How does your average Russian justify living on 200 USD a month while Putin has more wealth then all the world leaders combined?
How does your average Russian justify living on 200 USD a month while Putin has more wealth then all the world leaders...
It's the price they have to pay for saving the white race.
do you think he'll give all his money to the public, like ceaser
Whatever you say Schlomo
He probably has all that money because he kicked your banks out of his country
all prime ministers are filthy rich
how? its easy to save money when you don't pay for anything. also paid speeches
>a kike that doesn't understand currency
Do you understand how much 200 billion is? That makes hims the richest man in the world, you oven dodger
So a random guy says he has $200 billion and we're supposed to believe that?
Unlike our American politicians that willingly live spartan lifestyles.
My gosh!
Fucking jewgle. FAKE NEWS
>Hating Success
It makes you a failure
we just like to suck KGB cock
pls dont interfere
Literally nothing compared to the bogdanoffs
>a man robs a bank, becomes a millionaire
>dumb fat indoctrinated proto jew American says "stop hating success".
Gee, Americans really are stupid.
>muh made up number taken out of thin air
Fuck off faggot
>(((random guy)))
Thanks for the math merchant
Not 200,000, 200,000,000,000
As in milliard get non pas mille ou million.
Of course he don't own it personally
it's spread between his close friends and allies, hidden in offshore banks and front companies.
wage inequality effects us all, can you imagine how much better off all of our lives would be if the top earning companies paid taxes.. at least people are somewhat annoyed about putin
We dont, we fucking hate him.
But you better believe. Maybe number not correct, but this shit sure steals a lot.
It's from a website called "The New Civil Rights Movement."
So CLEARLY it's absolutely true.
Can you give an expeditious explanation as to who these gentlemen are?
William Browder first wrote about this.
Then why it's so difficult to force him to get out of Crimea and abandon Assad in Syria?
>hey Vlad, do you want to see your billions again? Play by the rules!
Simple, freeze the money in the accounts. Like they did with Qaddafi and Saddam. Don't tell me the CIA can't find these accounts.
The Bogdanoffs are everything that is, was or ever will be. They are matter, they are space, they are everything that has or hasn't existed.
You mean the Jewish Commie that got thrown out of Russia for shady money shenanigans and went from singing Putin's phrases, to "guessing" over a decade later that he must have somehow stole a fifth of a trillion dollars with no one noticing? Does anyone actually believe him?
Because life is cheap in Russia?
Putin keeps his people safe from degeneracy
This basically.
Republicans are raping middle and working class america in the ass and they're taking it while complaing about libruls and not even bothering to turn their head.
Need another potato famine to finally finish you red niggers off.
russia is not a Jeffersonian democracy
apples and oranges
more true if you say about the democrats
>Ergo this.
>Republicans are raping middle and working class america in the ass
no, it's illegal mexicans that are doing that, paco
Rich republicans might rape the middle class, but they are the only reason a middle class exists.
>with no one noticing?
Look, it's literally impossible to know when and how much this faggot stole from us. For now at least. I just hope when he die, it will be like with Stalin and Khrushchev. Eventually, we will know.
This is Western Propaganda at its finest. Most likely a lie but here's an example
Either way, Russia bullying is out of control.
Do you think your average Russians are open to having closer relations with the west? Or do they see it as the enemy?
>Yes Goyim! Russia is your enemy! They're so evil! They hacked poor Hillary Clinton's emails. It totally wasn't murdered DNC computer tech Seth Rich! You should go to war with Russia immediately so we can get our banks back in that nation, 'er I mean, so you can bring them freedom and democracy! You better do it for us otherwise it will be annudah Shoah!
>Look, it's literally impossible to know when and how much this faggot stole from us.
Exactly. So when some faggot who hasn't even been to Russia in over a decade suddenly announces his "best guess" based off of information he acknowledges he doesn't have, why is everyone suddenly piggybacking on it? I haven't been in Boy Scouts for twenty years, I'm going to guess they've somehow embezzled two hundred billion dollars too. How? When? Where is it? Why did no one else ever notice until now? Fuck you, that's how.
Illegal immigrants as a whole have been used as a scapegoat and "whataboutism" by the GOP to stir up your blood and deflect criticism.
Eg. Dem senator: Your immigration policy is a cover to funnel funds to your buddies in the construction industry and raise taxes on the poor.
GDP senator: "yeah but what about this one girl that was raped by an immigrant. We need to protect our borders or your daughters will be raped."
The GOP are literally the party of "feels not reals."
Putin doesn't like white people
Well the Mexicans wouldn't come if greedy business weren't hiring them you idiot.
It all goes back to corporations not giving a fuck about regular people, always trying to beat last quarter's numbers, and using the money they make to influence republican lawmakers to ensure they can keep fucking the middle/working classes.
So him and his friends have 200 billions. What is his share ? How many friends ? More than 200 ?
Except Republicans stand up for the rich and middle class people are basically rich so is the republican party standing up for everyone?
No the average Ivan is happy with Putin's rule (well, things improved so much in just 20 years).
I can say that Vladimir is a super smart guy, as he keeps liberals well fed with substantial money and thus they have no reasons to revolt.
What did he mean by this?
kys brainwashed liberal faggot
.Literally everyone here in Russia knows how the system of corruptions works. How his oligarch friends get billion-dollar contracts for thegoverment But no, here comes the American Putin-lover, he knows so much better. No one dares to accuse his daddy in crimes. Yeah, Fuck you too.
They are more likely the reason there won't be a middle class in 40 years time.
Look at Putin's clique and look how many of his friends got placed in big state companies or government jobs. He's basically running a colossal mafia state with acceptable levels of corruption, acceptable to the point that people won't revolt.
>you're american so you can't know
>what? proof? evidence? fuck you.
