>alt-right figurehead is a gay pedo Jew who has said black cocks and circumcision are the greatest
Really makes you think
Alt-right figurehead is a gay pedo Jew who has said black cocks and circumcision are the greatest
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>>alt-right figurehead
this isnt r/donald faggot
you're going to get sick of winning
He wasn't much to begin with and now he's finished
>Alt-right is a bunch of racist, homophobic, anti-semitic Nazi!!!
>A homosexual, pedophile Jew with black boyfriends is their leader!!!
what a bunch of fags and larpers I guess antifa and leftypol was right
Imagine the amount of pussy Milo could get.
Antifa is never right and actually views a jew faggot as a nazi
super selfhating Milo unlocks his pedophile evolution. how could he get any worse
>Milo is a pedo
Is there anything that proves this or is it just bullshit?
once a kike, always a kike
>black cocks and circumcision are the greatest
we all know uncut pale cocks are best
Fuck off with your Milo shilling, nigger.
fuck, I know Trudeau is full of hot air but I wanna just have a beer with him and hang out.
he makes the cheetoh scrotum look like someones deranged uncle
>self proclaimed alt-right figurehead is a gay pedo Jew who has said black cocks and circumcision are the greatest
There, fixed it for you.
One out of context clip from an interview
>I wanna just have a beer with him and hang out.
Is that more FBI code you faggots use to describe your homosexual rendezvous?
>Sup Forums is alt right
>1 post by this ID kys faggot stop making milojew threads.
could you not try so hard please?
Wow, an edited clip lacking the context of the full conversation. Iron clad evidence!
totally. he could've just been parodying a pedophile.
bitch please, this is r/donald-center
Troll learns there are real life consequences to being an edgelord
you've been saying he is /ourguy/ for fucking ever. Stop denying it
I'm saying this as a fan of Milo.
1- why did he even want to go to this cuck convention
2- karma is a bitch! Milo should ask baked Alaska what it's like to be uninvited to something for free speech. Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences :^)
Where can I see the whole interview?
>h..he probably didn't even want to go
>uninvited from tour events
>uninvited from republican events
what does he have left? I admittedly was a fan once i first found his videos but he's just an extreme edgelord telling teenage boys what they want to hear.
The quicker you see he's full of shit, the better.
Literally no one has said that.
Switzerland stage 7 fucked - unsalvagable
this board was praising Milo until they saw what happens when you take being edgy too far
Who is this?
Has Justin Bieber changed his hair color AGAIN?
This is what passes for 'news' now?
Milo wouldnt be the FACE of Breitbart without Bannon's express approval. This means on of 3 things:
1. Only you see Milo as the jewish subversion agent while Bannon cannot, meaning Bannon is dangerously incompetent.
2. Bannon is a Jew shill. Which means Trump is a Jew shill.
3. HE IS THERE FOR A REASON - TO BE THE "agent provocateur".
Look at all the support Milo's drummed up. Look at all the media controversy he has caused. Look at all the riots that have been done against him showing the world the dangers of the left.
If Bannon is /ourguy/, Milo is /ourguy/ as well.
why is CTR in pol didn't shillary lose????
Pol have always been pro faggot
Sam Hyde's "hate" statistics have never been more appropriate.
The majority of pedos are gay!
you're delusional.
you think he's playing 4d chess when he's really playing peekaboo.
You know what? Fuck this. I'm pressing the proof button. Last I checked, a pedophile is someone who abuses underaged children.
Give me proof he diddled some kids. Give me victims. What he said is not proof that he abused anyone. Give me proof.
>being this jealous of our sexy, sexy PM
Don't get mad just because your leader is an obese old man who ate a few too many cheetos
I don't give a shit what games he is playing dumbass.
My point is - Milo would not be where he is doing what he is doing WITHOUT Bannon's personal oversight.
Meaning Milo's agenda is Bannon's agenda.
>which by extension is Trump's agenda
>Give me proof he diddled some kids. Give me victims. What he said is not proof that he abused anyone. Give me proof.
>but Pizzagate is totally real and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton and countless people in positions of power are operating a trans-national pedo ring. I know this based on some weirdly-written emails
So you don't have proof.
It's a load of shit. People on Sup Forums saying he's a pedophile are shills or baiting.
>he really thinks it's that deep
>should we tell him
>no lets let him dream
No, but I'm not claiming Milo is a pedo. Do you claim Podesta and Clinton are pedos?
at best he's a pedophile defender. are you okay with that?
I said literally nothing about Podesta or Clinton, you did.
I'm not okay with it, I don't like Milo at all. I'm also not okay with him being called a pedophile instead of what you said he is. Call it what it is imo.
Can't believe how easily this smear campaign is working on Sup Forums of all places.
I guess you guys really are just as emotionally and illogically driven - as well as willing to gloss over actual information in favor of shitty out-of-context edits and blog journalism - as the extreme lefties.
Tell me how it isn't the case dipshit.
In case you've had your head up your NEET ass for too long, there is a media war currently going on. ANYTHING that can be used against Trump or his team to bring them down has been thrown out there.
IF Milo was as much of a liability/shill/subversion agent as you say, Bannon would be completely fucking stupid then for having not only hired him, but putting him inthe fucking spotlight as THE face of Breitbart.
Go back to sucking cocks faggot, you are terrible at this.
At least he has the right politics.
You can't have the "right politics" if you're a paedo degenerate.
Paedos will be first on DotR
KEK came to me and told me Milo will kill himself over this. There will be order in the matrix once more.
Go and spread the word.
>figure head
He absolutely is not, and you are a complete idiot if that is how you perceive this situation. Milo is a shit disturbing drama queen that pisses off leftists and makes them look like morons when they resort to their normal tactics for shutting down people they don't agree with by calling them racists and trying to play identity politics.
He is an agent provocateur that leftists cannot resist engaging and he consistently makes them look like fools. People in the alt-right don't have to agree with anything he says or does for him to fulfil that role.
Not all of us. And you never know on here, if you don't have shills here talking to each other. This includes stormfront shills, yes.
Fuck that cont-op. He never fooled me with his bullshit.
What he advocated was legal sex. There's no problem here. People are just ganging up on Milo because of homophobia. This is worse than BLM and special snowflake identity politics. Just let him be a fag.
>gay-pedo-jew smear campaign
Top kek
Sup Forums has always been anti-Jew
take a hike, kike
>just let him be a fag
Fuck off back to r*ddit, newfag
b-but Salon told me Milo is a toddler rapist ...
wtf i hate milo now
He virtue signals by his >i lick blakballs
This is the apogee of being politically correct.
Same game different team.
only shill traitors support milo
Yeah really makes you think, it's almost like he isn't alt right. Hmm...
In the offending video, he starts his rant by talking about "arbitrary perception of consent" or something like that. He's definitely saying that some 13 years olds or whatever age are mentally capable of having sexual relationships with adults.
>identifying as ((((((((((((((((alt right))))))))))))))))))))))))
nobody uses this term except normies newfags and kike shills.
Stop this fucking "alt" meme. It's so lame and doesn't describe anything at all.
Yeah it's time to kill the alt right meme, kek wills it
>Donald Trump jerks the hand around of any foreign leader he meets in a show of dominance shortly after initiating the under-hand shake
>Incapable of jerking Trudeau's hand around at all
This is honestly President Trump's first non-jerking handshake with another foreign leader. This is impressive.