White people are retarded

I'm sorry but white people are retarded.

I've had the biggest battle on Facebook page about Sweden, used all the arguments and redpills, links with statistics, and in return I get my inbox full of faggots attacking me and 150+ people screeching at me.

The only one who stood by my side was some asian guy, he's da real MVP.

Whatever link you give, they have the same argument: "That's fake news from rightist site".

I even found statistics made by an institute and they said it's fake news.

The swedes are defending the left saying nothing is going on in sweden.

I have no empathy anymore. To be backstabbed by your own kin is worse than a nigger fucking my wife. We really are the most cucked race on earth. My blood is boiling now and I want to genocide us right at this very moment.

Other urls found in this thread:

polisen.se/Global/www och Intrapolis/Övriga rapporter/Lagesbild over sexuella ofredanden.pdf

Generations of post ww2 jewery will do that to a people. We just need to raise the next gen right

don't feel bad, user. those traitors will die out/mongrelise their bloodline, leaving us with a more loyal and ethnically conscious white race by default.



It's called denial, many white People has been brainwashed to believe that everything negative about multiculturalism and immigration is "fake News"

The worst is when they try to be funny on a sarcastic way with the memes I used when I was 9.

The rightists are arrogant, but straightforward. The leftist faggots always have to speak from above with the annoying tone in their voice which makes me want to burn them on the cross and stick a fucking screwdriver in their testicles and eyes.

>getting into politics on facebook
>exposing how stupid you are to everyone you know
You deserve every bit of hate that comes your way. Not because you're wrong or because people are le brainwashed, but because you're a loudmouthed moron crapping your uninformed opinions all over social media.



You're the retarded one here, my man.

You can't argue with liberals using statistics and facts, they just ignore them.

Either keep asking them questions, and their argument will fall apart on its own, or use emotional appeals against them.

The liberal mentality is the same across races.

At least I'm not a faggot hiding behind a fake name too scared of what people might think.

I don't give a fuck what they think of me.
I would rather die from a group of faggots beating me then be too scared to give my opinion publicly.

Fuck you you basement pussy ass son of a bitch.



This is true. Liberals believe all kinds of contradictory things, and they're so sheltered from opposing views that they don't even know how to defend their points. Whereas we can't turn on any news channel or radio station without having the liberal talking point of the day slammed down our throats.


Its diffrent in the usa mates.
Youre in croatia, nobody gives a fuck about being a nazi. Walk to your local thompson concert and youll find thousands of teens doing the Roman salute. Being kind of right-wing maybe even fascist is standard in croatia but in the usa he will get shoahed. His family will be threatened and attacked, he will lose his job and never be able to find one ever again. Etc.
It is brave what you do m8 but not everyone is in a position to be.


>I have no empathy anymore
welcome. btw, any chance to get some of those screeching messages (translation) sounds like potential comedy gold

>I don't give a fuck what they think of me.
Yes you do, or you wouldn't be here whining that none of them sided with you.

Political opinions are like assholes: everyone's got one and more often than not they're full of shit.

If you think facebook or twitter is the place for political discussion you're a turbo-sperg.

I feel you user, it happens to me a lot, in person though, and not in that scale, but it's enraging.

That's the problem. They can't fire million people if million people speaks out. To make the first move and lead the others is a unique trait of heroism.

Also, pic related, screecher.

>arguing on normiebook ever
>tryna argue knowing the fact that you're gonna get ostracised by your "friends"

Let them say whatever they want to say in their little bubble, normiebook is a lost cause unless your using troll accounts anyway (this is commonsense ffs)

>to be backstabbed by your own kin
I too, know that feel that's why I never bother and I don't want to be profiled by the Zuck as well

That doesn't mean I care what they think. That means I'm pissed as fuck that I have to share the color of my skin with a bunch of faggots and degenerates defending pedophiles and degenerates.

spiritual lyrical individual

It's Youre own fault

Redpill face to face or not at all. Don't do it sonwhere like Facebook which promotes mob mentality

>Whatever link you give, they have the same argument: "That's fake news from rightist site".
So, have you tried posting something other than fake news from a rightard site?

>I don't care what they think, I'm just pissed as fuck because of what they think!

I told you, I even used neutral/independent institute studies.

We're talking about people who see HuffPost as a mecca.


Don't twist my words you jew.

I wouldn't if you didn't make it so easy.

If this is what you're like defending nothing of consequence I'm betting your arguments on facebook were flat-out retarded

Redpill shitskins are far better allies than disgusting leftist whites.

In one of my workplaces I was friends mostly with the immigrants whilst the white people were mostly either crazy leftists, pompous private school fuckwits or wilfully oblivious soccer mum morons.

As such I lean more towards civic nationalism.

If you fight with people on Facebook you are a retard.

