believe in the 60 billion, even (((Wikipedia))) says ~5.9...the average number that gets tossed around here is 300k, based on that Red Cross document posted earlier. I think, weighing the evidence that I've seen, that the number is higher, but I wanted to hear what Sup Forums had to say
Woah nigga, I don't speak kraut ;^)
Synopsis ?
is against immigration
not jews, and even if they were this pic is fallacious as fuck.
I still wouldn't trust something like that Kangaroo Court called the Nuremberg Trials.
You can't prosecute people for things that weren't a crime while they were doing them. "Ex post facto" is the term in Latin.
The two pages are just a puff piece by IBM.
The 1930s talks about the censuses done for the State of Prussia and then later for Germany.
The 1940s talks about how IBM got hit during the war.
Read "Healthcare in Auschwitz" by Carlo Mattogno. There is so much evidence that the SS tried to stop typhus outbreaks and keep the prisoners healthy with nutritional meals. They even rewarded Jews who worked hard at the labor they were forced to do. You can find free PDF versions of these books at the Holocaust Handbooks site
It's stuff like this that makes me wonder if the ovens weren't put in later than they say, after the typhus outbreak.
>never forgetti
>chances for that are: very possible
This documetn (enven though its said to be fake) shows that new ovens were built in 1943. While the so called Holocaust ended 1942 according to Frantisek Pieper
this pic has been debunked several times
Do people believe shit like this? How can they get away with lies so unbelievably ridiculous like that?
Clara Zetkins mother Josephine Vitale Eissner was jewish
Under jewish law she is a jew
Under Nürnberger Race laws she is a half jew
Lies like these just never get mentioned these days because the are too obvious
As someone how has done building inspection and recording I can tell you within the blink of an eye that this passage is more than suspicious
>*Wrong ID
Kill yourself, take a razor and cut your veins
Do it faggot
Not enough.