My class will be talking about the Holocaust What can I say to create doubt in the classroom?

I need quick statements I can slip in to red pill my class and create doubt that it happened! Help!

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Out of respect we are not allowed to collect evidence from the scene of the crime, but we know it happened to to realistic witness accounts.

Then show them an example of these "realistic" accounts.

"Huh, so only the camps on the soviet side had gas chambers, its like having to choose between believing Hitler or Stalin."

Tell them all the lies about the Nazis are communists propaganda and anyone who disagrees is a Russian stooge.

How did they manage to gas all those jooz if the gas chambers weren't airtight?

1. If Holocaust happened, then why the hell there are still jews around?

2. Its proven that Hitler did nothing wrong

3. why is questioning holocaust a crime in many countries? Checkmate atheists

"Zyklon B is a type of perfume, the Juden wre just smelly from working all day."

Tell them: The truth fears no investigation

Bring up the recent revelation that Simon Weisenthal made up the deaths of 5 million non-Jews in order to garner sympathy, and that Jewish holocaust scholars themselves overwhelmingly deny this happened. You don't even need to say anything else. Just hammer this one thing home, and everyone will be like, huh, well if they made that up....

"Its amazing how many Jews they were able to gas considering that the ventilation system in the 'undressing room' was stronger than the one in the gas chambers. I guess we will never know how the Nazis did it."

German officers were tortured to get the confessions at Nuremberg.

Out of respect we are not allowed to collect evidence from the scene of the crime ;)!!!

> German engineers
> Made gas chamber walls out of bricks
> humm....

This. Make logical fallacies. Kids are easy to fool.

If Holocaust existed 100% why do you get into jail for questioning it in Europe. Normally the truth can defeat any criticism because its the truth. But in this case...?

Ask why they had a swimming pool in Auschwitz and other recreational facilities if they just wanted to mass exterminate. Also, why they killed jews instead of using them as cheap labor for war effort??

Oh and why it is illegal to question the holocaust

Bring up how Zyklon B was a pesticide incapable of killing humans unless in EXTREMELY large amounts (1 million Jews gassed would need a theoretically unfathomable amount of gas). Zyklon B was used to kill lice and other insects

Bring up how Jewish population numbers increased after the war from what they were prior to the war. Where did the 6 million go?

Make sure to bring up (Also some user pls deliver the infograph pic) on how Auschwiz had football teams, swimming pools, libraries and whatnot. Also "gas chambers" were not airtight

just don't, you'll come off as autistic and you'll be ostracized until graduation

not worth it

And doors out of wood...

"To do this day, our crematoria have not caught up to the level of sophistication reached by German WWII-era technology. It takes 3 hours to burn one corpse in a modern crematorium. The Germans were able to accomplish this task in 15 minutes, in crematoria that were also, remarkably, self-cleaning, never needing to be shut down for maintenance."

How can Jews be real if gender is a social construct?

Ask about that nazi hunter kike who just admitted to making up the 5 million goys who died

>5 million deaths were reported because of one guys unverified claims??? What ELSE could be wrong here?!?

Underage B&.

huh, do you guys really think allied bombing raids on German trains really had no effect on the labor camps? I mean, if you can't get food/supplies to them they would starve, that certainly explains those pictures of jewish skeletons..

why would you kill jews with zyklon b? it's a delousing agent, what's the point of producing it industrially to kill kikes when one of it's precursor chemicals, hydrogen cyanide, is the part that actually kills jews?

why go to the effort of producing zyklon b? why not just use hydrogen cyanide?

Wait for them to mention about burning Jews then ask how long does It take for modern oven to burn bodies


Call the classmates cucks and the teacher a kike


Ask your teacher for proofs.

You cannot disprove anything that hasn't been proven, you can argue with the known facts tho

Also ask him how many jews died of typhus/starving and/or were killed to stop their suffering of it, and what year they made the labour camps, that were harmless compared to soviet ones, death camps.

>1. If Holocaust happened, then why the hell there are still jews around?

this tbqh

Point out that there were no traces of cyanide found in the gas chambers compared to the delousing room

AlSO that jews are known liars

Shit I clicked on the wrong thread

there are 2 sides to every story

Show them some hot women in nazi uniforms.



>has to go to jail to escape criminal refugees.


don't tell me uni because i'm not buying it

I thought that was a meme lmao


You aren't allowed to deny or question it, but juggling with known facts/quotes is neither

Why did the red cross lie about it?