Fucking kek
Nice one b0ss

This. Best way to do it
Your gonna have to do it word of mouth and it'll be easier if you know your talking points as well and theyre gonna have a hard time refuting shit

>louis ck
found the cuck


it's easier to swallow the blue pill

Most redpilled guy I know is a Native American. He hates muslims and thinks whites make countries great, I told him about the Jew influence on politics and immigration and he actually took it in and did his own research and sees the truth now. I've tried to tell whites about it and they freeze up and go full muh 6 million mode

You guys are so cucked even betting is illegal for you.

ya, love all those niggrz walking on the moon

I feel you mate. I'm sick and tired of whites

It's just the cucked Swedes.
They are the ultimate cuckmasters in the World Cuck Olympics.

>Duh duh political opinions are retarded
Fuck off

Keep fighting the good fight user!

ACHTUNG - Memetic Warfare ammo depo below

>Trump and The Truth about Sweden

>The Feminist Government That Hates Women

>Google "Peter Springare". He's a cop. An very honest one.
twitter.com/pspringare (also check his facebook)

>Another peter

>Map of Migrant Crime In Sweden Since 2010:

>Tino Sandajis new book (for Swedes):

>Sexual harrasment (for Swedes):
polisen.se/Global/www och Intrapolis/Övriga rapporter/Lagesbild over sexuella ofredanden.pdf

PewDiePie vs The Media (yes this is is important too)






it's hard being 10

I'd lose my job/be arrested. They're even trying to prosecute people for ''''''hate speech'''''' on twitter.

Fuck off retard muslim slav.

ur are a faget

Don't lecture though just talk like you're confused about shit in a leading way so they'll try and explain and be self-redpilled.
I've columbo'd like 4 of my m8s kek

Having to resort to aggression means they are losing. Keep calm and make the best, most coherent and honest arguments you can. The less they are able to refute you, the more they are triggered. Your actual audience are the people on the sidelines.

>I'm a hero for posting my ignorance on facebook
The sad thing is you probably believe that

Swedes are brainwashed, mang. Don't even bother. Even the ones who have been raped personally will likely try to cover it up "so as not to contribute to xenophobia and racism"

You see this shit ? Even pol is full of self-hating whiteys. Fucking world. Fuckin jewry.

Columbo'd? Never heard that term kek
Yeah, avoid the monologues too cos they'll know it straight up if they bother to listen.
Its easy for me to sound like a clueless bastard but at the same time informed so hopefully that style should work

That's funny because blacks could be your greatest ally in this battle.

I just made it up, but yeah that style is perfect because when they try to explain they question themselves like 'that sounds retarded, doesn't it' while explaining to me and in my head I'm doing the shlomo hand rub.
>Feels good to help my buddies and have more people to talk about shit with.

Relax my dude.

Whites built a civilization that made life easy enough that retards could thrive and reproduce. The retarded whites are reaching levels of retardation so great that they are undermining the very pillars of the civilization that sustains them. Once this civilization collapses, the retards will quickly die off, while the non-retards will survive and regain control.

Don't be a retard. Prepare yourself accordingly and turn this impending crisis into an opportunity.

This actually sounds soothing.
Thank you burger bro.


not even once

Hahaha fucking true,
The best part is how you'd end up implanting the idea in their heads and it'll creep up on em when a sudden realization hits them

Did it a couple of times when I subtle redpilled them about marriage, gender double standards, and the migrant crisis

God, I sound like a manipulative cunt.
But if the Juice do it, why not use the tactics they employ hehehe
*rubs hand juicily :^)*

Nah mate, the non-goyim do it to help themselves, we're just reversing it to help our mates.
>Sup Forums are the nujews anyway, they have nothing on the power of meme magic praise kek

Hmmm that sounds about right, were all pawns to their grand scheme of things so fuck them hahah

We need to spread it in the fastest, most subtle way of redpill. Given that I'm non-white, it'd be more convincing/shocking to the normies than our white brethren doing the same - I got yo backs on most arguments ma niggas ;)

>Sup Forums are the nujews anyway, they have nothing on the power of meme magic praise kek
Kek, reminds me of pic related





Basketball american


Hey here's a fun fact l: you aren't woke you aren't enlightened. Everything you say is retarded and people don't like you.

That's it. Cry some more about it Righty

go eat a nigger dick, faggot.

Here we see the typical "I have a token POC friend so my views are legitimate" post. Damn must feel good to find the one retard who will. Listen to you cletus

Ta mate, keep up the good work.

Rightist arguments are always defeated very easily because they aren't rooted in reality and when they are the premise is shaky and mostly built on " I don't like this so it's fact here an obscure study"

I don't even have to try anymore because the typical rightist has the critical thinking skills of a child.

Ez pz

Tanned norseman

> To be backstabbed by your own kin

Slavs aren't the kin of nordics bud.

>White people are retarded


america likes to make fun of russia blowing up putin with propaganda but america does the same thing.

These are Putin tier ridiculousness.
>George Washington never telling a lie
>Ben Franklin flying a kite and getting struck by lightning to discover electricity
>moon landings

its all fake.

To you as well, lad :)
Praise Kek and he shall lead the way hahah


Welcome to my world.

t. ignorant faggot who legitimately believes whatever stupid drivel funny men on the speaking box tell them for their comedy shows.


You do realize your side is slipping now, right?

The pendulum has only just started to slow down, it hasn't even started swinging to the right.
