Not gonna lie, black guy here. This is fucking hilarious watching the white race crash and burn
Not gonna lie, black guy here. This is fucking hilarious watching the white race crash and burn
It's always darkest before the dawn.
at least we're white
>niggers in the USA are a fucking MINORITY and will ALWAYS be
>get over it
>get fucked
>kys op
>>niggers in the USA are a fucking MINORITY and will ALWAYS be
You wish.
Wonder how many less whites there will be in 2020, could this actually be a problem for Trump and the republicans?
Niggers are 13% and they were 11% in 2000.
Non-Hispanic whites are only 66% and were 72% in 2000.
Texasfag here.
I am not joking when I say we are going to be a blue state by 2020. Seriously, I'm getting the fuck out of this state.
But seriously though, we can't let the whites hide the KFC secret recipe.
I've heard good things about New Zealand.
Why are you laughing? When they replace us with apics, they aren't going to happily keep our old pet niggers around anymore. They all hate you. We have liberals and libertarians, at least.
they will always have a lower pop than hispanics, even with whites out of the way
you're in fucking denial.
this is bigger than just politcal parties.
same for georgia... this really sucks
Apocalypse will come when whites get extinct, you won't be laughing then
Allah let the secularist white die out due to infertility
>black people are racist meme
stale pasta get back to me when your people can run a stable government
Why do you think current Republican run states are coming up with voter suppression tactics and laws now that they're in control of everything? They know they're becoming a minority, so they're doing everything they can to keep non-whites from voting.
Well those bastards better do something about immigration.
Its funny how niggers think they are going to take over anything. If the white race dies no one will be around to protect you when the spics and gooks run over you without a shred of white guilt to hold them back. Niggers will never master themselves, so they'll never master anyone.
Oh lawdy!
Like spics are better than niggers
Not gonna lie, crash and burn here. This is fucking nuclear codes in all seriousness former Trump voter. But in watching Trump we can't let this guy get the hilarious.
Niggers aren't the one multiply mate, it's the spics and snackbars, they have 6 kids each.
Most of Metro Atlanta went Democrat and they still lost lmao.
Black birthrate in america is low. It's the hispanic demographic which is squeezing the others.
fags from the north keep moving here and spreading out from atlanta like cancer. they turned cobb county blue this election. used to be red as hell.
>Why do you think current Republican run states are coming up with voter suppression tactics and laws
they're not. laws like showing ID to vote are normal in western countries. the only reason we are having to reinstate them is because dumbass leftists were trying to say they are racist.
Based Indiana!!
It's white lefties though. White Republicans have the highest birth rates in America by far, noticeably more than Mexicans.
For me, watching your entire nation crash and burn has been hilarious.
It will only be a matter of time before you're denied even basic things like fresh water and electricity.
Your nation kills children for stealing sungkssses from tourist traps. You deserve everything you're getting
Enjoy the Mad Max world you filthy piece of shit
This only matters in AZ, FL and PA.
I know this is is b8, but in reality everybody will go down together in the end. Humanity has shown what it is.
Enjoying your favelas?
you say that now, but I'll bet you miss us when the Pleiadians come to take the last of us.
inshallah brother
>being this butthurt over a shitpost
Underrated post.
Shit, better import some doctors and engineers from syria.
Not yet. Demographics are still relatively friendly to Republicans everywhere but AZ which is on its way to become NV 2.0. FL and NC still have a lot of whites on their way to become more conservative and the entire rustbelt safe for IL is becoming Republican. GA will be lost by 2032 and TX somewhere around 2036 to 2050 unless something seriously changes.
i hope so
Damn, I wished that whites in Europe had that high birthrates
Nah m8 not quite yet. Republican numbers still grow every year because whites have a positive birth rate, it's just that Democrats grow almost double as fast because of all the immigration and high Hispanic birth rates.
I'm fine with this, because we will destroy the entire world with our last breath.
Help round'em up and start breeding you fool don't leave
Who cares if a white minority is right-wing. Take a look at South Africa
You fuckers really need to start reproducing like now, illegals are gone we have more room. Go out there and get surrogates.
