Soft Redpill

Hey guys, long time Lurker here.
> TL;DR How do we convince others of our points

I need some help with soft redpilling some of my friends, but most are too entrenched to talk about these things
Its all good raging against the system but if we are to really gain ground I think we need to be more subtle and as much as some of us despise them, we must still at least give them the time of day and treat them with respect .

> Post talking points and entry level red pill stuff, things that can convince people of our points,

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill them with kindness user




These are awesome! Where did you get them?


there is enough information here

you have to understand yourself first then you are understanding others

your present thoughts and ideology will change, if you grasp that idea you automatically wont be autistic and strict about your "truth", you will relax more and also accept others present state way more, this will help you greatly because you are accepting them on one way but you also still want to help them become better, and the best trick here is too make political jokes, just show logical inconsistencies and go deep if they are interested, if you hit too hard their belief system they will show an emotion, you can point that out and it will be even easier, good luck, patience my friend

Start with facts and figures. No one can dispute numbers. Show them the stats and listen to them spin webs of narratives to keep their heads from exploding
>Talk about how FBI crime statistics are racist
>Med school is racist against Asians


Thanks for the help lads!

The making jokes is a good idea, thank you, but I feel like its walking on thin ice.
I think they feel to strongly to about trump or Brexit, to make light of their arguments.

Also the point you make about my changing Ideology is good a point, you sound like my dad lol

Where can I go to find those, preferably some where that won't be biased, or at least will seem unbiased.

Anyone sufficiently deep in the illusion is just going to wave off the numbers as lies, unless the source is 'trustworthy'. Good luck finding useful numbers on CNN and Huffpo. We need to attack on an emotional level.

I feel like attacking their belifes on an emotional level won't work, as it'll just make them turtle up and we would lose them forever.
I think we do have to come forward bearing an olive branch in one hand and facts in the other.

What I'm finding is that most people believe a good portion of the framework of what we call the redpill stuff already and usually a subtle push in the right spot sends them down the hole.

i am listening..

I just made this. Not sure about the "they all float part", is that another meme with a different meaning? Might help you anyway in your quest, OP.

Nice thanks man!

You don't "Soft" anything. Why would you lie to people and then get them involved in something that they'd be adverse to?

Chances are they will flee the second you reveal your true agenda.

You be upfront and the people who agree will stay.

Don't be a pussy.

It's not about being "Soft" my fault for poor choice of words.
Its more about being convincing, in England, if you start screaming and hollering it turns people off and stops them from engaging in.
Thats true for all wings on the political spectrum.

I don't want to turn people off or push them away. I want to convince them that there is a better way.
And I think this way can be that better way.



Are they already redpilled on feminism and social justice? If so, i'd start with Islam.

Far from it, I don't even want to try feminism and Soc Jus yet.
I do think Islam is a good way to go, possibly even chaniging a few hearts about Trump and Brexit

Absolutely none of these infographs would soft redpill a left leaning centrist. They're all way too wordy and serious.

lookup cultural marxism and explain it to them in retard proof terms

basically: rich people are pitting groups of people against each other

Milo is a really good beginner redpill, since he's flaming gay and most liberals seem to think that your sexual identity is what grants you validity in this world.

I just mean that he kind of breaks the mold of "old straight boring conservative white guy" that most millennials aren't interested in (this is why Trump had so much millennial support btw, he broke that mold too)

Show them Milo videos but call him a "comedian."

Then bring on the Ben Shapiro "White Privilege Is A Myth" videos.

inb4 "milo and shapiro are fucking jew kikes and shapiro was nevertrump so fuck them."

If you want to succesfully redpill someone you can't just blast Alex Jones at them for 12 hours a day, it's gotta be appealing, and pleasant at first.

>Far from it, I don't even want to try feminism and Soc Jus yet.

Don't even bother lad, the full red pill process takes FUCKING YEARS.

Most millennials are irredeemable.

did you really just suggest milo? liberals will be tearing him apart for "defending pedos".
I am by no means saying that is what he did, but thats what he did according to libs so milo is a lost cause at this point

LOL the same liberals that are trying to normalize pedo behavior?

Look at this bullshit:

You think that not to heavy to begin with?

While I agree Redpilling takes time...
> Most Millenials are irredeemable
... I refuse to belive that, I don't want to belive that.
No one is irredeemable. If trump can actually win, then we can save everyone

Fuck off jew

The redpill is most effective when rammed down one's throat. Long, hard, throbbing red pill.

no, because you are shifting the blame of all this shit on the rich outsmarting the poor which is basically what is happening with the main stream media

well its classic lib logic, accuse the other side of what you are doing so they sound crazy


Even on that Salon link with all their articles tagged with pedophilia, they have like 10 articles defending pedophiles but the top article is an attack on Milo for saying some dumb troll shit about pedos lol

The left can't keep their story straight long enough to actually get anywhere, they are just winding around themselves in circles right now, at a fucking standstill.

Good point, they do jump at any chance to bash the rich!

They want to #TaxTheRich unless they become rich, then its just telling everyone else what they should be doing

If we can just get them questioning their belifes they would be able to see the wood from the trees.
But they're all so entrenched its a nightmare