>claims to be redpilled
>isnt Christian
Claims to be redpilled
Other urls found in this thread:
>claims to be redpilled
>isnt gnostic
this is a shill people, learn to know them
Why do people think Christianity is the "Smart" religion? Its the same thing as all the other ones, a dusty book from a long time ago tells you to be submissive to a big yellow guy because his kid did magic tricks and died.
The truly redpilled unironically worship kek
this thread just got 10x more interesting
>libshit atheist detected
Go back to correcting the record, you fedora-wearing faggot.
>Claims to be redpilled.
>Follows a desert jew religion that invaded their ancestors homeland but it happened a long time ago so it's okay I guess.
if you arent making your own religion for our collective decedents to worship and fight wars over your a follower and a bitch. Praise kek, fuk all the abrahamic religions enough blood has been spilt for that outdated power structure
jesus isn't real. you are an idiot. go away.
>claims to be redpilled but follows a religion with glaring contradictions and tainted holy book
Reminder that Christianity spread over Europe the same way Islam is trying to right now. Through fear, brainwashing, intimidation, and violence.
How would you feel if you went 2,000 years in the future to find out traditionalist "redpilled" folk are now muslim?
>claims to be white
>is american
What did he mean by this?
fugin frog god :DDD
>tfw Catholic, the greatest sect of the greatest religion
>2016 hits
>New Pope is a freaking socialism
think i'll just close my eyes and plug my ears for the next few years
>Claims to be christian
>Browses bitter hate speech -the board
Yeah not how it works faggot
>cristcucks are not red pilled
It is a video game reference you pair of dinguses
>claims to be redpilled
>follows a middle eastern cult started by a jew based off of the jewish religion that teaches you to be meek and love thy enemy
You can't be Catholic and Sup Forums at the same time. Or just cherry pick what you like from catholicism like a good little millennial
>I listen to the liberal media tell me about the Pope of Rome
Use catholic news sources
I'm an anti-theist.
Religions are all stupid. They are nothing more than primitive inventions to strengthen groups of people. Look how Judaism helped the Jews, look at how Islam helped the Arabs...
The thing is, Christianity lacks a purpose. There's no tribe mentality about it. It doesn't strengthen any groups, it's a religion that celebrates weakness. Even the "god" in Christianity was killed by puny humans.
Everything about Christianity is gay and lame. Strength should be celebrated; not weakness.
You do realize we live in a Virtual Reality because Reality = Information. We do have a soul/conscious in a separate reality as well.
>in the Old Testament ritual of Yom Kippur (Lev. 16:8–10), a goat symbolically burdened with the sins of the Jewish people. Some scholars believe that the animal was chosen by lot to placate Azazel, a wilderness demon, then thrown over a precipice outside Jerusalem to rid the nation of its iniquities. By extension, a scapegoat has come to mean any group or individual that innocently bears the blame of others.
Evading personal responsibility is super redpilled.
Jesus would hate you nazi fucks
>Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist.
>Muslim terrorism
like cmon, i get he means to say that the religion doesnt control the terrorist but we cant pretend that islam doesnt foster that kind of thing.
>Jesus said, "Let one who has found the world, and has become wealthy, renounce the world."
- Gospel of Thomas 110
The only elaboration on Christ you should revere is Keks Christ
Kek is realer than Jesus
>referencing a child's toy
How is any adult suppose to know that?
>Red Pilled
Christians aren't even red pilled about their own religion
>not creating your own thoughtforms
>We shouldn't import oil from foreign lands because it will weaken our economy! We have plenty of oil right here
>Imports gods from other lands and weakens our spirits
Don't listen to the (((dwarves))). We have plenty of gods right here.
Kekism is the new religion! And unlike Christianity it has basis in reality. Shadilay!
>claims to be white
>is a potatonigger
>claims to be redpilled
>actually fell for the nofap meme
I miss the things I witness during the elections on here, kek is benevolent and good, he's funny and a great friend
>claims to be redpilled
>claims to be Christian
>isn't Orthodox
I think it is more of a self-discipline thing. But sexual repression hasn't led to good things nor did promiscuousness. The true enlightenment lies in the middle.
