Do you goyim use credit cards?

Do you goyim use credit cards?

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>Americans struggle with chipped cards

they're all poopooheads

shit even chip is pretty old here, most of the time i just tap

>most of the time i just Fap

>not using credit cards for everything and paying it off right away to boost your credit to crazy heights

Yeah, and there is a wireless function on the card for totals under 25 dollar. Very handy. Rarely use cash. Dirty and primitive.

i hate em. they're slow as shit.

Nope :^)

The idea of the comic is
>most companies / banks started switching over to chipped cards a while back
>stores explains you need to insert the chip rather than swipe
>people get used to this
>some stores still make you swipe the card, even if the thing technically has a hole to insert, because they haven't upgraded their system to process the chips

I haven't used cash in years

Yeah, all linked up to my bank account for automatic payoff so no interest is accrued

Debit card. Be smart goyim, use debit.

When will you guys develop proximity cards?
It's faster than chips.

I don't even have a bank account

it is also a whole lot less secure

>Americans use gold as value holder
>has intrinsic value, value cant be manipulated
>Americans switch to fiat currency
>value gets manipulated by central bank and lost to inflation
>Americans switch to digital currency
>cant even prove you own the money you own

>most the time i just steal your wallet and go buy a shit ton of shit at convinces stores with tap enabled.....

Yes, the global commerce market has changed to such an extent that a credit card account is a necessity to online shopping. Treat it as short term line of credit and nothing more. Unless you are a stupid goy that goes ahead and financially enslaves himself by purchasing tons of overpriced products that have no resale value and then blame the Jews for your misfortunes and irresponsibility.



tip from a attorney: always use credit cards instead of debit. because if you're robbed with a credit card the money stolen is the credit card company's. but if it's debit they take your money. save yourself a shit ton of headache

wow great now you can just walk past someone and steal their identity.

Now it's at the point where they just stick a note on the card readers. It's really not a problem anymore, if it ever was.

Nope dont own one never will, i have been robbed by banks already i hate them and interest based loans more than Islam. I wish we could kill and disembowel bankers when they lie and steal like humanity used to do.

You only boost your credit of you use 10 to 15% of your available credit. You degrade your credit of you use a lot of it.

You're supposed to buy lunch with your credit card and pay it off before the billing period is up.

I think its funny how people think thats progressive, you do realize its a very fragile system that could come crashing down easily.

must be nice to have a big pile of gold somewhere

Yes, it's good for building my credit history, it's got cashback, My current credit union inexplicably doesn't have tap functionality yet and I'm too lazy to spend a few extra seconds paying, and I pay off my balance in full every month.

Good thing you aren't liable if your credit card gets stolen, and they put a limit on purchases you can make just by tapping for the precise reason of minimizing impact from fraud, as well as detecting unusual shopping patterns with really good tech.

In fact, with a Credit card, you have MORE protection against somebody stealing your card than with a debit card. You also get more ability to do things like chargebacks against merchants. Credit card companies, because they make so much money from interest, sweeten the deal more than debit card companies with these sorts of things.

Still, if you have issues like ADHD, or just have trouble remembering to pay bills, or tend to overspend, don't get a credit card.

Shouldn't need a lawyer to tell someone that.

Fuck credit cards

I dont have any debt

Cards, fiat currency, and interest basd loans, and credit are all jewry, reject it utterly your whole life, My wife and i have a kid and live on a farm with parents, we are in our late 20's.

>Never took a loan
>never even looked at Jewish credit
>I refuse to have a bank account
>we only buy things without financing and through payments, or via lay away, if it involves interest we never do it.
>Islam is more progressive then we are in the west they dont play the monkey business games as they offer loans with no interest.
>Jewish bankers deserve to die for interest.

>when i work i demand to be paid in cash for religious reasons, only say this after they hire me. That way they are forced to write me checks from corporate, im not kidding when i say i do not go through banks.

>i am literally hostile when it comes to banks, i had an account i hadnt touched in years, have about 50$ in it, they took all of it as "fee's" they never told me, they just took it.