Nonpartisan question that doesnt tip your hand and has actual evidence

This is the answer:

>Going back 2500 years to the pre-Socratics, RATIONAL INQUIRY has been the method by which we, westerners, have advanced in society and technology. Rational inquiry gave us the enlightenment and it put us on the moon.

>In light of this, why is the holocaust the single subject in which rational inquiry is not allowed, and is indeed illegal in the states concerned?

would you like to know more?

he didn't though, that's fake news from holocaust denying jews


What I'd really like to find, is more evidence of jews being behind the treaty, as well as poverty-related deaths in germany during the times that the treat was active (It would be an amazing counter to "muh six gorillian").

Tell them that there's no evidence that Hitler knew about the Holocaust

Faggot this is 18+ i know you are 15 or max 16 so gtfo kid.

You have to be the "strawman". You can't be the one telling them the Holocaust was fake. Pretend that 11 million was real and emphasize the most outrageous, implausible parts of the Holocaust so that the audience themselves will doubt it.

I mean, if you had to this is a good route.

But I wouldn't risk it for the biscuit.

It's better to graduate hard with higher grades than potentially redpill a classm8 or two.

Even bringing up the argument, or counter claim, or revision of the numbers might be just as bad. Don't be a coward, but here isn't the time to be a hero.

Try this.


>force people into labor camps
>its not your responsibility when they starve to death or die from disease

facebook groups/281126822227635/

You guys come here

>implying anyone claims that many people were cremated in that time frame

Every time you talk about how bad the nazis were refer to them as national socialists.

"Why did they tattoo them, shave their heads, clean them, give them new cloths, and more, if they're just gonna gas them anyways?

"Some of these "camps", even had there own little currency, where they could work, then earn money and buy things such as food"

"Did you know that the Zionists and Nazis also shared a coin? Due to the fact that the Zionists wanted Jews to come to Israel, and the Nazis wanted the Jews out of Europe?"

Their population (in Europe) actually increased between 1938 and 1946. Funny that.

How come we don't know who are the engineers and architects that designed the chambers?
How come there are no technical drawings of them?
How come there is no order, as in, "may I take your order", of any official asking for such project.
How come there is no budget allocated for such chambers in the NS account books?
How come we don't have even one (((1))) testimony of anyone from the construction crew who built it, or parts of it?


>banning rational inquiry regarding a sacralized subject

Strikes at the very core of the Western intellectual tradition. It's actually very ... Jewish....

All knowledge about lasting effects of hypothermia are due to the nazis in dachau.


Just tell them that it's a jewish hoax. Also video tape it and upload the results here.

Tell them why would they waste resources in war considering how much energy they need in crematories and where are the tons (mountains) of ashes from the millions of bodies

Also tell them why the jewish people declared the war to germany in 1933. Are you not supposed to defend your country?

Strictly speaking, Britain, since it was you who bombed Germany back to the stone age, the starving inmates are your responsibility.

Do this and ask why they would kill many skilled labours instead of using them

it did happen and it was glorious

THIS dæsu. i wanna see how your class reacts when they realise you're a disgusting holocaust denying nazi and i wanna see your crying when the police are carrying you out of the classroom lol

I live 5km from a former death camp and I must say that this is a truly bizarre thread.

Mention the outbreak of Typhus and say that almost all of the deaths were related to wartime natural causes. Also say Allied bombing would have recognized camps as a military target due to heavy military presence and many deaths would have been due to that too and shift the blame about. Also blame Soviet propaganda.

Were do you find sources for this? I'd love to read up on this, because I don't doubt it for a second.

Print out some infographs and give them as handout

It was the work of the international banks. Feel free to search the direct connection of the treaty with international banks and especially rothschild

Also france has done several crimes to us because we weren't able to pay the exaggerated reparations in time.



You can talk about vinnytsia and katyn and other atrocities that were originally blamed on germans.

Also, all concentration caps were originally 'death camps'. Now only the ones which havent been investigate are 'death camps'

Auschwitz amenities might be interesting. The brother, bank, pool, soccer field, etc.

The big chimney was built by the (((Russians)))

Mention much of the info care from (((russian))) intelligence and has since been debunked (ie. fake pictures, etc)

The Holofuck

The best way to get people thinking critically is to drive the discussion towards how Stalin used the civilian death counts as a way of legitimizing the annexation of Eastern European states post-war.