Are you saying illegals shouldn't vote ! That's rayciss
>all the red states have increasing numbers of whites
>tfw "white genocide" only affects liberals
Just wait till we are gone nigger. China will quickly enslave your kind again with a brutality that will make you wish for the old south to come back. When the whit man is gone so will be any form of order peace and progress.
you know without the white race propping them up, niggers live in grass huts and tend to starve to death, don't you?
Brazil is literally your demographic and societal future.
reported for stealing a computer
>Hispanic people are the majority
>They start to kill all the balcks as now they are useless
Niggers will miss the white man more than everyone else.
What will you do when your wives have to be blacked in the wedding ceremony before you can consumate your marriage?
By black guy you really mean nigger right?
That's fine. You laugh. And keep laughing.
When the lights go out and the grocery store shelves are empty, you can tell your starving grandchildren how great things were "back in the day."
Doc, this dose is pretty shit
>High increase
what the fuck; it sure doesn't feel like it
Start reproducing burgers, Guess who's president and guess who's getting deported.
Just need to cut welfare off and all the brown babies will starve.
joke on you when the spics take over they ain't gonna pay for your give me dat
>whites die out
>"We're kangz again, SHIEEET!!"
>a few days later
>"Ayo hold up, wat u mean there is no food and electricity and shiet?"
There's always a silverlining.
Start reproducing kraut move to burgerland with your german qt and fuck like crazy unprotected
Nope I am content to watch it all burn. Besudes modern women disgust me and knocking a bitch up and running off is nigger behavior.
You're no better then a coal burner, Leave america you white hating freak.
yeee mon, blacks do so well under Jewish control once the whites are gone
like in Israel where the niggers were sterilized and deported
I see a bright future for you
Hate and love, interconnected
Jokes on you niggers when your welfare bank dries up.
White guy here. This doesn't bother me either. The world is shit and I hope we all die out.
Give me one good reason to give up my dreams, money, and life for a 10% shot at acuilly having a wife and not some fat SJW whore.
Get rid of your nigger/kike problem and we've got a deal.
Surrogates exist dummy
((((Not gunna lie))))
Birmingham, AL
St. Louis
All black run cities that have been decimated by crime and graft. No tax base. Hundreds of murders per year. Destroyed school systems. No industry.
Blacks are a failed race that are incapable of prospering in the modern world.
You're anti-white leave america race traitor
>Not gonna lie, black guy here. This is fucking hilarious watching the white race crash and burn
Keep laughing, but remember what happen when the white race left Africa?
Ausfag here. Will not be sending aid. Enjoy your starvation.
hey cala a boca, para de bostejar na internet sub humano
>All blue states
>Highest city densities
>Suicide watch no longer
I think it's hilarious that what your actually seeing is the death of the left.
From a suburb of Birmingham. Can confirm it's a third world shithole.
Fuck off, edgy cringelord.
Trump might end aid to Africa as well, With the EU crashing down and burning niggers will die out.
Single parent children have a 75% chance of failing at life and I have no intention of being a single father. Its either a true nuclear family or nothing.
>Edgy Cringelord
People like you are the reason for low white birth rates wanting us to become extinct. We have surrogates now use them, You don't need to marry a whore.
Hispanic population growth is projected to slow down a bit while the Asian one increases through immigration.
You're a faggot no offense dude, Children are better off with single fathers then mothers.
>The birth rate—the number of births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44—declined 29 percent for blacks, 25 percent for Asians, 21 percent for Hispanics, but only 5 percent for whites. In 1990, the black birth rate was 26.1 points higher than the white rate. In 2010, it was only 4 points higher.
Niggers do a good job of policing their birth rates. They all die pretty young from violence and half of them are in jail.
i know that feel senpai
isnt brazil white tho
I don't even want kids. Nobody deserves this hell.
Alaska here, only state I've lived in where whites have babies out the ass.
And they say it isn't happening to "us"....
It's amazing what a human can do when the presence of white guilt is not in their system.
There's a video I can't be arsed to find of chinks, OLD chinks breating the fuck out of some sandies.
>Trump as president
Dude Nihilism is the reason you're so retarded.
Let's be real. No woman wants to have kids with you is what you mean.
Most of these childless couples exist because the woman is settling with a man she has zero interest in breeding with. Moment a Chad comes along she will pump out babies.
Declining white birth rate is because average young white man is pathetic.