>i contemplated shooting someone, instead i went into the bank unarmed and told them they are filthy Jewish thieves and to shut down my bank account.
>they where scarred and had security stand there, i didnt care i was violent and raging
>i told them they wouldn't be safe if they implemented bank bail in like in Greece!
>i then sighed the paper spit on the floor and then left, i think they genuinely thought i was going to hurt someone.

They need to be fearful they are parasites that deserve death!

How so?
You set a max transaction without a pin code first. I've got it at 20$. It's enough for a small shopping, or a burger.

>under $25
Lol fuckin poorfags

wtf Orangeman

t. tyrone

yes but only to get free stuff

you underestimate the ability of really desperate basement dwellers

Chipped cards are far less secure than the normal ones.

I try to use cash for everything. I don't want the government to know what I've purchased and where I've been


No bc I don't want to have any debts that I can't pay later, I'm not that old to use them either, and zi wouldn't know how to use them.

>Not knowing you pay monthly bank fees
How much of a backwards hillbilly are you?

>direct deposit from job
>automatic pay-in-full on all cards
>treat like debit card, i.e. only spend what i know i have
>1-5% cashback on every purchase
>purchase protection that debit cards don't offer
>no annual fees, never pay any interest

yeah i guess i'm just a big ole dummy with all this free cashback.


No and I don't plan on ever getting one.

No, I'm not an idiot

>paying monthly bank fees
How backward are you for paying someone to hold your OWN DAMN money, fucking goyim

One fucking solar flare or something and your precious digits in fucking computer will be gone.

oh fuck i'm dying and crying of laughter and sadness at the same time

Only if you disclose the PIN. It shifts the responsibility for security of the card from the bank (by auditing shops before letting them use credit card processing facilities) to shipping out PIN pads that the card holder is responsible for authenticating the card with.

Basically instead of the onus being on the bank to prevent fraud, it now gives them an out if your PIN is ever used "without your knowledge" - piss easy for them to claim that you wrote the PIN down or weren't careful in concealing it.

>1-2% cash back
this combined with the welfare state has destroyed the meaning of money, money has no meaning when its created and slung around like crack.

I know neets that make over 10k on income tax, i dont get anything, besides why work if you dont pay for a car or house, a fucking bank does.

Fuck the whole system why do you think i support kek and chaos i want it all to burn, hell i wish trump would purge the federal reserve, abolish income tax and make money sound again....

till then i do not and will not care, i hope the system gets ran into the fucking dirt, welfare, socialism, interest based banking all of it.

>Use debit


You're fucking stupid if you don't.

I use amazon credit to buy stuff on amazon then just pay the credit card right away.

Free rewards points

I worked in the credit card industry, ask me anything

lul wut. cashback works because idiots don't pay their balances off in full and pay interest to the CC companies. cashback is a lure. if you're not an idiot, you can take advantage of it. if you have no impulse control and look at your credit limit as money you HAVE to spend, then you deserve to pay for my "free" cashback.

No, where I work, I get money in nice, sealed, fat envelope. I'm not part of kike banks in any way.
I choosed this workplace over other workplace where they wanted to pay me via bank account.
Kikes can suck my dick and everyone who is saying that he is redpilled, while having kike bank account should just kill himself..
If you just have bank account, you are part of the problem. Fact.

I use credit cards for online purchaces due to the extra protection

I use debit for everything else, but its not attached to my main checking account (I only keep about $200 on it) In case it gets swiped I'm at out most $200. Maybe $300 if I load it up for a trip to Costco.

I call it monkey business
sure you can manipulate it and actually benefit, but in the end you cant look me in they and tell me a dollar has any real meaning anymore with all of this shit.

rfid cards and how to exploit them. We had these credit cards for a bit, but this and various other things shut them down for the time being. Companies are really look at security of the system

>Afraid to get credit card when I was younger because of all the horror stories I heard about people who ended up in insane credit card debt
>Eventually get one, literally just have to pay it on time and not spend more than you can afford
>Pay it off every month because I'm not retarded
>mfw the average boomer owes THOUSANDS in credit card debt
I don't even know how people fuck this up. I honestly heard so many stories about people stuck with like $20,000 in credit card debt I thought it was some sort of kike magic or something.

