> Shagged over 100 women
> 500 Tinder matches. Banged 6 off tinder alone past few months
> Early 20s
> Bench 300lbs
> Only shag attractive white women
AMA Sup Forums
> Shagged over 100 women
> 500 Tinder matches. Banged 6 off tinder alone past few months
> Early 20s
> Bench 300lbs
> Only shag attractive white women
AMA Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
this isn't your personal blog, retard.
do you work at wendy's?
Balkans not invited. Go back to your hovel of a nation
What's Wendy's user?
I am an American Chad, and far superior, I drive a Ford Raptor and live in Texas
Fight me you LARPing fag
>On the wrong board
Go mess with /r9k/
Video of you benching 300 or I call bullshit. If you say you don't have one I'll know it is bullshit. No one who can bench that much wouldn't have filmed it at least once.
L O N D O N ?
>British "women"
DO you make 95k to 100k a year with annual bonuses , like me at Wendy's, as a chef ?
I thought not
What is good in life?
Post face
Found OP
>shagged 6 million huh...
Also if your benching 300 , why are you not in some professional sport.
NFL players bench 300 kid
Rip in peace
its okay, we've all made a thread like this before.
denial is the first step
Make children, at this point it does not matter if you raise them just have lots and lots.
Get a fake name.
> Dox myself on a Cantonese carp farming forum.
No thanks.
Test e 600mg p/w. Tren e 200mg p/w.
Will have you benching 300lbs in no time, user
Fuck off normie REE REE REEEEEEEE
Poo poo poo pee pee pee
300lbs mate. Really not that much. NFL players probably bench 400 and more.
London yes.
I could beat you in a fight with just 1 finger
what school did you go to
>Dox myself
That's what I thought. Guarantee you can't do it.
>LARPing fag
>6/10 got me to respond.
Post pic.
State grammar. Russel group uni (one of the best)
>> Only shag attractive white women
I wonder how I know you're full of shit, cunt.
American burger joint with square patties and good milkshakes
Post hand
What was high school like for you?
Sup Forums-tier
>I contribute to a degenerate society
>I have no self respect
Don't care, you sound like a faggot. Nothing to admire about being a man whore.
What was your first time like and what is the oldest you've fucked? Best or worst?
When did you realize you were desired by women?
As in a pic of my hand?
>State school
>Russel group uni (one of the best)
don't tell me what the RUSSELL group is you subhuman prole
banging some chav slags off tinder doesn't impress me m8
>Test e 600mg p/w. Tren e 200mg p/w.
So, you're 5'4" then?
Yeah lad simple request
Ur lying, if story was true you wouldnt know about Sup Forums
>you could also be gay OP
now fuck off to /r9k/
Well said, actually. OP could use his chad powers for the good of the world and the 14 words instead.
Lost my virginity late at 15. Oldest relative to me was a 30 year old divorcee shagged when I was 18. Worst too many to list. Only when I got to about 21 and started lifting did it become clear so relatively recently. Shagged 50 or so before then but had to graft for them a lot harder
i honestly should have twigged you were a prole when i read the words shagged but i thought you might be impersonating austin powers or something
Yeah well i have a 12 inch dick and make 400k a year working at burger king
Why are you further ruining white women and not settling down and starting a family?
I don't want children either but changing women's shitty behavior starts with us denying them sex and not acting like base animals