Kek confirms. Gnosticism is based.
Jesus was the son of Panters, your life is a lie and you should immediately retake constantinople and take as many turkroaches with you as possible
Praise Kek!
Meme Magic is Real
Hey Lithuania goy. Did you post the porn/trap one yesterday?
No its not
They worshpped satan
and were pedos you gross sick fuck
Except there's literally no evidence for that, and I say that as a fedora-tipper
>YHWH is the only true god
stay unenlightened, cuck
According to attack-pieces by their religious enemies. There's nothing in any gnostic text that supports satan-worship or pedophilia.
>Falling for the enlightened Jew
Good goyim
>claims to be redpilled
>worships a dead kike
Get back to plebbit
>worshiping a Jewish god
>worshiping a god that basically wants you to cuck yourself at all times
>love your oppressors(???)
Christianity was a tool of western civilization starting with the Romans, it's only valuable trait is that it's teachings are basically "Greco-Roman Philosophy For Dummies" with some hocus pocus thrown in.
No Shlomo. I only deal with the purest black market memes.
>Degenerate ideology for avoiding responsibility
You're outright lying. Theres tons of stuff out there you just need to look
For example
Origin was outed by the Catholic Fathers
Lord Bless their holy name
They exocommunicated him for teaching in church that Satan would become God and God would become satan in the end times, and he also with that taught plenty of gnosticism
which was invented by Satanic jews in Alexandria
and yes Alexandria had a pedophilia proble,m
Not giving a fuck is always a viable option.
>claims to be red pilled
>doesn't study esoteric and occult philosophy
How can you know anything if you don't even know yourself, the only thing you can know?
Gospel of Thomas YAS
>forcing religion onto children
>too stupid not to save the thumbnail? Try religion!
>worshipping a dead kike on a stick
Gnostics thought YHWH was the demiurge and said not to worship him, they didn't tell people to worship satan. The proto-orthodox church fathers misunderstood or lied about this and said gnostics were preaching that God is satan. They had a vested interest to make them look as bad as possible.
>and yes Alexandria had a pedophilia proble,m
So everyone from Alexandria was a pedo? Every Catholic is a pedo according to that logic.
>Still using Windows 10 in current year
Stay kiked my friend
>muh there's no objective truth
>claimed to be redpilled
>worships a dead jew
nice strawman
>implying jews like christians
This is post reeks of early 20th century German philosophy
>claims to be redpilled
>follows any religion at all
reported for being underage
haha salty libcuck here
>not knowing about Jewish mysticism
I bet you grew up as a proddy
Are you thinking you should get all the references you braindead old twat?
think again
Go back to religious wars you bible carrying faggot
oh yes
Christian is redpilled? Are you fucking joking?
>claims to be X
>isnt Bogpilled
Have fun being bluepilled
Modern Christian denominations are so heavily compromised at this point that reforming them is basically impossible. They are overrun with Zionist shills or Islamic sympathizers.
If there is any hope for Western spirituality, it must come from another source.
but what other source?
Paganism just devolves into larping wankery and occult sources are filled with so much bullshit, and that's not even mentioning new age bollocks
>shills with leaf proxys
Nice try.
Pro tip: at least use a different proxy
Probably because I was raised as a Catholic and now the pope sucks the Democrat's dicks and going to school in Texas has let me see how annoying Bible thumpers are. You can still be a good person/not be a fuck face retard and not have to follow a religion.
Ideally? A Western equivalent to Buddhism. It's spiritual and insightful, easily molded to fit different cultures without compromising their values and traditions, and supports necessary pragmatism.
Look at modern Buddhists. They are hardcore red pilled and brutal as fuck when they need to be. Myanmar's Buddhists are currently slaughtering their Muslim invaders with no mercy. The Dalai Lama thinks Europe isn't doing enough to protect its identity. Japan has been Buddhist for centuries, and they laugh at the idea of compromising their national identity for the sake of Muslim refugees.
We need that kind of common sense in the West. Unfortunately, I don't know if it's even possible.
>Truth is hard to handle