Yeah, like I said.
What I want to know is why our government pays Russians to move here. Several years ago I met a Russian who could barely speak English who was building a house here, and when asked if he was rich or something, he said the US government gave him five digits to live here. I also know two contractors who have both been denied land to build on, only to find out a year later that someone else bought it and built a duplex on the land after them. When they confronted the building inspector or whoever deals with that sort of shit about why they were turned down but this new guy wasn't, he said, "All I can say is they're Russian."
I'm just wondering...
a) why does he need/want so much money?
b) does he even have time to spend it or even think about it?
It's an absurd amount of money. Even 100 million is absurd.
>Lies! Putin is saint! His friends are saints as well! Don't you dare to shittalk about them! They think only for the good of Russin people!
heh kid
What is this communist nonsense?
Yeah, I 100% agree with you, Ivan. I love russian people, thank you for existing.
I meant five figures, fuck me.
200,000,000,000/143,500,000 = 1393,7
Even if Putin gave away all his money, it would only give everyone in Russia 1393,7 dollars in total. It wouldn't change anything in the average income.
You gotta go back, Paco. Say, where's your seal? Did you sell it to pay for the wall?
>no context graph
Yeah, because the average brit is totally loaded m8.
Our own government aren't full of corrupt foreign cunts m8. No, they totally care about British people.
Except it would boost the economy massively.
Oh wait, the Russians would probably spend it on second and third hand German luxury cars.
Middle Class lifestyle is basically that of the rich right now. They save up a shit ton, pay for their kids education and pass tons of money onto their kids. Basically the same as the rich now.
>Lies! Putin is the devil! His friends are demons as well! Don't you dare to ask for evidence of wrongdoing about them! They think only for the destruction of Russin people!
heh kid
kremlbots in 3.. 2.. 1...
They didn't earn his 200 billion. What do they have to justify??
> "he says Putin is the richest man"
Someone on the internet says Putin has 200 billion $. Nice fake news, idiot.
even tho that's a WESTERN LIE fuck you bitch don't insult Putin literally everyone in Russia loves him
He isn't technically 200 bil $ worth, you fucking idiot, but he owns a network who can manage 200 bil $ in assets, so he is basically a billionaire.
Except there's no evidence that any of his holdings are worth that either. Every source literally goes back to one guy on the internet who says his best guess is $200b.
pls have cancer. Putin is a fucking saint.
Just faggots like you who are Navalny followers, who don't need any empirical evidence and believe whatever suits them. Branding anyone who shake's Putin's hand his friend. Fucking idiots / cockholes / young brainwashed liberal fags.
What happens to those assets once Putin leaves office? Will they still belong to Putin or will it belong to Russian state? The answer is #2. Fucking idiot.
>doesn't understand the basics of how money works.
1 USD in America and 1 USD in Russia are totally different and will buy you differing amounts of goods.
Ironically enough, Russia can buy more per USD than America can. (which is why nearly half of America are on semi-permanent welfare)
This is, similarly, why the prices of some goods with global releases are different prices.
A common one that comes up is the cost of consoles in various markets.
tl;dr Exchange rate doesn't define the worth of a currency, the spending power does, which is related to how much goods cost in a local region, which is HARD AS FUCK to quantify which is why shit like GDP and PPP are not even remotely representative of such facets of finance.
Okay, lets start from his close frined and dzudo sparring partner(((Rotenberg))). Of course it's pure coincidence his net worth is over 1 billion (only him, not his family). Of cource it coincidence as well, his and his family firms get conracts for bilding the bridge to Crimea, to bild for pipleines in Siberia, or roads in Moscow, and soo on, Doesnt' matter right?
And thats only one guy, there few dozens of them. Sechin, Timchenko, Kovalchuk and so on. His lads from Leningrad. Of course you don't know shit about them.
>Leaves office
>Putin has more wealth then all the world leaders combined?
Lol. Have you ever considered to move in Russia?
Putin is a hero you fucking idiot
No fucking way he has that much. Bill Gates has 85 billion.
Putin is great you stupid niggers. Well, maybe he stole some shit and promotes nepotism, so what? He literally saved Russia.
>actually believing this
>He literally saved Russia.
How so?
>net worth
>$200 billion
Liberals are dense enough to actually believe this.
>It's what google said
Can someone explain to me how the fuck this happened exactly? Literally what the fucking fuck...
The oil money used to flee the country. Now it stays in the country (well, mostly on pockets of his allies but anyway, russian people have their fair share.)
Non-imported stuff and services are a lot cheaper in Russia than even in Eastern EU. That's why there is GDP PPP per capita. And if you look at it, it's basically the same as in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, etc. So while the salaries are lower in euro equivalents, they spend far less on fuel, heating, certain services and goods.
Those countries are also not affected by sanctions, get billions from EU fund every year, they work in UK and send cash back home. In the end, life in Eastern EU isn't better than in Russia economy-wise.
it didn't
someone down the line probably misspoke and a bunch of idiots lapped it up.
the person cited for the $200 billion probably meant million.
Oh, the Russian President knows the people the government gives contracts out to. Clearly this means he's secretly a hundred billionaire and guilty of collusion. There would be no other reason that he would know them in the context of his office. None at all.
Don't worry Sergei, I'm sure the days of Communist prosperity will return to you someday.
>step 01 - remove oligarchs
>step 02 -
>step 03 - profit
>easy to save money
Yeah but no, nobody gets 200 fucking billion by 'saving money'.
The alternatives are worse. Putin is uniquely great for their situation.
Implying everyone on Sup Forums does the right/left dance. I gave up on that paradigm years ago. Now I just get comfy, and watch the world burn. I quit voting because of my hate of little bush, and began again, because of my hate for Hillary. See how that works?
In Moscow it's 3-4k $ on average