From there you can talk about how Stalin deliberately turned Eastern Europe into a meatgrinder to bleed out political rivals like the Polish Home Army, and perceived nationalist sentiments in Ukraine. This not only allowed Stalin to portray the Red Army and Soviet partisans as the liberators of Eastern Europe, but it acted as a fast historical revision to suppress the fact that the Soviet Union helped start WW2 as an aggressor.

You're not going to get people to just stop believing in the Holocaust, but you can get people to question how the statistics of civilian mortality are manipulated for politics by helping people to understand that the left-wing politics of Communism were equally complicit in the bloodshed of WW2- not out of necessity but because it was politically advantageous for them to kill off other ethnic groups.

Yeah, what would the scientifically literate northern Europeans know about it unless the Nazi's performed human experimentation?

As far as I'm concerned no. Camp is Majdanek

>death camp
Good goy

start ranting Sup Forumstier rhetoric incoherently. "six gorrilian juice...." etc
drop some dank meemees

break into an autistic screetch.....lay on the floor in the fetal position mumbling incoherently about "redpills"
normiees won't know what hit 'em. fuck 'em up op. i believe in you

then throw yourself off a bridge, you complete waste of oxygen and human dna

to add: the best way to enter this discussion is probably to start with how the Red Army halted their advance outside Warsaw in order to let the Polish Home Army and Jewish uprising to be squashed first.

Tell them about the masterbation tourture device.

All the camps in the US occupied area were concentration camps. All the ones in the USSR were death camps. What another coincidence?

I'm in high school you got me.

>not sure if bait
Nothing that wasn't know prior to the nazis. The nazis tested its lasting effects up until death by locking Jews in a freezer while the nazis stood out side observing. although people would still die of hypothermia in these areas it would be impossible to study what was happening if you too were in the situation. Simultaneously if ethical tests were to be done we would have no understanding of what was happening beyond what would be considered safe. We would have no idea that after so long in cold temperatures the mind would slip into delirium. All we would know is that in long amounts of time in the cold you die and have no understanding of the signs of extreme hypothermia.

you can ask some of these questions to the teacher, or maybe discuss some stuff from here to your classmates. do it with a indecipherable combination of irony, sarcasm, and condescension for extra points

Start stating likable affirmations like:

"They began saying Jews had so many privileges"

Let your teacher nod.

"They accused them of having the good that paid best and of being in positions of power"

Let him cum a bit more. Talk about the boycott and all that shit and then

"More or less the kind of stuff they are now saying about white male privilege and all that".

And just let it sink in

>"To do this day, our crematoria have not caught up to the level of sophistication reached by German WWII-era technology. It takes 3 hours to burn one corpse in a modern crematorium. The Germans were able to accomplish this task in 15 minutes, in crematoria that were also, remarkably, self-cleaning, never needing to be shut down for maintenance."

Modern Forging Furnaces operate well within the temps that cremation employs. You could fit a lot of bodies in there..

Finally an intelligent comment.

Redpill kids on things that are actually provable today. Like race statistics, economics, etc. The other stuff like this will come later as they start digging themselves for the answers.

or make up a funny story about how your grandmother was in the holocaust and she was on a roller coaster that did loopty loops straight into a gas chamber, but she survived before being sent to five different camps. say that at one of the camps the showers had shampoo bottles filled with gas so when people washed their hair they gassed themselves to death

The cyanide in Zyklon B releases at a slow rate, harmless to humans.

The capacity of modern crematory oven is something like 2 hours per corpse.
This Jewish website claims the Nazis burned 340 corpses in 24 hours using 3 furnaces.

Meaning in 24 hours, each furnace would have to have burned about 113.33 corpses. The capacity of modern furnaces is 12 per day.

This is why I doubt the Holocaust, it almost serves as Plato's "creation myth" except it functions more like an original sin for white people.

but everybody loves a good sperg out. i say do it, OP. dont be a faggot

Oy Vey, not the Masturbation Machines of Death!!!

Additionally to the study of hypothermia the nazis studied the effects of hypoxia and these tests that studied the human body under low Atmospheric conditions are the reason why we can
1. Go to space.
2. Fly planes at high altitudes

You do realize that all German flags on this board are just proxies for reasons of diversity right?

Mention the most ridiculous stories.

>Diesel engine gas chambers
>Railway carts straight into ovens
>Gysers of blood from the ground
>Children as kindling to burn men