I still refuse to upgrade to a chip even though my bank keeps fucking pushing me to.

do you work with credit cards?

My debit card has a chip now :^)

Yes, I use one credit card to pay for most things. I always pay it off in full before the next billing cycle though. Unfortunately, credit is pretty much a requirement to have if you live in the United States.

used to, did collections for 8 years

good goy keep using credit cards

lmfao USA is like a third world country

my debit card has had a chip for the last fucking decade

edgy dude

obviously money has value how do you think your mom buys your bagel bites

Any interesting stories while working in collections? My friend used a credit card to tip a cam whore once ($150), but later claimed the charges were fraudulent. His bank reimbursed the money without any investigation.

Reminder to use cash. Thermal receipts contain BPA, in large amounts. Avoid receipts at all costs.

Only sad, sad tales my friend.

At least we have unlimited free refills on our HFCS slurry.

>using a credit card and using more money than you have on it

we have a Tv show in norway about niggers who do this

You get a recipe no matter what way you pay.

Don't you ever wish to buy something nice, an expensive car or go see the world with friends or family?

You know, i only hear sad, little, insecure men talk shit like you do..
Money isn't worth anything bla bla
Fucking moron, if all you've got are 20k on the side it's no wonder you think like this

Kys, goddamn poorfag

You can ask for no receipt when paying cash. Often when paying with a card you *have* to sign the receipt.

tell me one please!

>not running away before they hand it to you
but here most places ask if you want it no matter how you pay

Signature is required only if the purchase is over $50 at most grocery stores.

I'm using only a debit card and all I have to do is enter a PIN in 9 out of 10 purchases. But you are right, at some places you do have to sign.

I hate those fucking card readers. If the people making them introduced some uniform functionality there would be less problems. I work in retail and there's always some people who swipe their card before I've finished ringing them up. Then they start putting it away and I have to tell them to stop. Our reader doesn't allow you to swipe your card if you have a chip anyways, so them swiping there card just makes them look retarded. They always tell me, "some of them allow you to swipe before you start scanning." I hate it.

is it yours?

Whenever i watch top and hear the prices of nice cars like that i am like well i could afford that.

Then norwegian tax kicks in.

Credit card companies realized that just eating up fraud costs was cheaper than adding a chip. Pure financial decision. It would still be cheaper to not have a chip but it was getting stupid how long we waited.

my nigga

>working my 9-5
>card member calls in
>he's elderly
>with cancer
>has literally days to live
>trying to pay off his debts so his kids don't get fucked over
>obligated to 'negotiate' with him, it's my job
>work our way down to a 50% pay off, company will write off the rest on their kike taxes
>card member is super thankful, now he can die in peace
>fast forward 2 days
>member's son calls in
>dad passed away
>turns out I was the only creditor willing to work with him
>son is eternally grateful and wants to open an account

>son, I...

buy a Tesla

those are taxed less right?

>some of them allow you to swipe before you start scanning.
That sounds like a bad idea to start with.

Any good sites to check your credit score
>for free

Without giving your SSN to a Nigerian KANGZ wife's son?

Contactless is the best way because it's quicker than cash.

Also, why do so many places have the contactless turned off? Cards are garbage.

credit karma is breddy gud

That's touching. Good work.

Yes ,becouse polution, global warming etc

It is far to common here, kinda like pickups in the US.

If i were to buy a car which has no to little practical use i will not buy a normie tier car.

faster than writing checks, safer than carrying cash.

What's so dangerous about carrying fifty bucks in cash?


>tip from a attorney
You got that from JRE podcast with Bill Burr. Don't lie nigga.

Cashless society soon